
  • 网络stream of consciousness
  1. 意识流文学是西方现代主义文学的一种流派,20世纪20&40年代盛行于欧美各国。

    The literature of stream of consciousness is a school of Western literature of modernism , which had a great vogue in all countries in Europe from1920s to1940s .

  2. 鲁迅与意识流文学

    LU Xun and Stream of Consciousness Literature

  3. 从功能文体学角度分析意识流文学翻译的连贯问题

    Functional Stylistics Approach to Coherence Reconstruction in Stream of Consciousness Novel Translation

  4. 西方现代主义思潮与意识流文学的转向特征

    The Trend of Modernism and the Transiting Characteristics in the Stream of Consciousness

  5. 西方意识流文学是20世纪的一个重要的现代主义文学流派。

    The stream-of-consciousness literature is a very important modernism school in the twentieth century .

  6. 中国20世纪30年代的意识流文学

    Stream-of-consciousness in Chinese Literature of the 1930 's

  7. 意识流文学背后的现实主义精神

    Realist Spirit Behind Stream of Consciousness Literature

  8. “意识流文学性本能规定”说是一个虚假命题。

    The " sexual instinct determinism in the stream of consciousness " is a false proposition .

  9. 鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人,也是中国现代意识流文学之父。

    LU Xun is the founder of Chinese contemporary literature as well as father of Chinese modern stream of consciousness literature .

  10. 爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯是世界著名的意识流文学大师,其《尤利西斯》是迄今为止全世界范围内意识流小说的最高成就。

    James Joyce , a famous Irish writer , is considered as a worldwide celebrated stream-of-conscious literature master , Whose Ulysses the supreme achievement in the filed up to now .

  11. 意识流是文学艺术和电影艺术的重要表现手法之一,在现代文学中引起了广泛的关注,因此它具有很大的探索和研究价值。

    Stream of consciousness is a main artistic representation in literatures and movies . It has aroused many debates on modern literatures and is of great value of exploration .

  12. 现有的研究在对新时期之初的东方意识流这一文学现象的梳理和归纳,多层次探讨其本质特征、美学价值等方面取得了一些成就。

    The current research has combed and summarized the Oriental Stream of Consciousness , a literary phenomenon happened at the beginning of the new era , and discusses its fundamental characteristics and aesthetic value in various layers .

  13. 第三章主要阐述文学空白的运用和意义,对文学空白在说教文学、连载小说、意识流小说等多种文学作品类型中不同程度的运用情况及与之对应的不同审美效果进行了分析。

    The third chapter mainly elaborated the various degrees of applications and significances of literature blank in didactic literature , serial novel , stream of consciousness novel and other kinds of literary work .

  14. 作为欧美现代文学最杰出的作家之一,詹姆斯.乔伊斯奠定了意识流小说在英语文学中的地位,使现代英语小说获得了新的表现形式。

    As one of the most outstanding writers of modern European and American literature , James Joyce laid foundations for Stream of Consciousness literature in English literature and made modern English novel get new form of expression .