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  1. 后发企业知识传导的路径及其微理机理&以深圳研祥智能公司为例

    Research on paths and micro-mechanisms of knowledge transfer in latecomer firm

  2. 采用高集成度的MAX180/MAX181芯片及单片微处理理器,并设计了专用的采样控制和存储地址生成电路,解决了多功能与低成本间的问题。

    For the solution of problems between multi-function and low cost , the highly integrated MAX181 / MAX180A / D chip and single micro-processor have been adopted in the design . The special sampling control circle and storage address generating circle have been designed as well .

  3. 结论脂质体包裹的微泡理化性质稳定,具有较好的基因携带能力,体内外显影效果较好,有望成为一种新型的可携带基因和药物的超声造影剂。

    Conclusion Liposome-coated microbubbles are stable with favourable gene-loaded capability , and may serve as a new ultrasound contrast agent for loading genes or drugs .

  4. 目的制备复方丹参速释微丸,使理化性质差异较大的各成分达到同步释放。

    Objective To prepare compound Danshen immediate-release pellets and obtain the synchronous release rate of components with significant difference of physicochemical properties .

  5. 综合生草对桃园微环境、土壤理化性质、桃树生长和果实品质的促进作用,紫花苜蓿的效果最明显,其次是三叶草,菊苣的效果相对比较低。

    Considering with microclimate in peach orchard , soil physical and chimerical properties , the growth of peach trees and the qualities of beaches , planting alfalfa was more effective , then was planting white clover , and there was a relatively poor effect of planting chicory .