
  1. 这些三明治小得都快看不见了!

    The sandwiches were microscopic !

  2. 爸爸,快看我!

    Look at me , Daddy !

  3. 天哪,快看,安妮。

    Cor , look , Annie .

  4. 如果人们发现你在走路,他们就会欢呼,“哦,快看这个孩子在干什么。”

    If people found you walking , they cheered , " Oh , look at what the kid is doing . "

  5. 有一小撮不听话的头发竖了起来,仿佛在喊着:“快看我啊!”

    an unruly clump of hair stands up as if to shout " Look at me ! "

  6. 她跑下楼冲她丈夫喊道:“快看,快看。我又能穿上以前的裤子了。”她丈夫看了她好一会儿,然后说:“亲爱的,我爱你。但那是我的裤子。”

    After going long ago . " Look , look . " she shouted while . " I can wear my old jeans again . " Her husband looked at her for a long time , when said , I love you , but these are my jeans . "

  7. root:(身体结构的)根(如牙根等)快看Eric的发根。

    Jenny : Oh , look at Eric 's roots . -

  8. 快看,我把最近和服装设计师PJ合作拍摄的照片做成海报啦!

    Lately I did a photo shoot with Fashion Designer PJ , the owner of Approx Jewelery & Accessories boutique , which was such a fun experience .

  9. 小猴:快看!大白鹅!你们好吗?

    Monkey : Look ! Big geese ! How are you ?

  10. 快看!快看!那边好像有什么好玩的事!

    Look ! Look ! There seems to be something interesting !

  11. 乔伊:喔,快看快看!光屁股的莫妮卡!

    Joey : ooh , look-look-look-look-look ! I got Monica naked !

  12. 快看这是那套旧的喝茶游戏道具

    Oh , look . Here 's your old tea party set

  13. 茱丽,快看我找谁签名了。

    Juiie , iook who I got to sign my yearbook .

  14. 快看,孩子们,看,看,快看!

    Look boys and girls . Look , look , look !

  15. 康妮:哦,快看,我都开始想家了。

    Connie : oh , look ! I 'm homesick already .

  16. 孩子们快看,这是公主。

    Oh look boys and girls , it 's the princess .

  17. 我太累了都快看不清前面了。

    I 'm so tired . I can hardly see straight .

  18. 我要把这份数字表很快看一遍。

    I 'll just run through this list of figures .

  19. 雾气太重了,我快看不清路了。

    It 's too thick . I can 't see through this .

  20. 阿美:快看,六点半将上映《阿甘正传》。

    May : Look , Forrest Gump is on at6:30 .

  21. 阿珍∶有一点。我们很快看一下好了。

    Jane ︰ A little . Let 's take a quick peek .

  22. 看看他,快看他在那儿

    Yeah . Look at him , look at him .

  23. 快看,我们刚路过一家凯菲

    Oh , look . We just passed a Carvel .

  24. 恕我无礼先生好吧快看我还有奶油奶酪还有香蕉

    Excuse me sir Okay look I got cream cheese I got banana

  25. 孩子们,快看,皇家手指家族不见了。

    Look boys and girls , the Royal Finger Family is missing .

  26. 快看嘛,麦克斯,它不会咬人

    Look at it , Max. It won 't bite .

  27. 快看窗外有啥?

    Quick , look out the window . What did you see ?

  28. 我的眼睛快看不见了。

    I 'm so pissed , I can hardly see .

  29. 毛毛:爷爷,你快看,不笑更像。

    Yadar : Look , even more like it when he doesn 't.

  30. 看看哪,快看。

    Take a look at this . Look at this .