
  • 网络Psychological Services;psychosocial services
  1. 发展模块&通过对教师素质的提高和咨询内容的不断丰富来完善心理服务。

    Development module-perfecting psychological services through improving of quality of teachers and enriching the counselling content .

  2. 基层运动队心理服务调查与研究&对阳泉体校的心理服务调查与研究

    Grass-roots Sports Teams Psychological Services Investigation and Research & Yangquan Sports School of the Psychological Services for Investigation and Research

  3. 本研究是需求研究,旨在探索Q学校心理服务的出发点,提高学校心理服务的实效性,确立学校心理服务人员的专业角色与地位。

    Research is designed to explore the starting point of Q school psychological service , improve the effectiveness of psychological services , and establish the professional role and status of school psychological services .

  4. 心理服务与军队伤病员管理

    Mentality service and management of ill and wound in Army

  5. 灾难应变委员会(临?心理服务)〔医院管理局〕

    Civil Disaster Management Committee ( Clinical Psychology Services ) [ Hospital Authority ]

  6. 二是心理服务机构工作模式单一。

    Secondly , it is singleness that the working mode of psychology service institution .

  7. 美国灾难心理服务对我国灾后心理重建的启示

    The Revelation of America 's Disaster Mental Service to China 's Mental Restoration after Disaster

  8. 第二部分阐述了美国学校心理服务体系的发展与现状。

    Part 2 expounds the development and status in quo of school psychological service system in USA.

  9. 开展心理服务工作,是部队管理教育的重要组成部分。

    It is an important proportion of manage and education in military to develop psychology service .

  10. 论营销活动中的心理服务

    On psychological service in marketing

  11. 密切关注和深入研究部队心理服务机构建设的有关问题,有其深刻的理论和现实意义。

    There are some profound meanings in theory and practice to analysis institution construction of psychology service in military .

  12. 第四,拓展了专业心理服务的新领域,对减少学生对心理健康教育中心的心理阻抗方面进行了新的尝试和探索。

    Last it enhanced the function of mental health education center , so to reduced the resistance of interviewee .

  13. 突出表现为:一是心理服务机构的工作目标不明确。

    The problem is very obvious . First , it is ambiguity that the working goal of psychology service institution .

  14. 第三部分总结分析了美国学校心理服务体系的特点,并在我国学校心理教育现状的基础上为促进我国学校心理教育的发展提出了合理借鉴。

    Part 3 sums up the features of the school psychological service system in America and discusses the revelation to China .

  15. 与此同时,另外2.5亿人被认为需要心理服务,8000万人急需治疗。

    Meanwhile , another 250 million are believed to need psychological services , with 80 million in serious need of treatment .

  16. 某省中青年监狱警察心理服务需求初探

    A Primary Exploration to the Psychological Services Needs of Police Officials Working in Prisons and Institutions of Reeducation in Certain Province

  17. 消费者在享受心理服务的过程中将产生满意感、没有不满意、不满意和憎恶等四种典型的心理体验。

    In the process of psychological service , the customers have four typical psychological experiences : satisfaction , no complaint , dissatisfaction and hatred .

  18. 我们的潜意识会选择一些信息片段来为我们的意识心理服务。这个意识心理是基于我们的设定来寻找的。

    Our subconscious mind chooses pieces of information to serve to our conscious mind based on what we 've programmed it to look for .

  19. 心理服务的内容包括微笑服务、礼仪服务、善解人意的服务、针对性服务及承认顾客总是对的等。

    Psychological service includes smiling service , ceremony service , understanding the customers , countering service and the belief that the customers are never mistaken .

  20. 目的:编制重庆市民心理服务需求问卷,为心理服务工作的开展提供咨询与研究工具。

    To develop a mental health service demand questionnaire and provide a method for the work of the mental health service for residents in Chongqing .

  21. 分析对比外军和我军心理服务机构建设的状况,可以发现目前我军心理服务机构建设存在着基础研究薄弱、管理混乱、队伍建设无序等问题。

    This article analyzes some issues , based on the status that contrasting our military with the foreign military in the construction in psychology service institution .

  22. 一旦你有那样的想法,你可以去找人倾诉,或找一些方法来进行调整,没有必要去使用心理服务。

    There are people you can go to , ways to get around those feelings ; you don 't need to be in a dire situation to use Psychological Services .

  23. 但英国心理学教授、曼彻斯特大学心理服务中心主任杰弗里·彼迪说许多人都不知道他们的双脚所传达的秘密信息。

    But U.K.psychologist Professor Geoffrey Beattie , dean of psychological services at Manchester University , said many people have no idea about the secret messages their feet are giving out .

  24. 本研究立足于26届奥运会国家射击队心理服务以及以往一系列以课题服务方式贯穿于其中的心理训练和心理咨询工作。

    Based on data from psychology service for national shooting team in 26th Olympic Game , this study deepen and summarize psychology training and consultation work ago as series of problem-solve service .

  25. 在服务模式上,构建以教育模式为主体、医学和训练模式为辅助的部队心理服务工作新模式;

    It is means that we should keep education mode to principal part in psychology service , while , physic mode and training mode to important accessorial in our psychology service works .

  26. 但是,由于制度、体制等原因,目前武警水电部队心理服务工作在其实际运作过程中有不少问题尚待解决。

    At present , however , for the system , institutional and other reasons , there are many issues of psychological services that the Armed Police Hydropower Troops should to be resolved in the actual operation of the process .

  27. 5将心理服务项目的接受程度:电话咨询〉科普读物〉面谈咨询〉科普讲座〉网络咨询。出院后健康教育方式调查发现,78%的亲属选择护士家访,63%选择电话咨询。

    The acceptance of mental health service form were : telephone counseling > educational books > face to face counseling > lectures on mental health . After discharged from hospital , 78 % of the relatives chose nurses visiting , 63 % chose telephone counseling .

  28. 本文试图通过研究美国学校心理服务体系的发展及现状,并在此基础上吸收他们合理的理念与方式,以为我国心理教育的发展提出有利的建议。

    This thesis studies the development process and present situation of school psychological service system in USA , and learn some reasonable ideals and methods from the system in order to bring forward some good suggestions in view of existing situation and shortcomings of our school psychological education .

  29. 英国皇家精神科医学院表示,这项研究证明了确保女性在怀孕期间和怀孕后获得心理健康服务的重要性。

    The Royal College of Psychiatrists6 said the study showed the importance of ensuring women had access to mental health services during and after pregnancy .

  30. 非独生子大学生表达的心理健康服务需求显著(P(0.05)高于独生子女。

    Students of non-only child mental health service needs expressed by a significant ( p0.05 ) higher than the an-only child .