
Gross Balance and Structrue Analysis on Demand and Supply of China Power
Analysis and Forecast of Quantum Balance between China 's Fruit Supply and Demand
Balancing the overall coal supply and demand ;
The Importance of Total Quantitative Balance and Structural Optimization to the Raise of Integrative Benefit
Prediction of coal market in 2004
Chapter 4 will give policy proposals for maintaining the overall balance between grain supply and demand .
Discussion about the balance of the iron and steel gross & the research of the final consumption balance method
The author discussed three aspects of this important problem : firstly , the connection between total quantitative balance and structural optimization ;
Agriculture comprehensive exploitation play a crucial role for the increasing of farmers income and make great contribution for the balancing agriculture industry .
Food public crisis formed by emergency is due to the unexpected or occasional event , instead of balance itself that between demand and supply .
Agricultural products are supplied , has realized it from long term shortage to overall balance , historical transit - ion of supluses during good years .
The main eco-safety problem is that the quantity and quality of cultivated land is decreasing , the intensity of utilization is higher , the productivity is lower .
Urban land supply and demand equilibrium includes not only supply demand structure and quantity equilibrium , but also the first and the second class urban land market supply demand equilibrium .
The focus of this work is to keep the scale of fixed assetinvestmentand credit under control and to promote overall balance between total supply and total demand while improving the structure .
Within the basic constraints of the overall balance of water , ecological water and basic living water , the allocation system of water resources is to pursue the maximum effect of water utilization .
To put it briefly , main goal of state plan is as follows : Optimum economic growth , overall balance and structure balanced , scientific and technological progress , and balance between equity with efficiency .
In this paper , we analyse the operating data and ejection density current for middle or small reservoirs in the loess area , which establish the method of total equilibrium about the deposition and sediment ejection .
Karl Marx 's theories concerning the equilibrium of aggregate social supply and aggregate social demand that include total equilibrium , structure equilibrium , material equilibrium and price equilibrium are the theoretical foundation of macroeconomic regulation and control .
However , it said " appropriate use " should be made of the " special effects " the exchange rate could have in efforts to adjust the structure of the economy and achieve " overall balance " .
We will improve micro-level vitality to underpin macroeconomic stability , explore new ways of achieving supply to boost demand , and balance total supply and demand through structural adjustments to ensure the economy performs within an appropriate range .
In order to lessen the human-land contradiction , realize the balance between farmland occupation and supplement , it is necessary to optimize the land allocation between rural and urban areas and put the intensive land use pattern into practice .
Theoretical study on the international balance of payments began very early , and formed a series of well-known theory , but those studies are mainly in developed countries , focusing on how to adjust the overall balance of international payments .
Market economy has inherent defect , and national economy wants to pursue the object of total balance and has to coordinate and optimize the industrial structure , as a result , the government has to intensify administration on real estate exploitation activities .
In middle region with medium economic level and land use ratio , it is necessary to convert the objectives of land consolidation concentration from increasing quantity of cultivated land to promoting its quality , based on keeping dynamic balance of cultivated land amount .
This paper suggests streamlining of current laws and policies and the adoption of combined total emission control ( TEC ) and emissions trading ( ET ) policy , so as to encourage the free choice of the efficient control strategy by power plants .
Meanwhile , the last two stages ' accuracy control contents are discussed in detail . Regional external transport adjustment , space modification , total passenger generation equilibrium adjustment and trip attraction equilibrium adjustment were proposed in the model-computed results , with the adjustment model established .
Practice has proved that the current rural land consolidation to increase the effective arable land , improve the quality of arable land , balance and occupation and retrieval of the total arable land to promote the new rural construction and development of agricultural industrialization has made some achievements .
Under the conditions of market economy , market regulation has its own defect that cannot be saved by itself , i.e. , there exists " market ineffectiveness " in the market economy : pure market regulations cannot keep the stability of macro economy and the balance of economic gross ;
Under the general background of China 's entry into WTO and agricultural structure readjustment , it is imperative to attain dynamic equilibrium of farmland by land development and cultivated land protection .
The population is proportional to renewable resources in equilibrium state ;