
  • 【电影】Magnificent Scoundrels
  1. 上周末另外两部大规模上映的影片《决战终点线》(Rush)和《情圣囧色夫》(DonJon)都进行了大规模的宣传,但票房并不理想。

    Two of the weekend 's other wide releases , ' Rush ' and ' Don Jon , ' had extensive marketing campaigns that didn 't seem to translate to extensive ticket sales . '

  2. 然而有一天,这个大情圣玩得太过头了。

    But one day the arch-romantic became a little too flamboyant .

  3. 情圣唐璜的故事不是非常地浪漫吗?

    Isn 't the story of Don Juan pretty romantic ?

  4. 大卫:哎,我又不是(情圣)唐璜。

    David : Well , I 'm no Don Juan .

  5. 但我感觉你可以扮演一个很好的情圣。

    But I have a feeling you could play a very good Casanova .

  6. 我的确是高中的情圣来着。

    I was a dork in high school .

  7. 也许我并不是一个经典电影迷,但我读过“大鼻子情圣”。

    I may not be a huge classic film buff , but I have read Cyrano .

  8. 德普扮演的角色是情圣唐璜&或者,额,觉得是情圣的唐璜。

    Depp plays DonJuan , the legendary lover – or at least someone who thinks he is .

  9. 我怎样才能控制情绪,以使每天卓有成效呢?天天催你结婚的男人要不是情圣,要不就是骗子。

    If you marry a man My Lover reminders every day , and it was a cheater .

  10. 另外,吸血情圣和具有超能力的女主人公使得这部电影看起来更加性感。

    Additionally , in fact that immortality and super human strengthen this really sexy and there you have it !

  11. 情圣或者骗子都不是可以信赖的人,所以很多人面对结婚选择了逃避。

    My Lover or cheater is not trusted by the people , so a lot of people choose to avoid marriage .

  12. 罗比·莱弗利主演过80年代的电影《少年巫师》,而埃里克与《吸血情圣》的女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特合作了圣丹斯电影节获奖电影《说话》。

    Robyn Lively starred in the80 's movie Teen Witch and Eric was in the ③ Sundance awarded film Speak with Twilight 's Kristen Stewart .

  13. 《决战终点线》的大规模首映票房收入1030万美元,排名第三,《情圣囧色夫》票房900万美元,排名第五。

    Rush ' had a wide release debut in third place with $ 10.3 million and ' Don Jon ' opened in fifth place with $ 9 million .

  14. 大屏幕上许多电影都讲述过类似的问题,不过即将上映的电影《情圣》将再次以此为主题。

    The question , which has been dealt with many times on the big screen , will be in focus again in the upcoming comedy Some Like It Hot .

  15. 那你也打算教我吗一步一个脚印情圣不如你先把那双富乐坤扔了吧

    You gonna show me how to do that too ? One thing at a time , Don Juan . Why don 't we start with you losing those Florsheims .

  16. 我写了这电影,这是一部自传体的电影,取材于某位大情圣的经历,还有我……你们笑什么?

    And I wrote the film , and it 's an autobiographically movie . It 's based on the experiences of a great ladies man and I. .. you 're laughing ?

  17. 想想大鼻子情圣为呆头呆脑的基督徒写诗歌来追求罗克珊;或是电影《她》中,瓦昆菲尼克斯扮演的冒失鬼爱上了电脑操作系统。

    Think of Cyrano de Bergerac , who supplies poetry to the lunkheaded Christian to woo Roxane ; or the movie Her , in which Joaquin Phoenix 's sad sack falls in love with a computer operating system .