
  • 网络attitude change;change of attitudes
  1. 宣传商界,组织,与政府的态度改变。

    Promoting attitude change in the business , organizational , governmental sectors .

  2. 品牌熟悉对广告过程中品牌态度改变的影响

    The Effect of Brand Familiarity on Brand Attitude Change in the Process of Advertising

  3. 不用说,最后我的态度改变了,而且改变得很快。

    Needless to say , it did change , and quickly .

  4. 消费者态度改变途径探讨

    Probe into the Path of the Variation of Consumer 's Attitude

  5. 安全态度改变与安全行为强化

    Change of attitude towards safety and intensification of safety behavior

  6. 但导致态度改变的不仅仅是丑闻。

    But it is not only scandals that have changed the mood .

  7. 避孕套功用知晓率、对待艾滋病病人的态度改变不明显。

    Knowledge on condom use and attitude to AIDS did not change much .

  8. 我注意到他的态度改变了。

    I was reminded how his attitude had changed .

  9. 事后,我的农场态度改变了。

    After that , my farm attitude changed .

  10. 科学研究中的非预期事件与态度改变

    Effects of Unpredictable Events on Attitude Change

  11. 他对我的态度改变了。

    His attitude toward me has changed .

  12. 警务交际与态度改变理论

    Police Communication and attitude Changing Theory

  13. 态度改变三阶段理论在安全生产宣传教育工作中的运用

    The application of attitude change theory to the propaganda of the Party 's safety production policies

  14. 亚洲社会的态度改变缓慢,很多人认为一直单身是不对的。

    Social attitudes in Asia change slowly , and many people think it wrong to remain unmarried .

  15. 在过去十年里,人们的态度改变了太多。

    There has been such a huge change in people 's attitudes over the last 10 years .

  16. 一是为罗杰斯的创新扩散理论在个体态度改变的发生机制方面的论述,提供一种发生于不发达社会的新经验。

    One is to provide new experience occurring in less developed society for the Rogers ' Innovation Diffusion Theory .

  17. 在研究二的基础上,第三个研究模拟了真实情境下,内隐态度改变是否还会影响被试对产品的选择。

    Based on Part 2 , Part 3 simulates the whether the implicit attitude change will impact consumers ' product preference .

  18. 态度改变从内外因来描述,内部原因包括:个人经验、相关知识、个人欲望。

    Use internal and external reasons to describe the change of the attitude . Internal attitude includes : personal experience , knowledge , desire .

  19. 采用企业家代言能够建立一种独特的品牌符号识别和延伸识别,通过产生特定的品牌联想影响消费者态度改变和行为发生。

    Leader contributes to a unique sort of brand symbol identity and extended identity , influencing consumers ' attitude and behavior with specific brand associations .

  20. 研究目的:本研究之目的在评估高中学生参加直接接触精神病患方案后,对精神病患态度改变之成效。

    Objective : This study is designed to evaluate the impact on high school students anti-stigma program through direct contact with individuals with mental illnesses .

  21. 他的态度改变了,口气更加严厉了:你以为我们撒谎,我们残酷,因此你在精神上比我们优越?

    His manner changed and he said more harshly : ' And you consider yourself morally superior to us , with our lies and our cruelty ? '

  22. 根据霍夫兰德的说服模型,高校德育工作者要促使大学生的态度改变必须注重自身的形象塑造:一要增强自身的可信度,二要增强自身的吸引力。

    According to Hovland s persuasion model , In order to promote university students change their original attitudes , the university moral educator must improve his credibility and attractiveness .

  23. 睡眠者效应是态度改变研究中一个有趣而反常的现象,是指在态度改变过程中,说服效果随着时间的推移不降低反而提高的一种现象。

    The sleeper effect is an intriguing and counter-intuitive phenomenon in the field of attitude change , which describes a persuasive influence that increases , rather than decays , over time .

  24. 同时,提出了从态度改变、建立社会支持体系、提高驾驶员的自我能力评估等方面入手对驾驶员侵犯驾驶行为进行矫正的策略。

    Finally , countermeasures were put forward to rectify aggressive driving behavior from the aspects of changing attitude , establishing social support system , improving drivers ' self-evaluation and so on .

  25. 文章从消费者信息处理的角度出发,将品牌传播的分为四个过程:品牌到达、品牌认知与记忆、态度改变、行为改变。

    From the point of consumer processing the information , the essay divides the brand communication into four procedures : brand reach , brand recognition and memory , attitude change , behavior change .

  26. 残疾人态度改变的策略:实际接触、信息提供、共同参与和政策支持;

    Effective strategies on changing attitudes toward people with disabilities , such as increasing contacts , providing information , participating in mutual activities and enacting beneficial policies on behalf of people with disabilities ;

  27. 相反,那些向劳伦斯一家倾泻赞美之辞的人们回答的却是另外的,尽管是与前一个问题相关的问题:公众对种族的态度改变了吗?

    In contrast , those heaping praise on the Lawrences are addressing separate , if related questions : have public attitudes to race changed , and did the Lawrence case play a part ?

  28. 而从广义角度说,则是其为适应变化要求而进行知识和态度改变,以至行为改变的活动。

    While from the broad sense , it is an activity that farmers update their knowledge , alter their attitudes and thus change their behaviors in order to adapt to the change of circumstances .

  29. 实验结果证实,资源损耗对叙事传输有显著影响,并且个体意志力资源的缺乏通过传输程度部分中介的作用对态度改变造成影响。

    The empirical results confirmed that resources loss in narration has a significant influence on the transportation , and through the part of the transportation part of the role of intermediary of attitude change affect .

  30. 第二个研究在研究一的基础上增加了产品选择阶段,考察了幽默导致的内隐态度改变是否会影响被试对产品的选择。

    In addition to Part 1 , the product selection stage is added to the Part 2 to investigate whether the implicit attitude changes caused by humour will affect consumers ' purchase decision on new products .