
huái yí zhǔ yì
  • Skepticism;scepticism
怀疑主义[huái yí zhǔ yì]
  1. 相反,现代的怀疑主义却并不质疑任何人,仅仅摧毁变革理论。

    By contrast , modern scepticism challenges nobody and dismantles only theories of change .

  2. 因为他不喜欢急进教员的怀疑主义的唯物主义。

    Because he dislikes the scepticism and materialism of radical teachers .

  3. 要想让员工成为“消息灵通的怀疑主义者”,企业可以建立一种数据导向型的文化(但并不是成为数据的奴隶),从CEO开始自上而下地推广。

    One way for a company to ensure that they turn their employees into " informed skeptics " is to work on creating a data-driven ( but not data-enslaved ) culture , starting with the CEO on down .

  4. 这个条约可能会重新激起欧洲怀疑主义者对欧盟军队的恐惧。

    The treaty may revive Eurosceptic nightmares about an EU army .

  5. 我们要明辨两种不同类型的怀疑主义。

    We want to distinguish between two different types of scepticism .

  6. 论契约型信任关系的理论原型&怀疑主义和社会契约论视角中的信任关系

    On the Theoretical Prototype of Contact - model Trust Relationship

  7. 我的怀疑主义精神,让我逐渐形成了独立思考的能力。

    My skepticism has helped me develop an ability to think independently .

  8. 保守主义信念导致美国国会对联合国持怀疑主义的态度。

    The belief of conservatism induces the skepticism attitude towards the UN .

  9. 古希腊怀疑主义论式探究

    Probe into the Tropes of the Scepticism of Ancient Greece

  10. 闭合论是怀疑主义的重要论证方式。

    Closure theory is an important argument form of skepticism .

  11. 记住对所有的设想都要保持健康的,怀疑主义的态度去思考。

    Remember to maintain a healthy skepticism about all preconceptions .

  12. 别误解我的意思科学怀疑主义是有好处的

    Now , don 't get me wrong : scientific skepticism is healthy

  13. 马克对自己不断引起的怀疑主义十分清楚。

    Mark was well aware of the scepticism which he continually provoked .

  14. 相对主义、怀疑主义:现代西方哲学中的幽灵

    Relativism and Skepticism : Ghosts in Modern Western Philosophy

  15. 这样所有怀疑主义假设实际上暗示出我的思考和存在。

    So all these skeptical hypothesis actually imply my thinking and my existence .

  16. 西方怀疑主义认识论的历史演进与思维方式

    Evolution and patterns of thinking of western skepticism epistemology

  17. 怀疑主义不应被看成一种单纯怀疑的学说。

    Skepticism should not be looked upon merely as a doctrine of doubt .

  18. 论休谟哲学的怀疑主义及其影响

    On the Skepticism among Hume Philosophy and the Impact

  19. 他们是怀疑主义者、非英雄以至丑角。

    They are skeptics , non-heroic and even clown .

  20. 怀疑主义对人类社会发展的消极影响与积极作用并存。

    The skepticism affects the development of society positively as well as negatively .

  21. 因此,本文基本赞同用语境主义对怀疑主义进行批判。

    Therefore , I basically agree with the criticism of skepticism from contextualism .

  22. 好吧,请原谅一下我的怀疑主义情绪。

    Okay , okay , forgive my skepticism .

  23. 很快笛卡尔运用非常极端的方式来应对怀疑主义。

    Now very quickly Descartes way of dealing with skepticism is quite an extreme one .

  24. 允许质疑,甚至是那些怀疑主义者,因为真相会让人们觉得不那麽舒服。

    Allow for doubt or even skepticism as the truth can make people feel uncomfortable .

  25. 相对主义、怀疑主义的严重泛滥,也使得现代西方哲学内部蕴涵着否定自身的危机。

    The overflow of relativism and skepticism contains a self-denial crisis in modern western philosophy .

  26. 怀疑主义:一朵没有结果的花

    Skepticism : A Flower Without Fruit

  27. 假如一个人果真有强烈的信仰,就可以纵情享受(宗教上的)怀疑主义了。

    If a man really have strong faith he can indulge in the luxury of skepticism .

  28. 明智的怀疑主义是造就一个优秀批评家的第一要素(詹姆斯罗素劳维尔)。

    A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic ( James Russell Lowell ) .

  29. 但是揭示该理论缺陷的这种决心,其实无关乎怀疑主义,和肆意的虚无主义更是远远扯不上关系。

    But this determination to expose flaws isn 't really about skepticism , far less wanton nihilism .

  30. 他们说,正视欧盟怀疑主义的最佳方法就是改进和深化欧盟合作。

    The best way to confront Euroscepticism , they say , is to improve and deepen the EU .