
  • 网络School of Psychology;specialisms
  1. 心理学流派与课程论发展的关系;

    The relationship of development between schools of psychology and curriculum theory ;

  2. 当代主要心理学流派及其对目前基础教育课程改革的启示

    The Main Contemporary Psychological Trends and the Revelation to the Basic Educational Curriculum Reform

  3. 关于其概念、生理机制、治疗方法等,不同的心理学流派有着不同的见解。

    Various schools take different views on its concept , physical mechanism and therapy etc. .

  4. 众多心理学流派的产生,为锻炼心理学的发展奠定了思想背景和科学基础。

    Emergence of quite a few psychological schools established the ideological background and scientific basis for the development of exercise psychology .

  5. 学生自主观念的产生得益于三大教育心理学流派&人本主义、认知理论和建构主义的发展。

    The spring-up of learner autonomy benefits from the development of the three major Schools of educational psychology & Humanism , Cognitive Theory and Constructivism .

  6. 行为主义是最典型地坚持了实证主义原则的心理学流派,它为心理学设定了突出客观性的学科性质、研究对象和研究方法等。

    Behaviorism , a psychological school that most typically adheres to the principles of positivism , lays down the discipline properties that highlight objectivity , the study objects , and study approaches , about which , however , postmodernism raises bold doubts and questions .

  7. 社会心理学十大流派

    In a genteel manner . Ten Schools of Social Psychology

  8. 以盖洛普的成功心理学为新流派的人本管理理论主张快乐工作、打破常规、发挥优势,这种新的理念在西方企业界获得巨大成功,在中国也正在成为一种发展趋势。

    As a new faction of human-oriented theory , Gallup 's positive psychology claims working happily , breaking regulation and working out superiority . The new idea has made great success in western business circles , and it is also becoming a trend of development in China .

  9. 完形心理学是现代心理学十大流派之一,完形是源于心理学的一个重要概念。

    Gestalt psychology is one of the ten important psychology genre .

  10. 格式塔心理学是西方现代心理学主要流派之一。

    Gestalt psychology is one of the main genres in modern Western psychology .

  11. 格式塔心理学是现代西方心理学的主要流派之一,侧重于从整体性的角度研究人们对客观事物的主观认知。

    The Gestalt psychology , which focuses on the study of peoples ' subjective cognition about objective things from integrity angle , is one of the major schools of modern Western psychology .

  12. 超个人心理学是20世纪60年代末在美国兴起的一种心理学流派。

    Transpersonal psychology is a psychological school arose from America at the end of 1960s .

  13. 本文通过对教育心理学中行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论和人本主义学习理论三大教育心理学流派的总结和概括,探讨教育心理学对英语教学的影响和启示。

    This article is devoted to the brief generalization and summary of behaviorism , cognitive theory and humanistic theory in educational psychology in order to study their effect on and reaction to English teaching .

  14. 课程开发的理论基础方面学术界较为公认的三大因素是心理学、社会学、哲学。课程的心理学基础主要有认知心理学、行为心理学和人本主义心理学三大流派。

    The theoretical basis of curriculum development think that the three major factors of psychology , sociology , philosophy are recognized in academia .

  15. 俄罗斯心理学领域中兴起的历史主义研究潮流,是基于现代西方历史哲学和20世纪俄罗斯精神哲学而建构起来的一种面向社会生活、尊重人性、提倡自由、张扬个性的心理学流派。

    Historism rising in the field of Russian psychology is a psychology school established on the basis of western history philosophy and Russian spirit philosophy which faces social life , respects human nature and advocates liberty and personality .