
  • 网络Differential curve;DTG
  1. 文章还提出并论证了γ异常微分曲线的对数梯度最大值g(max)是地质特征参数a的合适取值。

    The Paper also indicates that the maximum logarithm gradient of the differential curves of anomalies will be the suitable value of the parameter a.

  2. 采用数据采集系统,在测量氧化物高TC超导材料R(T)曲线的同时,可得到其微分曲线。

    The curves of the temperature derivative of the resistance can be easily obtained while the R ( T ) curves of high Tc superconducting oxides are measured by using an automatic data collection system .

  3. 由一次场电阻率曲线料率导出的K剖面法,引出了激电二次场各参数的导数,从而建立了激电参数微分曲线法。

    The derivatives of various parameters in IP secondary field are derived from the K-section method of electrical exploration , which is derived from the slope of resistivity curve in primary field , and the IP differential parametric curve method is established .

  4. Co3O4纳米粒子的表面处理对复合材料界面性能、吸热性能和耐热性能的影响通过透射电镜(TEM)、热流传感器的校正试验、热失重分析(TGA)和热失重的微分曲线(DTG)进行了研究。

    The effects of the surface treatment of Co_3O_4 particles on the interfacial , endothermal and thermal properties of the composites were analyzed using TEM , the calibrating test of the heat flow transducer , TGA and differential thermogravimetric analysis ( DTG ) .

  5. 金属断口纵剖面线分形图的微分曲线研究

    Study on differential curve of metal fracture profile fractal chart

  6. 利用铁磁共振微分曲线测量铁磁共振线宽

    Measurement of FMR Linewidth by the FMR Differential Curve Method

  7. 根据电阻率曲线和其微分曲线上的特征点将混凝土的水化分为:溶解期、凝结期、硬化前期和硬化的减速期。

    The electrical resistivity curve was identified to divide the hydration process into four periods : dissolution , setting , initial hardening , and hardening deceleration .

  8. 叶片内部光分布微分曲线说明:叶片表皮组织的存在有利于叶片内部各组织之间光吸收的均匀化。

    Based on differential analysis of the light curve , it seems that the epidermic cell layer could facilitate the averaging light absorbance between different tissue layers within a leaf .

  9. 可以在示波器上观测γ能谱微分曲线,由微型打印机打印输出测量数据和曲线.提高了测量效率和精度。

    The γ - ray energy spectrum differential curves can be shown on oscilloscope , the data and curves are printed by TP-801P printer , so that effeciency and accuracy of measurement have been raised .

  10. 在原始温度数据的处理上采用平均值滤波法,选用三点中心差分法计算微分曲线,然后再选用相邻平均时域滤波法来对微分曲线进行平滑滤波。

    The filtering of the original temperature data was implemented by calculating average and medial value , the derivative curve was calculated using three points central difference method , then the adjacent average filtering method was chosen to filter the derivative curve .

  11. 通过对比混合物和可能组分的热重曲线及其微分曲线,比较它们的最大失重速率温度及在某一特定温度下的失重量可以确定混合物的组成,同时可以确定各组分的含量。

    The components and their contents are simultaneously determined by comparing the temperature _ mass curves of components in sample and their derivative curves as well as the maximum rate of mass loss and the mass loss at a certain temperature in the curves to those of the possible components .

  12. 结合极化曲线,微分电容曲线测试和AFM力曲线技术研究了直链十二胺对氯化钠溶液中铜镍合金的缓蚀行为以及吸附机理。

    Polarization curves , differential capacitance curves and AFM force curves were measured to investigate the inhibition and adsorption behaviors of dodecylamine on Cu-Ni alloy in NaCl solutions .

  13. 本文采用恒电位方波法,测绘了在NaOH溶液中,不同浓度的DE、DPE&Ⅲ及其混合物在滴汞电极上的微分电容曲线。

    By potentiostatic square wave methods , the differential capacity curves of different concentrations of DE . DPE & ⅲ and their mixture in NaoH solutions on dropping mercury electrode were serveyed and drew .

  14. 单一及复杂衰减过程的K(t)-Lg(t)微分峰形曲线的线形和半宽等基本特征在本工作的数据分析中有重要的作用。

    The basic characters of the Lg ( t ) derivative peaks of the single and multiple decay , such as the peak shape and the full width at the half maximum ( FWHM ), place a key in the data analysis of the work .

  15. 其中Mp为分子量微分分布曲线峰位分子量,而M10和M90则为累积分布曲线中10%和90%处的分子量。

    In these expressions , M p is the peak MW of the differential distribution curve , and M 10 and M 90 signify MW at 10 % and 90 % cumulative weight of the integral distribution curve .

  16. 缓蚀剂吸附的微分极化曲线参数研究

    Study on Differential Curve Parameters of the Inhibitor Adsorption

  17. 本文给出了用积分微分光滑曲线的方法。

    With numerical integration and differentiation , a method of smoothed curve is given .

  18. 本文详细介绍了该仪器测定微分电容曲线的原理,讨论了某些典型的测试结果。

    In this paper , the principle is described for determination of the differential capacity curve with it and some results of determination are discussed in detail .

  19. 应用微分几何曲线论基本公式,建立了张拉按抛物线布置的预应力筋引起的等效荷载计算的通用方法及通用方法的简化方法。

    Based on curve formulae of differential geometry , unified method and simplification for calculating equivalent load caused by tensioning tendons of normal parabolic profile are established .

  20. 小麦粉样品的等效粒径微分分布曲线均在10~40μm区间出现一个峰,其峰值高度随着研磨小麦硬度的增大而减小。

    There was a peak during the area of 10-40 μ m in the curve . The height of each peak decreased with increasing of wheat hardness .

  21. 用半经验的自洽场分子轨道法(CNDO/2)与电毛细曲线、微分电容曲线研究了1.4丁炔二醇在汞电极上的吸附特性。

    The adsorption characteristics of 1 . 4-butynediol at dropping mercury electrode ( DME ) were studied by electrocapillary curves , differential capacity curves and semiempirical SCFMO method ( CNDO / 2 ) . The atomic charge distribution in the molecule supports its horizontal orientation at the electrode .

  22. 本文用极化曲线、双电层微分电容曲线、循环伏安法和恒电流暂态法研究了双层镀镍体系中,镍离子还原的电极过程和添加剂在电极表面的吸附作用。

    In the system of plating duplex nickel layers , the electrode process of Ni2 + reduction and the adsorption of additives on the electrode surface are studied dy means of polarization curves , differential capacity curves of electric double layer , cyclic voltammetry and transient galvanostatic method .

  23. Ni-Zn铁氧体微分磁化率曲线特征的研究

    The Characterisitics of Magnetization Differential and Magnetic Intensity in Ni-Zn Ferrite

  24. 以常遇到的微分方程、曲线拟合、线性方程组等工程实际为例,分析了Matlab在化工计算及其运算结果可视化中的应用。

    By several calculating examples , this paper discussed the applications of Matlab in the chemical engineering calculation and visualization .

  25. 本文引入了一种基于偏微分方程的曲线进化方法&levelset方法,通过与FastMarching方法的结合,可以实现运算速度的大大提高。

    A PDE ( Partial Differential Equation ) - based curve evolution method , i.e. Level-set method , is proposed . Using this method combined with fast marching , the operational speed can be greatly improved .

  26. 采用频域相移法测量了不同长度的两种折射率分布塑料光纤:阶跃型塑料光纤(SIPOF)和渐变型塑料光纤(GIPOF)的微分模延迟曲线。

    Differential mode delay of step index-polymer optical fiber ( SI-POF ) and gradient index-polymer optical fiber ( GI-POF ) with various lengths is measured by the frequency-domain phase-shift technique .

  27. 因此,吸附初始阶段的量热曲线上出现双峰,整个微分吸附热曲线呈波浪状。试验2采用1200只健康1日龄的AA肉仔鸡,按照单因素6处理5重复随机分组。

    Therefore , there were two peaks on the calorimetric curves for each dose during the initial adsorption measurement and the curves of differential heat of adsorption of 1 , 5-hexadiene on zeolites were wave in shape .

  28. 基于&阶线性微分方程的曲线拟合法

    Curve Fitting Based on a Linear First-order Differential Equation

  29. 新型曲线的设计根据是微分几何中曲线接触的理论。

    The design of this curve is based on the theory of curve con-tact .

  30. 地膜试期降解样的热重曲线和微分热重曲线与原样基本相同,但极大失重峰的温度比原样略有提高。

    The thermogravimetric curves and differential thermogravimetric curves of degradated films in test was as same as those of the original films .