
  1. 量子色动力学非微扰传播子

    Non-Perturbative Propagators in QCD

  2. 第四部分,针对微博客传播存在的问题探讨了微博客背景下公民新闻的局限性和解决之策。

    The fourth part analyzes the limitations of the Citizen Journalism under the background of micro-blogging , and tries to solve these problems .

  3. 同时结合我国国情探讨了我国社会公共领域的结构形态,分析了微博客传播与公共领域构建的关系。

    It also discusses the theory of the public sphere , combined with the actual situation of our country to discuss our social public domain structure form . In the finally of the first chapter , analyzed the relationship of Micro-Blog communication and public sphere .

  4. 目前,多数无线电管理GIS系统中包括了宏蜂窝电波传播预测的模块,而基于射线跟踪模型的微蜂窝电波传播预测的应用还相对较少。

    At present , the prediction model for macrocells has been integrated to most of the radio wave management GIS system , but the application of prediction for microcells is only few .

  5. 在3G微小区的传播环境下,对线性自适应均衡算法进行仿真研究,为此构建了与3G接近的实用系列时延扩展的传播环境和可变多径传播信道。

    The simulation research is made to the performance of linear adaptive equalization algorithm under the 3G micro-cell transmission situation . Furthermore , a near 3G practical time delay propagation environment and variable multipath propagation channels are established .

  6. 提出了一种有效的微蜂窝电波传播预测模型,该模型基于射线跟踪法和UTD理论,并使用辐射源树的方法。

    This paper presents an effective radio wave propagation prediction model by using radiation sources tree for microcellular environment . This model is based on ray-tracing and UTD .

  7. 考虑光滑接触时弹性波透过微缝隙的传播

    Propagation of Elastic Waves Through a Micro Gap with Consideration of Contact

  8. 用于微蜂窝电波传播预测的二维射线跟踪模型

    A Two-Dimension Ray-Tracing Model for Microcellular Wave Propagation Prediction

  9. 基于三维的射线跟踪八叉树算法的城市微区电波传播预测算法模型

    An Algorithmic Model Based Three-Dimensional Octree Ray-Tracing Techniques for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Prediction in Urban Microcell

  10. 本文提出了一种高效的微蜂窝电波传播预测模型。

    In this paper , an efficient model of propagation prediction in microcellular environments is presented .

  11. 微区电波传播特性分析模型多是理论模型,采用射线追踪法,对源辐射情况进行模拟。

    Most propagation models , which can be adapted micro cellcluar are theory method based on ray tracing method .

  12. 本文建立了一种有效的基于射线跟踪技术的三维城市微区电波传播预测的计算模型。

    This paper presents a three-dimensional propagation model for path-loss prediction in an urban microcell , based on ray-tracing techniques .

  13. 在第二、三章中,本文主要从微博客的传播特征入手,分别从积极和消极两方面探讨微博客传播对我国社会公共领域带来的影响。

    In the second and the third chapter , the thesis was from positive and negative aspects of Micro-Blog communication to discuss the impact of our social public field .

  14. 应力波在微尖峰中传播时,由于微尖峰截面积逐渐减小导致应力波发生反射和透射,且透射波幅值不断增加。

    When the stress waves propagate in the micro-peak , the stress waves reflect and transmit and the amplitudes of transmission waves increase because of the section area of the micro-peak declines gradually .

  15. 微博客的传播模式,加速了信息的扩散和传递,它的方便易用性使其不仅受到了个人网民的喜欢,也受到了各种机构的亲睐。

    The spread of the micro-blog model accelerate the diffusion and transmission of information , and its ease of use make it not only is liked by individual user , but also used by the various agencies .

  16. 阿里巴巴于上周一向《环球时报》发送了一份声明,称该谣言最初是从微信开始传播的。此外阿里还表示,公众应该帮助找出这些已经影响到了很多企业和个人的谣言的来源。

    Alibaba said in a statement sent to the Global Times last Monday that the rumors originally spread on WeChat - a Chinese instant messaging app developed by its competitor Tencent Holdings - and added that the public should help identify the original source of these kinds of rumors , which have already affected many companies and individuals .

  17. 该模型基于物理光学(PO)、几何绕射理论(GTD)、一致性绕射理论(UTD),利用改进的射线跟踪法对微蜂窝中电波传播特性进行了数值分析计算。

    The model is based on the theory of physical optics ( PO ), geometry theory of diffraction ( GTD ) and uniform theory of diffraction ( UTD ), and it can compute and analyze the propagation of EM wave in microcellular environments by using improved ray tracing method .

  18. 微蜂窝中电波传播预测模型的改进

    Improved Models for Propagation Prediction in Micro - Cell

  19. 分析了一种新型微小区的电波传播,预测城市小区环境下的传播损耗。

    Propagation models of electromagnetic wave propagation and its corrector method in mobile communication ;

  20. 这就需要建立一种精确的电波传播预测模型来分析微小区的电波传播。

    Therefore a new accurate prediction model must be established to analyze the radio propagation in microcellular .

  21. 文中运用一种基于镜像理论的射线跟踪方法来预测工作频率为62.4GHz的微蜂窝信道的传播特性。

    Based on mirror image theory a ray-tracing method is employed to predict the propagation characteristics in 62.4 GHz microcell channels .

  22. 这种细菌的微孢子通过蜂巢传播,造成蜜蜂幼虫死亡,而且这种孢子可以存活很多年。

    The bacteria 's microscopic spores spread quickly from beehive to beehive , killing the bee larvae . The spores can survive for many years .

  23. 对微地震波的传播进行了理论分析和数值计算,得到了存在衰减的粘弹性介质中纵波的传播规律。

    By theoretical analysis and numerical computation of MS wave 's propagation , the propagation law of wave in attenuation elastic-viscosity media had been given .

  24. 本文从应力波在板料后表面的微尖峰中的传播特性和空气背压两个方面对这一问题进行探讨。

    This issue had been discussed from two perspectives : one is the propagation behavior of the stress waves in the micro-peak on the back surface of the plate , and the other is the back pressure of the air .

  25. 研究了主客体式光折变聚合物中空间明孤子的动态演化特性,讨论了振幅微扰和宽度微扰对其传播特性的影响。

    Dynamical evolution of spatial bright solitons propagating in a guest host photorefractive polymer was studied , and the effects of perturbations in amplitude and width on the stability of the soliton were also discussed .

  26. 本文提出的微视频概念,突出强调大众文化和受众在微视频传播中的作用。

    The conception proposed in this thesis focus on the effect of popular culture and audience on the diffusion of short videos .

  27. 利用微地震监测系统可以采集到岩体破裂时微地震波的传播信号,根据其微地震事件的特征可以分析出顶板岩体的破裂程度,进而分析顶板来压的特征。

    Using the micro earthquake monitoring system , seismic wave propagation signal can be collected , and according to the features of micro seismic events roof bursting degree can be analyzed and then the features of roof pressure can be achieved .

  28. 那么,微博客文化的后现代性表现在哪里?目前中国的微博客文化传播存在哪些问题?未来的发展趋势是怎样?这些问题都是值得深入探究的。

    Then where do the characteristics of micro blogging culture to present ? What are the problems for micro blogging in the process of spreading ? What is the tendency of micro blogging will evolve ? All these questions are worth of further researching .

  29. 在市场经济浪潮中,微营销成为出版企业集团化发展的新路径,借新媒体技术之力,打造微博营销模式,掀开微传播环境中集团化发展之路的新篇章。

    In the tide of market economy , micro marketing has become a new path of publishing enterprise group development of new media technology , by force , to create micro-blog marketing mode , open a new chapter in micro propagation environment development group of the road .