
  1. 掌握成本控制规律,实现由绝对控制到相对控制的转变;

    Master law of cost control and realize the change from absolute control to relative control ;

  2. 在这一现象背后作用的,又是交易成本递减规律。

    The rule , which dominated this process , is the decrease rule of transaction cost .

  3. 支付工具的演变体现交易成本递减规律;

    Diminishing transaction cost ;

  4. 防范反社会行为需要运用边际成本递增规律给行为人以明晰稳定的边际成本警示信号,以抑制犯罪发生率。

    It needs to use the law of marginal cost for actors to warn signal of marginal cost , in order to reduce chance of criminal offence .

  5. 在分析煤炭环境成本发生规律和特点的基础上,运用数学统计分析方法,构建煤炭环境成本函数,并确定煤炭环境成本优化的原则和方法。

    Based on the analysis for the character and the law of the environmental cost of the coal-mining enterprise . , using mathematics to set up the environmental-cost function .

  6. 在油气田开发生产过程中,加密调整井边际效益变化规律遵循加密井边际产量递减规律、加密井边际成本变化规律和加密井效益变化规律。

    In the process of oil and gas field development , the changing laws of infill-adjusting well marginal efficiency follows the laws of its marginal production decline , marginal cost changing and efficiency changing .

  7. 明确了商业银行各类成本的变化规律及控制技术。

    It definition the changing of cost and rule of controlled .

  8. 应用概率统计的方法研究了小井眼钻井成本及其变化规律。

    Statistic method is used to study drilling cost and its regularity changing .

  9. 分析企业信息成本的变化规律及影响因素;

    It analyzes the change of enterprise 's information costs and some influence factors on them ;

  10. 研究风险水平与成本的变化规律,根据风险-成本权衡曲线,选择理想点区域中的决策方案。

    The decision proposal in the ideal area was chosen by exploring the change rule of risk level and cost according to the risk cost and benefit trade-off curve .

  11. 根据工程项目成本的一般规律分析,发现不同类型项目的含税毛利率的差异以及各类型成本构成比例的区别,根据研究结果提出有关针对性建议。

    According to the general rules of project cost analysis and found that different types of project have different profit and proportion of cost , according to research results related to specific recommendations made .

  12. 有关教育部门也应该采取有力措施规范教师的师德。教育部门虽然是精神生产领域,但同样可以借用物质生产成本核算的规律和原则。

    Education departments should also take powerful measures to norm teachers ' moral . Though educational department specializes in spiritual production , it can also make use of the cost calculation rules of material production .

  13. 最后指出,成本变化的规律不同,预测模型也不相同,在实际工作中,应根据实际情况选择合适的预测模型。

    Finally , it should be pointed out that the different cost variations to lead to different prediction models , in actual operation , it should be selected the proper prediction model according to the actual cases .

  14. 如果偏重于发展大工业企业,由于资本利润率下降和工资成本逐年上升规律,其资本有机构成随之要提高,就业的劳动力相对就越来越少,会发生严重的失业和消费不足;

    The preference for the development of large industrial enterprises will result in serious unemployment and inadequate consumption owing to the increasing ratio of capital to labor capital and hence the decrease of labor force employment affected by the decreasing ratio of profit to capital and increasing labor cost .

  15. 煤炭环境成本构成与变化规律分析

    Study on the structure and change rule of coal environment costs

  16. 随着系统维度及其相互关系的增加,评价的成本会按指数规律增加。

    With the growth of the number of dimensions and their relationships , the evaluating costs will be increased .

  17. 对赌博可通过成本、机会成本、供求规律等经济学原理来进行治理。

    The principles of cost , chance cost and rules of supply and demand in economics can be employed to eradicate gambling phenomenon .

  18. 基于标准化的靶场试验成本,借鉴经济学中企业规模与成本的关系规律,对靶场试验规模的经济性进行了初步探讨,结果发现靶场试验最经济的规模区域是年试验任务在4-8次之间。

    The economy of shooting experimentation size is also investigated combining the standardizing shooting experimentation cost , with the relationship between size and cost in economics , the results show that four to eight experimentations per a year fall in the economic range .

  19. 分析了机械制造产品全生命周期中各阶段的成本构成及其影响因素,揭示了产品制造成本的形成规律。

    The cost construct and its contributing factor in the mechanical product life-cycle are analyzed and the generation rules of product manufacturing cost are studied .

  20. 通过对煤炭环境成本影响因素的探讨,分析了煤炭环境成本的变化规律,并提出煤炭环境成本函数。

    After discussing effect factors of the coal environment costs , the development rule of coal environment costs is analyzed , and the function of the coal environment costs is put forward .

  21. 在对靶场试验标准化后的历史成本数据进行分析的基础上,总结试验成本运行的规律,运用线性回归模型和产品生命周期成本模型建模确定下一次试验任务的标准成本。

    We summarize the cost circulating rule , and set down the standard cost of the proceeding shooting experimentation using linear regression and lifecycle cost model by analyzing historical standard cost data .

  22. 在完成战略分析后,本文就AN公司实施第三方物流战略前后的成本变化进行了比较和分析,力图通过分析发现第三方物流战略实施前后各项物流成本的变化规律及趋势。

    After analyzing the strategy , the dissertation compares and analyzes the logistics cost changes of this company before and after the enforcement of 3PL , aiming to find out the tendency and rules of cost changes after the implementation .