
yì wèi
  • meaning;meant to be;significance;implication;interest;flavor;connote;overtone
意味 [yì wèi]
  • (1) [meaning;significance;implication]∶含蓄的意思

  • 意味深长的一笑

  • (2) [interest;overtone;flavor]∶情调;兴趣;趣味

  • 这首诗意味无穷

  • 诗歌之意味。--蔡元培《图画》

意味[yì wèi]
  1. 通过与安娜相处,他明白了爱意味着什么。

    With Anna he learned the meaning of love .

  2. 手机销售公司卡胡纳的总裁亚丹·马奇可说道,只有不到15%的手机用户会特意调整设置,这就意味着剩下的85%的人会默认软件制造商的各种预设置。

    According to Adam Marchick , CEO of mobile marketing company Kahuna , less than 15 percent of smartphone users ever bother to adjust their notification settlings -- meaning the remaining 85 percent of us default to the app makers ' every preset trigger .

  3. 这项研究意味着要耗费大量的时间和精力。

    This study represents a major expenditure of time and effort .

  4. 她强调说他们的计划将意味着牺牲和辛勤工作。

    She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work .

  5. 乔恩一来就意味着要喝更多的香槟酒了。

    Jon 's arrival was a cue for more champagne .

  6. 她的话音中有点儿讥讽的意味。

    There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice .

  7. 你知不知道贫穷意味着什么?

    Do you have any idea what it means to be poor ?

  8. 这个决定意味着在很大程度上脱离了原先的政策。

    This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy .

  9. 她的晋升意味着她每星期多挣100元。

    Her promotion means she 's $ 100 a week better off .

  10. 这意味着每天都要长途开车。

    It will entail driving a long distance every day .

  11. 这次会议将意味着很多额外工作。

    The conference is going to be a lot of extra work .

  12. 他的话有斩钉截铁的意味。

    There was a note of finality in his voice .

  13. 自动化意味着许多工厂工人失业。

    Automation meant the loss of many factory jobs .

  14. 公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。

    The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses .

  15. 这在成本上意味着什么?

    What does this mean in terms of cost ?

  16. 日益衰弱意味着她愈来愈需要卧床。

    Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed .

  17. 对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。

    The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers .

  18. 谈判破裂意味着和平进程暂时受阻。

    The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process .

  19. 驱逐成千上万人意味着人道主义的巨大灾难。

    The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions .

  20. 任何形式的作弊都意味着自动取消资格。

    Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification .

  21. 工厂如果关闭,就意味着500人要失业。

    When the factory closes , it will mean 500 people losing their jobs .

  22. 你比我年长并不意味着你什么都知道。

    Just because you 're older than me doesn 't mean you know everything .

  23. 这些新规则可能意味着我们熟悉的足球终结了。

    The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it .

  24. 一个简单的判断错误就意味着食物不够每人一份。

    A simple error of judgement meant that there was not enough food to go around .

  25. 如果我接受了这份工作,那将意味着我得举家搬迁到意大利去。

    If I accept the job , it will mean uprooting my family and moving to Italy .

  26. 不让他参加比赛,也许就意味着我们全无获胜的可能了。

    Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning .

  27. 合作意味着成功。

    Cooperation equals success .

  28. 具有讽刺意味的是,那本书她觉得最糟糕,却比她的其他任何一本书卖得都好。

    Ironically , the book she felt was her worst sold more copies than any of her others .

  29. 税收的增加意味着我们将比以前每月少挣30英镑。

    The increase in taxes means that we 'll be £ 30 a month worse off than before .

  30. 修筑新的道路可增加交通流量,反过来也是同样的道理:减少道路的数量和规模就意味着减少交通流量。

    Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true : reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic .