
  • 网络a heart transplant;heart transplantation
  1. 她动了心脏移植手术,这是为挽救她的生命而作的最后一次努力。

    She underwent a heart transplant in a last-ditch attempt to save her .

  2. 一找到合适的捐献者即可进行心脏移植手术。

    The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found .

  3. 哈瑞福德医院以其开创性的心脏移植手术闻名于世。

    Harefield Hospital has become world-famous for its pioneering heart transplant surgery .

  4. 12个星期前他才刚刚接受了风险很高的心脏移植手术。

    Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery

  5. 他做了心脏移植手术,正在康复。

    He was recovering from a heart transplant operation .

  6. 医生告诉他除非马上做心脏移植手术,否则他将活不成了。“你很幸运,我们刚好有两个心脏在这儿,所以你必须选择其中一个。它们分别属于一个律师和一个社会工作者。”

    The doctor tells him that he will not live unless he has a heart transplant and the other to a social worker " .

  7. 结论术前合并HBV感染并非心脏移植手术的绝对禁忌证,只要处理得当,就可行心脏移植,术后患者可长期存活。

    Conclusion Preoperative HBV infection was not the contraindication for heart transplantation .

  8. 自Barnard于1967年首次成功完成人类心脏移植手术以来,经过近半个世纪的发展,目前同种异体心脏移植被公认为是治疗各种终末期心脏病的最有效方法,并广泛地应用于临床。

    It has been nearly half of a century since Dr. Barnard performed the first human heart transplantation in 1967 , and there was a great development in heart transplantation during this period . Now heart transplantation is considered as the most effective therapy in treatment of end-stage heart diseases .

  9. 目的在心脏移植手术中实施CTLA4Ig腺病毒基因治疗并联合术后输注供体骨髓细胞,诱导异基因大鼠心脏移植耐受,并对相关机制进行研究。

    Objective To study the effect of CTLA-4 Ig adenovirus gene therapy combined with postoperative infusion of donor bone morrow cells on the induction of cardiac allograft tolerance in rats and to study the mechanisms of transplantation tolerance .

  10. 该保险的终生偿付额总统200万美元,加上前面四个月的治疗费用,移植手术会让他超过赔付限额。更别说Brynn接受心脏移植手术之后的治疗所需的费用。

    The insurance has a $ 2 million lifetime treatment cap , combined with the last four months of Brynn 's treatment , the surgery will push her past the limit and the Lewis ' expect to be dropped and the meds Brynn will need to stay alive after the transplant ?

  11. 上个月死去的病人死因是心脏移植手术后的并发症

    The patient died last month from complications following a heart transplant

  12. 那是六个月前我做的一次心脏移植手术。

    When I got a heart transplant , six months ago .

  13. 心脏移植手术要耗费接近100万美元。

    The transplant surgery will cost close to a million dollars .

  14. 他们给病人作耗费巨资的心脏移植手术。

    They do expensive operations to give people new hearts .

  15. 心脏移植手术中巡回护士的配合

    Cooperation of circuiting nurses in the course of heart transplantation

  16. 他是心脏移植手术的开创者。

    He was a pioneer in heart transplant operations .

  17. 随后心脏移植手术几乎停止了。

    After that heart transplants as good as ceased .

  18. 在替代的心脏移植手术中边缘心脏移植并不增加原发性移植物功能障碍发生率

    Marginal cardiac allografts do not have increased primary graft dysfunction in alternate list transplantation

  19. 去年,他接受了心脏移植手术。

    He had a heart transplant last year .

  20. 手术采用中度低温全麻体外循环,采用标准原位心脏移植手术方法。

    Orthotropic heart transplantation was performed under general anesthesia and middle hypothermia cardiopulmonary bypass .

  21. 如果不做心脏移植手术,她就会死去。

    She would have died without the transplant .

  22. 心脏移植手术进行了9个多小时。

    The heart transplant took over nine hours .

  23. 我做了个心脏移植手术。

    When I got a heart transplant .

  24. 甲状腺激素在心脏移植手术中的应用

    Application of Thyroid Hormone in Heart Transplantation

  25. 世界首例人工心脏移植手术曾在法国成功完成,患者如今已经去世。

    The first patient to be fitted with a pioneering artificial heart in France has died

  26. 心脏移植手术的麻醉处理

    Anaesthesia treatment of heart transplantation

  27. 在历史上第一位成功地为病人做了心脏移植手术的人是一位南非的外科大夫――克里斯敦-伯纳德。

    The first doctor in history to successfully perform a heart transplant was the South African surgeon , Christian Barnard .

  28. 1997年后,接受了心脏移植手术,他成为了美国网络的扬声器器官共享局主席。

    After receiving a heart transplant in1997 , he became chairman of the Speakers Bureau for United Network for Organ Sharing .

  29. 2周后实施心脏移植手术。

    The heart grafting was carried out 2 weeks later , and the survival time of the grafts was observed and monitored .

  30. 36年前,克里斯琴·巴纳德博士完成了第一例心脏移植手术,当时这好像是科幻小说中的情节。

    It seemed the stuff of science fiction when Dr. Christian Barnard performed the very first heart transplant operation 36 years ago .