
  • 网络cardiac nerve;Cardiac branch
  1. 因此,电刺激小脑顶核可增加梗死区和非梗死区心肌组织TH、CHAT染色阳性神经纤维密度,促进MI后心脏神经纤维再生。

    FNS could increase the density of sympathetic or vagus nerve fibers for TH or CHAT staining positive in IZ and NIZ in myocardium of MI rats , so FNS could promote cardiac nerve regeneration .

  2. 探讨预先电刺激小脑顶核(FNS)对大鼠心肌梗死(MI)后心脏神经再生的干预作用。

    We investigated the effects of fastigial nucleus electro-stimulation ( FNS ) in advance on cardiac nerve regeneration after myocardial infarction ( MI ) in rats .

  3. CO2激光心肌血运重建术对心脏神经损伤的实验研究

    Experimental study of heart nerve damage in CO_2 transmyocardial laser revascularization

  4. 结论阿霉素DCM模型适合于研究衰竭心脏神经内分泌异常;

    Conclusion Administration of intravenous adriamycin to rabbits results in DCM which in suitable for the conduction of research of neuroendocrine abnormality of heart .

  5. FNS对MI大鼠HRV和心脏神经重构的作用及部分机制探讨

    Effects of Fastigial Nucleus Electro-Stimulation on Heart Rate Variability , Cardiac Nerve Remodelling in Rats with Myocardial Infarction and the Partial Mechanisms Study

  6. 儿童心脏神经功能性疾病112例分析

    Clinical analysis for 112 cases of cardiac neuro-functional disease in children

  7. 结论体外培养可成功获得心脏神经嵴细胞,且具有迁移特性和多向潜能分化能力。

    These cells have ability of migration and potential of multi-directional differentiation .

  8. 心脏神经嵴细胞与先天性心脏病的发生机制

    Role of Cardiac Neural Crest Cells in Pathogenesis of Congenital Heart Disease

  9. 儿童心脏神经症的相关诱因分析

    Analysis of relevant causes of heart neurosis in children

  10. 认知行为疗法对心脏神经症患者康复治疗的作用

    Study on the therapeutic effects of cognitive and behavioral therapies on cardiac neurosis

  11. 心脏神经症患者的精神心理特征

    Mental and psychological features of patients with cardiac neurosis

  12. 目的探讨心理治疗结合对症治疗对心脏神经症的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of supportive psychotherapy on patients with cardiac neurosis .

  13. 电刺激小脑顶核对大鼠心肌梗死后心脏神经再生的影响

    Effects of Fastigial Nucleus Electro-Stimulation on Cardiac Nerve Regeneration after Myocardial Infarction in Rats Hearts

  14. 电刺激小脑顶核对缺血心脏神经递质释放的影响

    Effects of cerebellar fastigial nucleus electro - stimulation on release of neurotransmitters in ischemic hearts

  15. 结论对症治疗与支持性心理治疗相结合对心脏神经症患者有肯定疗效。

    Conclusion Adequate drug therapy together with supportive psychotherapy has reliable efficacy on patients with cardiac neurosis .

  16. 目的:观察逍遥宁心方加减治疗肝郁脾虚型心脏神经症的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective : To observe Xiaoyao ningxin Treating liver and spleen deficiency cardiac neurosis clinical efficacy and safety .

  17. 本研究发现精神因素在心脏神经症的发病上起重要作用。

    It is found that mental factor may take an important role to lead to occurrence of Cardiac Neurosis .

  18. 目的探讨儿童心脏神经功能性疾病的特点及与器质性心脏病的鉴别。

    Objective To investigate clinical characteristics of cardiac neuro-functional diseases in children and to differentiate them from organic heart diseases .

  19. 结论:心脏神经症患者常比冠心病患者有更多和更明显的精神心理异常表现。

    CONCLUSION : Patients with CN have more obvious and more mental and psychological abnormal appearances than those with CHD .

  20. 方法采用对症治疗与支持性心理治疗相结合的方法,对32例心脏神经症患者进行治疗。

    Method 32 patients with cardiac neurosis were treated with a comprehensive measure consists of adequate drug therapy and supportive psychotherapy .

  21. 分析其脑电活动特点、脑内神经递质活动变化以及心脏神经症患者的精神心理特征。

    To analyze brain electrical activity , brain neurotransmitter activity and the mental and psychological characteristics in patients with Cardiac Neurosis .

  22. 目的:调查心脏神经症患者精神心理特征,总结其规律性。

    AIM : To explore the mental and psychological characteristics in patients with cardiac neurosis ( CN ), and to summarize its regularity .

  23. [目的]①评价中医心身医学刚柔辨证治疗心脏神经症的有效性和安全性。

    Aim : ① To evaluate the safety and effect of the treatment of Cardiac Neurosis with " TCM Rigid-Gentle Syndrome Differentiation " .

  24. 本研究发现心脏神经症患者确实存在着脑功能的某些损害,心脏神经症的发病可能与脑内神经递质的合成和释放有关。

    Some brain impairment indeed exists in Cardiac Neurosis patients . The occurrence of Cardiac Neurosis is related to synthesis and release of brain neurotransmitter .

  25. 方法对儿童以憋气、胸闷等症状就诊的心脏神经功能性疾病112例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods A total of 112 cases of cardiac neuro-functional diseases in children , with symptoms of shortness of breath , chest distress , and so on , were retrospectively analyzed .

  26. 结论其发生机制可能与脑特定部位受损导致对心脏神经支配紊乱,神经、体液调节障碍,血管病变及血流动力学变化等有关。

    Conclusion Pathogenesis of CSS may be related to the disturbance of cardiac innervation , neural and humoral regulation , vascular lesion , hemodynamic disorders which may result from the lesion in specific part of brain .

  27. 方法用电极刺激方法在鸡胚发育早期破坏心脏神经嵴,建立圆锥动脉干缺损模型。原因是肠肌丛内头尾方向迁移的迷走神经母细胞过早的停顿而致,是一种神经嵴病。

    Methods Experimental chick embryos were subjected to cardiac neural crest ablation using electric stimulation . It is regarded as the consequence of the premature arrest of the craniocaudal migration of vagal neural crest cells and is therefore regarded as a neurocristopathy .

  28. P物质对大鼠心脏自主神经功能的影响

    Effect of Substance P on Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Function in Rats

  29. 心电R-R间期频谱分析对Ⅱ型糖尿病病人心脏植物神经功能的研究

    Spectral analysis of R-R interval in the assessment of cardiovascular autonomic nerve dysfunction in NIDDM patients

  30. 胆囊切除术中牵拉胆囊引起胆心反射,对心脏自主神经系统(Autonomicnervoussystem,ANS)及血流动力学均产生一定影响。

    Gallbladder-cardiac reflex in cholecystectomy cause a certain impact on the cardiac autonomic nervous system and hemodynamics .