
  • 网络Sexual Development;personal and social development
  1. 随访患者骨折愈合时间、是否发生并发症,若发生肘内翻,测量其肘内翻的程度,并且观察肘内翻的程度是否呈进行性发展。

    Patients were followed up fracture healing time , complications , in the event of cubitus varus , cubitus varus measured the extent of , and observe whether the degree of cubitus varus was sexual development .

  2. 节n习俗、功能发生了一系列的变化,由单一性向综合性发展。

    A series changes of the festival customs and functions the development of festival from single to comprehensive .

  3. 计算机网络的爆炸性发展和Internet的全球扩展正在改变企业运作和使用信息的方式。

    The explosion of computer networks and the global reach of the internet are transforming the way businesses operate and use the information .

  4. 陶瓷企业通过实施ERP,实现了人工管理向以信息技术管理为主的突破性发展。

    With the implementation of ERP , ceramic enterprises have achieved breakthrough development from the manual administration to informational technology management .

  5. Si基高效发光与受激光发射是Si基光子学突破性发展的关键课题,它的实现对Si基微电子学的发展有深远的重大意义。

    The realization of high efficiency luminescence and stimulated emission is of great significance for the development of Si-based photonics and advanced Si-based micro-optoelectronics .

  6. COREX是唯一实现工业化的熔融还原流程,为中国钢铁行业的可持续性发展带来了机遇。

    It is the only one of smelting and reduction processes which has been industrialized .

  7. WWW访问的爆炸性发展正是Internet成功的重要原因,然而目前的Web服务器却缺乏相应的QoS机制,导致在过载时造成巨大的经济损失。

    The explosive growth in WWW is the main cause of Internet success . But because the current Web servers architecture is short of QoS ensuring mechanism , it leads to significant revenue losses while server is overloaded .

  8. 得出,转型国家是按阶段性发展;转型国家信任与人均GDP、GDP增长率和外资引进都存在一定的相关性,信任是解释经济增长的重要变量。

    Then , concludes that countries in transition are staged development ; there is a certain correlation in trust , per capita GDP , GDP growth and foreign investment in transition countries . Trust is an important variable to explain economic growth .

  9. 结论FRA、FN、α2-PI、PLG在肾组织内的共同表达及协同作用,是促进肾脏纤维化或硬化进行性发展的重要因素。

    Conclusion The expressions and correlations within renal tissues of FRA 、 FN 、α 2-PI 、 PLG indicate these are significant factors in the developments of renal tissue fibrosis or cirrhosis .

  10. 加拿大城市可持续性发展战略及对我国的启示

    Sustainable development strategy in Canadian cities and Its Revelation to China

  11. 市民社会理念与社会自主性发展

    The Concept of Burgher Society and the Development of Social Autonomy

  12. 浅议方案教学对儿童主体性发展的作用

    On the Role of Project Approach in Initiative Development of Children

  13. 大学阶段是个体自我同一性发展的主要时期。

    College students are the main period of development of self-identity .

  14. 魏晋南北朝突破性发展的书法碑志

    Epoch-breaking Calligraphy Inscription During Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  15. 提高农业用水效率促进农业可持续性发展

    Raise Agriculture Water Rate to Promote Sustainable Development of Agriculture

  16. 因此,聋人的社会性发展实际上都离不开耳聋这一事实。

    The psychosocial development of deaf people is encircled with the deafness .

  17. 在中澳两个样本中,女孩的社会性发展量表得分均高于男孩。

    Sex differences in total scores were found only in the Australian sample .

  18. 同一性发展与人格发展有密切关系。

    The development of ego identity is closely related with some personality factors .

  19. 南京地区野生蔬菜的开发利用及可持续性发展对策

    The Sustainable Development Measure of Wild Vegetables in Nanjing

  20. 论法规律性发展的社会理性基础

    On Social Logos Foundation of Law 's Regular Development

  21. 从建构主义学习观论学生的主体性发展

    On the development of students ' subjectivity from the constructivist view of learning

  22. 金源文化阶段性发展述论

    On the Development of the Jin Dynasty Culture

  23. 促进民间社会和参与性发展

    Promotion of Civil Society and Participatory Development

  24. 发挥高校教学管理职能促进学生主体性发展

    Research on the Teaching Management in Colleges in order to Promote Student 's Subjectivity Development

  25. 高校健美操教学中学生主体性发展的构建策略

    The Structure Tactics of the Subjective Development of the College Students in College Gym Teaching

  26. 生物资源的合理开发不仅与可持续性发展问题密切相关,而且与开发者的收益密切相联。

    Reasonable utilizing of biological resource has direct relationship to sustainable development and economic revenue .

  27. IT科技革命把英语词汇发展推向全新的、科技化的发展平台,其明显的阶段性发展特征使新词的产生和发展同样经历了初始阶段、多媒体阶段和网络阶段;

    IT English new words have experienced elementary , multi-media and network phases of development .

  28. 生态文化建设的目标,是实现生态的可持续性发展、经济的可持续性发展和社会的可持续性发展。

    Eco-culture construction target is to achieve ecological sustainability , economic sustainability and social sustainability .

  29. 幼儿社会性发展以遵循幼儿身心的发展规律为前提。

    And the precondition of infant social development is following the mental and physical development disciplinarian .

  30. 这种悖论性发展趋势为中小企业的战略选择提供了广阔的空间。

    The paradoxical development trend provides broad space for strategic choices of small and medium-sized enterprises .