
  • 网络delhi university;University of Delhi
  1. 后来,作为一名德里大学(DelhiUniversity)学生,我自学文学和历史时主要就是依靠同一所图书馆的藏书。

    Later , as a student at Delhi University , my own education in literature and history was largely shaped by the books from the same library .

  2. 我没能进入一所医学院,也错过了在印度德里大学学习的机会。

    I have been at your place . I failed to get into a medical college and I missed the opportunity to study in Delhi University .

  3. 组织者的想法是修复德里大学的饭店,并为学校留下一个运动会的遗产,这是个不错的主意。

    The idea of the organisers to renovate DU hostels and leave a Games'legacy for the college was right .

  4. 德里大学政治分析家马赫什。兰加亚南说,即使这次绝食已经开始进行,也很难说它将升级为一场大规模运动。

    Delhi University political analyst Mahesh Rangarajan says even if the hunger strike gets underway , there are questions of whether it will escalate into a mass movement .

  5. 那时候gita还在德里上大学。

    Gita was studying in a college in Delhi at that time .

  6. 网德里安在利兹大学攻读哲学学位。

    Adrian 's doing a degree in philosophy at Leeds university .