
  1. 当我们进行评价性交流时,仔细考虑描述性和负责的表达方式的重要性。

    When using evaluative communication , consider carefully the importance of descriptive and responsible expressions .

  2. 如果只是一次简单的礼节性交流,事前所汇报的可能就只是一些基本的信息,包括是谁先提请进行联络,以及两到三个推荐的话题。

    If it is a simple courtesy call , the information provided may be basic , including details on who initiated contact , and two or three recommended talking points .

  3. 我写了一些真实发生过的小故事,因为,设计Flickr就是鼓励互动性的交流活动的。

    I covered some interesting stories that have happened , because Flickr was designed to encourage social interaction .

  4. 第二个价值是提供一个标准的方法,它是一个UML模型,来与SOA项目的业务涉众和技术性团队交流Web服务的设计工作。

    The second value is to provide a standard way , which is a UML model , to communicate the design of the web service to both the business stakeholders and the technical team in the SOA project .

  5. 作为当前两种最具代表性的交流变频调速控制策略,转子磁场定向控制(RotorFieldOrientedControl,RFOC)和直接转矩控制(Directtorquecontrol,DTC)在鲁棒性能上各具特色。

    As the most typical control strategies in AC motor drive system , Rotor Field Oriented Control ( RFOC ) and Direct Torque Control ( DTC ) have their own features in robust performance .

  6. 网络的互动性使交流者的角色变得多元化。

    The interactivity of the Internet makes communicator roles multiple .

  7. 通过经常性的交流对所有的重要客户进行地区支持。

    To provide regional support for all VIP customers by regular communications .

  8. 这样我就能更好地了解那些非语言性的交流了。

    It would 've helped me understand some nonverbal cues .

  9. 检测钢片表面有机涂层抗渗性的交流阻抗谱方法

    Test of Anti-permeability of Organic Coating on Steel by AC Impedance Method

  10. 这些年轻人希望能发挥主动性,交流思想,但是他们缺少经验。

    The young want to take initiative and share ideas but lack experience .

  11. 我们就海洋保护区如何发挥功能进行了实质性的交流。

    There have been substantive conversations around how marine protected areas should function .

  12. 娱乐表演项目更多的带有商业性、交流宣传性和娱乐性。项目的宗教性淡化。

    Entertainment items have more projects of commercial , exchange of information and entertainment .

  13. 与未到法定年龄的女孩进行性的交流的犯罪行为。

    Sexual intercourse with a girl who has not reached the age of consent .

  14. 什么是性的交流?

    What is the communication of sex ?

  15. 它的社会性和交流性。

    It 's social and communicative .

  16. 海水侵蚀下钢筋混凝土耐久性的交流阻抗谱

    Study of the Durability of Reinforced Concrete under the Long-term Intrusion of Seawater by AC Impedance Spectroscopy

  17. 他们通过建设性的交流与对话,一同为市民的利益而工作。

    Through constructive exchanges and continuous dialogue , both sides work in the interest of the public good .

  18. 如果对方开始了一次评价性的交流,那么我们经常感到不得不作出相同的回应。

    If the other starts a conversation at the evaluative level , we often feel compelled to respond similarly .

  19. 近年来,国际性经济交流会议与论坛的不断增多,大大提高了对会议翻译的需求。

    In recent years , conference interpreters are in demand as the number of international economic forums and conferences increases .

  20. 高速电子通讯媒体,例如电子邮件和电视,在逐渐地抑制有意义的和有思想性的交流。

    High-speed electronic communications media , such as electronic mail and television , tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication .

  21. 由于文化是双向性的交流,在文化教学中不仅要学习西方的文化,也要懂得自己的文化。

    Since culture is a two-way exchange , it is necessary to learn Western culture and understand our own culture .

  22. 第二,网络新闻传播的跨国性质因为文化的异质性造成交流隔阂进而引起文化冲突。

    Second , the international character of news communication on the Internet causes cultural conflicts due to heterogeneity of different cultures .

  23. 本届中关村论坛年会继承了往届中关村的创新性、交流性和国际性的特点,同时也办出了本年度的特色。

    This Z-park annual conference has still kept the innovative , communicative and international characteristics , and also has special features of current year .

  24. 网络的一些特性如参与主体多样性、交流方式多样性、去中心化等特征,具备公共领域建构的条件。

    Some of the features such as diversity of communications way , participating subject characteristics , counter-centralization , fit the conditions of the public sphere construction .

  25. 而且过去几天我们就如何前进有过一些非常有建设性的交流。

    And we 've had an opportunity over the last couple of days to have some very constructive exchanges of use about how to move forward .

  26. 您可以直接使用调试引擎来进行调试,并在调试操控台上查看得到的结果,这有助于进行互动性的交流。

    You can issue commands directly to the debug engine and view the resulting output in the debug console , which helps enable a fairly interactive debug .

  27. 按照参与评价交流工具的用户人数多寡,着重评价具有代表性的交流工具。

    According to the number of users who take part in the tool evaluation , this paper puts a special emphasis on the evaluation of the representative tools .

  28. 而促进学生自发性、随意性的交流活动和学习活动的效率和多样性是高校教学建筑的目标。

    And that promoting the students ' spontaneous and random communion activities and the efficiency and the variety of the study activity are the target of college teaching building .

  29. 对交流伺服这种快速变化的非线性复杂系统,人们已提出了各种控制方案优化系统性能,其鲁棒性是交流伺服系统的重要性能之一。

    For AC servo system of quick changing and non-linear complex system , many kinds of methods are presented . Among them , the robustness is one of the important indexes .

  30. 如果你在寻求一种激励性的交流,当然是关于你如何成为富有、拥有身心健康、获得任何你渴望的结果,那么你已经走错了路。

    If you 're looking for a motivational pep talk about how you can be rich , achieve perfect health and obtain everything you desire then you 're on the wrong path .