
qíng fù
  • mistress;paramour;other woman;miss;doxy;lady friend
情妇 [qíng fù]
  • [miss] 男女两人,一方或双方已有配偶,他们之间发生性爱的行为,女方是男方的情妇

情妇[qíng fù]
  1. 有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。

    Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower

  2. 丈夫、妻子与情妇的典型三角关系

    the classic triangle of husband , wife and mistress .

  3. 他的妻子知道他有一个情妇吗?

    Does his wife know he has a mistress ?

  4. 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳、不可侵犯的,现在却猛不防正从他的控制下溜走

    His wife and mistress , until an hour ago and inviolate were slipping precipitately from his control .

  5. 的确,就像每个高级腐败官员背后都有情妇一样,他们的周边也一定有“一双白手套”帮助他们的家属敛财和理财。

    Indeed , just as there are mistresses behind every corrupt senior official , there is also " a pair of white gloves " in the wings to help their families make their fortunes and manage them .

  6. 一位学生看到这条通知后,觉得展示自己幽默感的机会来了,就走上前,将class中的c擦掉,将意思变为汤姆教授明天将和情妇见面。

    A student , seeing his chance to display his sense of humor after reading the notice , walked up and erased the c in the word class .

  7. 6月份,MarkSanford神秘失踪,去阿根廷探望其情妇,随后承认持续一年的桃色事件。

    Sanford disappeared back in June to see his mistress in Argentina , later admitted to a yearlong affair .

  8. 六月份立法者休假之后,州长MarkSanford秘密前往阿根廷与情妇相会。

    Lawmakers adjourned back in June that was just before Governor Mark Sanford secretly went to Argentina to be with his mistress .

  9. 早在2013年7月西班牙报纸ElPeriodico报道说释永信有一个在北京某大学读书的情妇,并且有一个私生子在德国。

    A Spanish Newspaper , El Periodico , reported in July 2013 that the abbot had a mistress who was a university student in Beijing and a son living in Germany .

  10. 珍惜你在Yale怀里的日子吧,看厌了你那张不体面的小脸,他很快会找一个新情妇.当那时来临,我将得到极大的满足。

    Value your moment in the arms of Yale , for they will soon find a new mistress after the depreciation of your inglorious little face . When the time comes , I shall acquire immense satisfactory .

  11. 我最喜欢的电影是《巴黎最后的探戈》(LastTangoinParis)。我赞同(在理论上)臭名昭著的浪子詹姆斯・戈德史密斯(JamesGoldsmith),他说过,当一个男人跟他的情妇结婚时,他就创造了一个就业机会。

    My favorite movie is ' Last Tango in Paris . ' I agree ( on a theoretical level ) with the notorious rake James Goldsmith , who said that when a man marries his mistress , he creates a job vacancy .

  12. 公司安排我和一个叫Jackie的“典型情妇”接触(至少因为这个专栏的目的,她希望叫Jackie),她对阿什利·麦迪逊网站完全满意。

    The company put me in touch with a " quintessential mistress " named Jackie ( at least she wanted to be named Jackie for the purposes of this column ) who professes total satisfaction with Ashley Madison .

  13. 这会让他老婆猜疑他给情妇买了什么。

    It makes her wonder what he bought for his mistress .

  14. 但满脑子都是丈夫和他的情妇的画面。

    But she could only picture her husband be with mistress .

  15. 实际上,她是一个魔鬼的情妇。

    In fact , she was a mistress of a devil .

  16. 我曾找过情妇,比如赛林娜,那个法国舞女。

    I tried taking mistresses , like , the French dancer .

  17. 你知道马哈斯的夫人是我丈夫的情妇吗?

    You knew Madame de Marras was my husband 's mistress ?

  18. 娶了情妇,你就制造了一个职位空缺。

    When you marry your mistress you create a job vacancy .

  19. 你又不是第一个有情妇的男人。

    You 're not the first man who has a lover .

  20. 严曾遭到了他的情妇今年早些时候。

    Yim was attacked by his mistress earlier this year .

  21. 当时人们认为法王就应该拥有情妇

    A French king was expected to have a mistress .

  22. 演员成龙与其情妇也共育一女。

    Actor Jackie Chan had a child with his mistress .

  23. 我把他情妇住的那栋大厦买下了

    I bought the building that his mistress lives in .

  24. 在阿斯彭为他的情妇买了一套爱的小屋。

    On a love shack for his mistress in aspen .

  25. 他们要供游艇、情妇和豪宅。

    They got their boats and mistresses , house payments .

  26. 老板把情妇安排在一个华丽而俗气的爱之窝。

    The boss set his mistress up in a snazzy love nest .

  27. 戴娜·米勒劳森的情妇,这是一场办公室恋情。

    Dana Miller , Lawson 's mistress , was an office romance .

  28. 他找了一名情妇坦白说

    he 's got a mistress who is , frankly ,

  29. 我情妇的眼睛一点不像太阳;

    My mistress ' eyes are nothing like the sun ;

  30. 我情妇走路时候却脚踏实地:

    My mistress , when she walks , treads on the ground :