
  • 网络sex tourism;sexual tourism;sex tours
  1. 财神就是瘟神:当代泰国性旅游业的发展与艾滋病的蔓延

    Studies on the Growth of Sex Tourism and the Spread of AIDS in the Modernization of Contemporary Thailand

  2. 为重塑泰国适宜女性游客的旅游胜地形象,泰国政府承诺将终止臭名昭著的性旅游业。

    Thailand has promised to eradicate its notorious sex tourism industry as it attempts to reinvent itself as a female-friendly travel destination .

  3. 这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。

    The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs .

  4. 在去俄国边境的一般性旅游中,他也可以得到很大的乐趣。

    He even got a kick out of the standard tourist trip to the Russian border .

  5. 另一家马来西亚报纸《太阳报》(theSun)在2013年表示,这部印象系列演出将是2014马来西亚旅游年(VisitMalaysia2014)的标志性旅游观光项目。

    Another Malaysian newspaper , The Sun , said in 2013 that the Impression show is set to become one of the iconic tourist attractions for Visit Malaysia 2014 .

  6. 另一家马来西亚报纸《太阳报》(TheSun)在2013年表示,这部“印象”系列演出“将是2014马来西亚旅游年(VisitMalaysia2014)的标志性旅游观光项目”。

    Another Malaysian newspaper , The Sun , said in 2013 that the " Impression " show " is set to become one of the iconic tourist attractions for Visit Malaysia 2014 . "

  7. 7月9日,越南全国性旅游机构的副主席阮曼强(NguyenManhCuong)告诉记者,尽管中国游客减少,但越南今年依然有望接待820万国际旅客。几天后,中国的钻井平台离开南海的有争议水域。

    Despite the drop in Chinese arrivals , Vietnam still expects to welcome 8.2 million international tourists this year , Nguyen Manh Cuong , vice chairman of the national tourism agency , told reporters on July 9 , days before the Chinese oil rig left the disputed area of the South China Sea .

  8. 乡村体验性旅游项目开发模式研究

    Study on the Development Mode of Experience Program of Rural Tourism

  9. 蜀南竹海的再生性旅游开发研究

    On the Regenerative Development of Tourism of Bamboo Sea of Yibin

  10. 观赏石是一种商品性旅游地质资源。

    Ornamental stones is a commodity and tourism geology resources .

  11. 湘潭市历史街区保护性旅游开发研究

    Research on the Protective Tourism Development of Xiangtan Historical Block

  12. 对突发性旅游事件的危机管理;

    2 , the crisis management to sudden tour accident ;

  13. 国内大型主题性旅游演艺产品开发初探

    A Study on the Exploitation of Domestic Large Theme Tourism Performing Art

  14. 观光性旅游的旅游者信任因素实证研究

    Case Studies on Factors of Trust from Sightseeing Tourists in Travel Agencies

  15. 非均衡性旅游地空间竞争中搭便车问题研究

    Game Theory Application on Free Riding in Non-Equilibrium Spatial Competition of Tourism Destinations

  16. 论宁夏长城的保护性旅游开发

    A study on the tourism development and protection of Great Wall in Ningxia

  17. 最后提出体验性旅游购物的系统开发。

    In the end , development on experience of tourism shopping is studied .

  18. 最后,介绍了概念性旅游规划研究的主要技术路线。

    The main technological routes in the conceptual tourism planning are also introduced .

  19. 可持续与可替代性旅游会议纪要&第六届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会

    Summary of the Sixth Tourism Front Line International Symposium & Sustainable and Replaceable Tourism

  20. 对以上结果作了初步的探讨。生产性旅游:一个初步的理论探讨

    Possible explanations of these observations are discussed . Productive Tourism : An Initial Probe

  21. 论参与性旅游活动的模式和特点

    On the Model and Character of Participation Tourism

  22. 概念性旅游规划理论初探

    Study on the Theory of Conceptual Tourism Planning

  23. 洛阳建设国际性旅游城市的思考

    Thoughts on making Luoyang an international tourist city

  24. 概念性旅游规划探讨

    Preliminary Study on Conceptual Planning of Tourism Site

  25. 区域性旅游集团不适合旅行社业的经营特点;

    Regional tour company groups do not fit the operation characteristics of this industry ;

  26. 体验性旅游项目设计包括纵向深度设计和横向整合设计。

    Experience tour item design is the core and sprit of tour site planning .

  27. 开阔思路调整产品结构开拓上海非观光性旅游

    Widening Horizons , Adjusting the Structure of the Product , Developing Shanghai 's Non-sightseeing Tours

  28. 关于装饰性旅游产品个性的思考

    Pondering over Individuality of Decorative Tourist Product

  29. 主题公园是现代旅游业中成长较快的一种现代旅游资源,被世界旅游组织称为当前乃至未来世界旅游发展的三大趋势之一,是后工业时代发展起来的一项综合性旅游项目。

    The theme park is a kind of modern tour resources in modern tourism industry .

  30. 可重复性旅游的建设问题研究

    A Study of Repeatable Tourism Construction Issues