
xīn diàn ɡǎn yìnɡ
  • telepathy
心电感应 [xīn diàn gǎn yìng]
  • [Some people believe that the deads still have consciousness and can make interactions to the living person's spirit and mood] 旧时有人认为,人死后心灵还有知觉,能与活人的精神、心情交相感应

  • 心电感应有道。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  1. “心电感应1号”将使用的第一款应用叫MangaCamara。这款应用在日本很流行,已经获得了600万次的下载量。

    The first app that the Telepathy One will use is the Manga Camera app , which is a popular app in Japan that 's gotten 6 million downloads .

  2. 井口尊然强调,他希望“心电感应1号”可以让用户跟所爱的人分享所见的景象。

    Iguchi emphasized that he wants the Telepathy One to enable users to share what they 're seeing with their loved ones .

  3. 那你是说人们知道自己会心电感应?

    So what you sayir , people just know that they psychic ?

  4. 你不早说,我又不会心电感应。

    You should 've told me before . I 'm not a mind reader .

  5. 他解释说,“心电感应1号”的核心功能就是让身处两地的人们可以实时分享某种体验。

    The core functionality of the telepathy one is the social sharing of experiences in real time between people over distance , explained Iguchi .

  6. “心电感应1号”还配了一幅耳机,因此可以推测,未来它应该会在产品中添加音频功能。

    Telepathy actually has ear buds that fit into the ears , so you can presumably hear audio functionality when they add it in .

  7. 像谷歌眼镜一样,用户可以把“心电感应1号”戴在头上,然后把眼镜腿挂在耳朵上。

    Like with Google glass , users wear the telepathy one on their heads , in front of the eye and wrapped around the ears .

  8. “心电感应1号”团队表示,这款设备还可以通过眼镜直接拍摄照片或视频,然后把这些图像传输到另一个人的手机应用上,不过目前原型机上还没有这些功能。

    The Telepathy team said the device will also be able to take photos or videos from the headset and stream those images to the partner 's cell phone app , but the prototype didn 't yet have that functionality .

  9. 今人又言心电感应有道,吾亦望其言是实,则吾之死,吾灵尚依依旁汝也,汝不必以无侣悲。

    I also hope what people believe in , thinking there are mysterious connections between our hearts , is real ; then my soul shall always be with you after I die , and you may not grieve for being lonely .

  10. 与谷歌眼镜不同,“心电感应1号”在眼镜前方有一个光学投影的小屏幕,另一个人通过一款手机应用,可以将拍摄的图像传送到眼镜的小屏幕上,呈现在佩戴者眼前。

    Unlike with Google Glass , the Telepathy One has an optically projected small screen in front of the eye of the wearer , and a cell phone app controlled by the partner captures the images that the wearer sees in a tiny screen .

  11. 杰克·托伦斯是一名作家,之后又在一家偏僻旅店当非应季管理员,他的儿子丹尼拥有着预知未来并进行心电感应的超能力,例如他知道这间旅店中住着鬼怪。

    A writer , Jack Torrance , takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel . His young son possesses psychic abilities and is able to see things from the past and future , such as the ghosts who inhabit the hotel .