
kuài bù wǔ
  • jig;quickstep
  1. 他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。

    They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate .

  2. 跳快步舞用的三四拍子的乐曲。

    Music in three-four time for dancing a jig .

  3. 他和他的舞伴领头跳一种快步舞。

    He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step .

  4. 老女巫也只好跳起快步舞来。

    So the old witch was forced to dance a jigs .

  5. 狐步,快步舞及维也纳圆舞。

    The slow fox-trot , quick step and the Vienna waltz .

  6. 我的诗章像快步舞或快跑一样旅行。

    My verses shall trip ye a jig of a fling .

  7. 皇上知道怎样跳快步舞吗?

    Does the emperor know hoe to do the quickstep ?

  8. 我几乎已经忘掉了怎么说笑话,怎么跳快步舞了。

    I 've nearly forgotten how to make a joke or dance a jig .

  9. 只跳拉丁舞,华尔兹和快步舞还是由我来跳。

    Just the Latin dances , I 'll still do the waltz and the quickstep .

  10. 传统舞蹈包括华尔兹、快步舞、探戈、狐步舞等等。

    Traditional dances include the waltz , quickstep , tango , foxtrot , and so on .

  11. 标准舞包括五种不同的舞蹈:华尔?、探戈、维也纳华尔?、狐步舞及快步舞。

    Standard Dance including 5 different kinds of dances : Waltz , Tango , Viennese Waltz , Foxtrot and Quickstep .

  12. 立刻,哈利的双腿便不受控制地抽动起来,像是在跳一种快步舞。

    and the next second Harry 's legs began to jerk around out of his control in a kind of quickstep .

  13. 交谊舞又称现代舞或摩登舞,是体育舞蹈的一种,它包括华尔兹、探戈、互补舞、快步舞和维也纳华尔兹。

    Ballroom dance also known as modern dance , or Modern dance is a kind of sport dance , which includes the waltz , tango , complementary dance , quickstep and Viennese waltz .

  14. 注释:兰巴达,源自巴西的快步现代舞,也叫贴身舞。

    Notation : Lambada , a fast modern dance originally from Brazil , also named dance next to skin .

  15. 跳快步二拍子舞厅舞时用的进行曲;常常在斗牛时演奏。

    Music in march time composed for dancing the paso doble ; often played a bull fights .