
  • 网络Italian Movie;Italy, cinema in
  1. 安德丝的事业始于罗马,她先是当艺术模特。罗马后来成为意大利电影的重要拍摄地,安德丝也进军影坛。

    Andress began her career as an art model in Rome , which led to film spots in the Italian movie industry .

  2. 他从意大利电影发展史以及其他国家的电影流派中汲取各种有益的元素,运用到自己的电影创作中,形成了独具特色的电影风貌。

    He learns a variety of useful elements from the history of the development of films from Italy and other countries which helps him to form the unique style of his films .

  3. 他们被合称为“GioventúBruciata”(颓废青年),这来自1950年的意大利电影《无因的反叛》(RebelWithoutaCause)。

    They were known collectively as theGiovent ú Bruciata , or Wasted Youth , a reference to the Italian title for the 1950 film Rebel Without a Cause .

  4. 在此之前,意大利电影获得了三次奥斯卡奖。

    Italian films earned three additional Academy Awards before that time .

  5. 谁导演那部新的意大利电影?

    Who directed that new Italian film ?

  6. 这家电影院专门放映意大利电影。

    The cinema specializes in Italian films .

  7. 困境中的生机&最近十几年的意大利电影总结针灸血清十几年来的研究进展。

    Italian Cinema since 1990s Make a review of the advance of acupuncture serum research during recent ten years .

  8. 作为新现实主义电影的摇篮,意大利电影更注重影片的写实风格与真挚情感的流露。

    As the cradle of Neo-realism , the focus of Italian movies is on the realistic descriptions and the expressions of feelings .

  9. 影片《九》紧随其后,获五项提名,其中包括最佳音乐/喜剧片提名。该片讲述了一位意大利电影导演的生活与爱情故事。

    Close behind was " Nine ," about the life and loves of an Italian film director , with five nominations , including best musical or comedy .

  10. 戛纳电影节向这名导演表示了敬意,称他为“意大利电影的巨头,永远都是世界电影的主角”。

    The Cannes Festival paid tribute to the director , calling him a " giant of Italian filmmaking , who will remain forever a leading light in world cinema . "

  11. 《白日焰火》接下来还将参赛全球其他重大电影节,其中包括本周末的翠贝卡电影节(TribecaFilmFestival)、本月晚些时候的意大利远东电影节(FarEastFilmFestival)以及6月份的悉尼电影节(SydneyFilmFestival)。

    It is now hitting major festivals around the world , including the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend , the Far East Film Festival in Italy later this month , and the Sydney Film Festival in June .

  12. 朱塞佩·托纳托雷(GiuseppeTornatore)是意大利写实电影流派的著名导演,他的影片多次获国际电影大奖,他的电影充满着浓郁的意大利风情,展现了意大利人特有的民族气质。

    Giuseppe Tornatore is a well-known realist genre film director in Italy , his films gained a lot of International Awards , and his works are full of natural Italian style , and also display the unique Italian national temperament .

  13. 黄金三镖客是一部上映于1966年的意大利史诗电影。

    The Good , the Bad and the Ugly is an epic spaghetti western released in 1966 .

  14. 《窒息》同样将入选在本月22日举行的意大利远东电影节。

    " Suffocation " will also run in the Italian Eastern Film Festival on 22nd of this month .

  15. 西部往事是一部上映于1968年的意大利史诗电影,导演塞尔吉奥·莱奥内,出品公司派拉蒙影业公司。

    Once Upon a Time in the West is a 1968 Italian epic spaghetti western film directed by Sergio Leone for Paramount Pictures .

  16. 意大利导演安东尼奥尼电影艺术专题研究

    Study on Antonioni , a Director of Italian Movie

  17. 在西方,他主要受到意大利新浪潮电影和德国电影的拍摄手法和拍摄技巧的影响。

    In the West , he is mainly affected by the Italian New Wave cinema and German film shooting style and technique of shooting .

  18. 意大利新现实主义电影与中国三四十年代电影的比较分析

    A Comparative Study of Italy new-realism Movies and Chinese Movies during 30-40 Ages

  19. 二次世界大战以后兴起的意大利新现实主义电影与现代派电影一起开创了现代电影,前者以具体现实的再现性意象表现的散文叙事形式,充分发挥电影叙事的客观性;

    Italian Neo-realistic movie rising after World War ⅱ and modernistic movie initiated modern movie .

  20. 这不是一部关于意大利飞机空战的电影,而是讲述各种各样的人以及他们的关系的电影。

    This isn 't a movie about Italian airplanes and firefights , but about people and relationships .

  21. 在风格上,他们激赏意大利新现实主义电影,如德。西卡的《一个偷自行车的人》。

    In addition , their styles tended to be more like Italian new realism film , like Vittorio De Sica 's 《 A Bicycle Thieves 》 .

  22. 现实主义电影思潮在很大程度上继承并发展了巴赞的“写实主义电影观”、“影像本体论”与“现实渐近线”理论以及意大利新现实主义电影的精神。

    The trend to a great extent has inherited and developed the neorealist spirit of Italian films and Bazin 's cinematic concepts of realistic , ontology , asymptote of reality .

  23. 他不仅借鉴西方现实主义电影的艺术手法,特别是意大利新现实主义电影的精华,而且,继承了中国电影中的现实主义传统。

    He not only learn the art of Western film techniques of realism , especially the Italian neo-realism films of the essence , but also inherited the Chinese film in the tradition of realism .

  24. 在全球文化交融语境中,意大利新现实主义电影与中国纪实电影以不同形式存在。

    The latter succeeds to the former , but possesses its distinctive features . 2 、 With the background of global cultural blending , Italian new realism film and Chinese documentary film exist in different ways .

  25. 练习瑜伽会使人信仰印度教,而阿莫斯神父认为“所有东方的宗教都是基于对转世的错误信仰。”年长的阿莫斯神父是在本周意大利的一个电影节上发表此番言论的。

    Gabriele Amorth , the Vatican 's chief exorcist , says yoga leads to a belief in Hinduism , and " all eastern religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation ," the Telegraph quotes him as saying .

  26. 比较意大利新现实主义电影与中国三四十年代电影在题材、背景、风格等方面的差异,探索它们不同的电影艺术传统,能够发现中外电影深层的一些本质区别。

    The paper attempts to compare the theme , background and style of Italy new-realism movies and those of Chinese movies and to analyze the difference in movie art traditions between these two countries . And then to find out some deep essential difference .