
  1. 本文探讨了在专业课教学过程中情感规律的运用方法。

    This article discusses the application of rules of emotion in the teaching practice of professional courses .

  2. 把握色彩、形状的情感规律,有助于提高节日礼品包装的文化内涵。

    Holding the emotion rules of color and form is helpful to improve the culture meaning of festival gifts ' package .

  3. 论语文教育情感活动规律及情感培养

    On the Activity Rule of Emotion in the Teaching of Chinese and Its Cultivation

  4. 可以运用情感活动规律培养学生情感。主要有以境入情;

    It can also utilize the law of emotion activities to develop students emotion .

  5. 应用情感心理规律,培养贡献社会的责任感;

    Applying feeling psychological laws to cultivate the sense of responsibility in making contributions to society ;

  6. 数学情感及其规律

    Mathematical Feeling and Its Law

  7. 论悲剧痛感和快感&对悲剧审美主体情感活动规律的分析

    The Keenly Feel and the Large Charge of Tragedy : an Analysis of the Regularities of the Emotional Activities of the Aesthetic Subjects of Tragedy

  8. 语音变异、义位反差、超常搭配、语境位移等构成了文学语言表现、传达文学情感的规律和特点。

    This article principally discusses the law and feature of the literary language forms through which the literary emotions relay with regard to sound variation , implication contrast , abnormal collocation and language situation displacement .

  9. 根据情感的变化规律,积极营造情感氛围,培养学生的高级情感,建立全方位情感育人机制。

    Besides , we should construct a positive emotional atmosphere and nurture a higher level of emotions from the students in accordance with the law governing the change of emotions .

  10. 艺术语言情感逻辑的运行规律大致遵循潜逻辑的相似律、自由律、模糊律、偶然律。

    The emotional logic of artistic language adhere to the disciplines of subconscious logic whose contents are similarity , freedom , obscurity and contingency .

  11. 本文试图从中职生教育的困惑出发,以中职学生当前现状和存在问题为基础,探索道德情感教育的基本规律和实践,以期进一步提高学校德育教育的实效。

    Based on the puzzlement on education towards vocational students and the current situation and problems among them , this article tries to explore the basic rule and practice to promote the effectiveness of school moral education .

  12. 在此基础上,遵循情感教育教学认知规律,以建构主义理论为指导,探讨研究了情感、态度与价值观目标实现的教学策略。

    This thesis follows the cognitive laws of emotion teaching in addition to adhere to the guidance of constructivism theory and makes an investigation into the teaching strategies in realizing the goal of emotion , attitude and values .

  13. 要揭示通过诗歌进行审美情感培养的特殊规律,除了运用教学理论,还必须运用审美心理学的观点和方法,以及美学和文艺理论的基本原理。

    To disclose the special law of esthetic emotion education through poem teaching , we must use teaching theory , the view and methods of esthetic psychology as well as the basic principle of esthetic and theory of art .

  14. 因此,把握大学生情感教育的内在规律,实施有效的情感教育,研究如何提高和增强情感教育在大学生思想政治教育中的实效性,具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it has the vital significance to grasp the inherent rule of college students ' emotional education , to carry out effective emotional education and research how to improve and enhance the actual effect of emotional education in college students ' ideological and political education .

  15. 通过计算机仿真,验证了情感模型是符合人类情感规律的&不确定性同时又具有统计规律。

    The simulation results demonstrate that the artificial psychology model can produce different kinds of emotion and fit for human affective rules with indetermination and statistic .

  16. 因此,研究当今大学生的情感状态,把握实施情感教育的规律,具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study of college students today , grasp the emotional state of law implementing emotional education , have very important sense .

  17. 文章通过对比国内情感教育实践内容,提出对情感教育规律性的认识。

    It is practice of emotional education in content , put forward to the emotion education regularity .

  18. 通过对线条方向情感的实验分析,探索服装设计中线条方向情感的基本规律,结合服装设计实例,研究线条方向情感在服装设计中的应用。

    Discussed the basic rules of linear direction emotion in fashion design through experimental analysis , and studied its application in fashion design by means of examples .

  19. 第二章,中国古典舞作品中的情感表达,包含:作品动作语言风格特征;作品情感表达规律。

    Chapter ⅱ: the emotional expression in the work of Chinese Classical Dancing , including the characteristics of body language in the work and expression rules of the emotion in the work .

  20. 据此,为了进行有效的情感识别,达到提高识别率的目的,本文将准确提取能够反映真实情感变化规律的特征作为研究的重点。

    In order to improve the recognition rate of affective recognition , this paper focuses on the extraction of effective features which can reflect different affective states .

  21. 本文试从情感与道德教育的关系、情感在道德教育中的效能和道德情感形成的基本规律出发,探索情感性道德教育的基本规律和实践,以期进一步提高学校德育的实效。

    Base on this situation , it will be transversely analyzed that the relationship between sensibility and moral education , the roles that sensibility played in the moral education and the basic rules how the moral sensibility formed .

  22. 歌唱语言与生活语言虽属同宗,但由于音乐因素和音乐艺术表现规律的直接作用,造成了对歌唱语言情感表达和情绪表现的种种复杂的制约,从而导致形成独特的歌唱语言情感表达规律。

    Although the singing language not different from the life language , but the musical elements and the individual way of music expression made the singing language had its own rule to show the emotion of the song .

  23. 情感教育坚持以人为本的理念,关注人的心灵和情感世界,尊重人的情感发展规律和教育发展规律,充分发挥情感的特殊效应,以情育人。

    Emotion education sticks to human-centered principle , pays attention to human 's mind and emotion world , respects human 's emotional and educational development rules and fully exerts the special effect of emotion to teach person with feeling .

  24. 文章着重阐述了歌唱语言的艺术夸张在歌唱语言情感表达方面的独特功能作用,从一个特殊的视角揭示歌唱艺术语言的特殊情感表达规律。

    The paper emphasized special function of the artistic exaggeration in the singing language and it unveiled the special expression rule of the singing language from a unique viewpoint .

  25. 对于情感的自动分类,与传统的完全依赖语言文字特征的识别方法不同,本文将语言特征与情感间的迁移规律相结合来进行处理。

    For the emotion automatic classification part , we combine the language features and the emotion transfer law to solve problems which is different from traditional means that total reliance on language features .