
  • 网络i shot
  1. 我会花时间在暗房洗我拍的照片,所以在高中前我爱上了黑色和白色组成的这个世界。

    I would spend hours in the darkroom developing pictures that I shot , so I fell in love with black and white before high school .

  2. 我拍了拍她的背。

    I patted her on the back .

  3. 我拍了拍他的头。

    I patted him on the head

  4. 我拍了一部电视剧——《温州一家人》,讲述了上世纪八十年代浙江一家子走南闯北、经商创业的故事,最终将事业扩展到了欧洲。

    I created a TV drama , One Family from Wenzhou , which tells the story of how a family from Zhejiang province made a living by doing business across the country in the 1980s and finally expanded their business to Europe .

  5. 一个名为“我拍”(ShotsOfMe)的社交网络即将于本周晚些时候上线,目标用户定位为青少年群体。

    A new Teen-Focused social network called shots of me will launch later this week , from the team that previously developed popular social mobile games under the rocklive brand .

  6. 我拍了这些照片,我去找HRC希望能得到帮助。

    And I took those photographs , and I went to the HRC and I asked them for some help .

  7. 我拍《超时空接触》(Contact,1997年的影片,讲述寻找外星生命的故事)的时候就想:“好吧,这不是在东方,在西方,在我们面前发生的事。你可以抬头看,北方的新边疆在哪儿?”

    Until I made " Contact " [ the 1997 movie about the search for extraterrestrial life ] . That made me actually wonder : " O.K. , it 's not just what 's happening here , east , west , in front of us . You can look up . What 's the new frontier to the north ? "

  8. 我拍了张像片所以你们能够看到这个标签。

    I took a picture so you can see the label .

  9. 我拍记录片不过是为了赚点名声。

    I 'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep.

  10. 那时候我拍电影时莉迪亚会来看。

    Lydia would come with me when I made the movies .

  11. 一定要让我拍张照。

    You have to Iet me take a picture of them .

  12. 那些录像不是我拍的

    Well , I didn 't film any of those videos .

  13. 你和我拍二,二,二。

    You and I clap two , two , two .

  14. 你和我拍三,三,三。

    You and I clap three , three , three .

  15. 让我拍一张你离开的照片吧。

    Let me take a picture of you walking away .

  16. 此时此地,我拍了一张照片。

    I took a photo for this time this place .

  17. 居然碰见熟客了,那是前些天我拍的一个黑人大叔。

    Meet a black uncle whom I photo the several days ago .

  18. 我拍下很多商店中独特工艺品的照片。

    I take many photos of the unique handicrafts in the store .

  19. 我拍照片用掉了半卷胶卷。

    I used half a roll of film taking pictures .

  20. 我拍他的肩膀,他转了过来。

    When I touched him on the shoulder , he turned around .

  21. 青年:唔通我拍你个头咩?(难道我拍你的头吗?)

    Elvis : Maybe I should pat on your head ?

  22. 帮我拍几张派对的照片给我看看。

    Take some pictures of the party for me .

  23. 除非你让我拍那个被抓的。

    Only if you let me film their capture .

  24. 他不会再让我拍电影了。

    He won 't let me make another film .

  25. 我拍的照片没洗出来。

    The pictures I took didn 't come out .

  26. 他们为何连帮我拍个照都不想?

    Why didn 't they even want my picture ?

  27. 《生死时速》。在我拍《坏小子》之前特别想拍。

    Speed . I wanted that bad , before I got bad boys .

  28. 我拍电影不是为了兜售什么自然的东西。

    I make movies not for selling something natural .

  29. 做游戏,我拍得强。请你们拍轻做回声。

    Play game , give me the echoes when I give you the rhythms .

  30. 能跟我拍张照吗?哦。

    Can you take a photo with me ?