
lǜ shī
  • lawyer;attorney;counsel;solicitor;barrister;legal eagle
律师 [lǜ shī]
  • [lawyer;solicitor; attorney] 在案件中为委托人辩护、代理诉讼及处理平常法律业务的人员

律师[lǜ shī]
  1. 你的律师可以告诉你是否起诉。

    Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action .

  2. 像她父亲先前一样,她成了一名律师。

    She became a lawyer as her father had before her .

  3. 被告律师认为这一证据不可采纳。

    Counsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible .

  4. 他对自己的律师工作渐渐地不抱幻想了。

    He was becoming disenchanted with his job as a lawyer .

  5. 英格兰和威尔士的大多数律师都是私人执业者。

    Most solicitors in England and Wales are in private practice .

  6. 那些文件由我们的律师妥善保管着。

    The documents are in the safe keeping of our lawyers .

  7. 这件事现在正由我的律师处理。

    The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer .

  8. 我的律师一直在催促我立遗嘱。

    My lawyer has been urging me to make a will .

  9. 谢丽∙布思作为被告的辩护律师出庭。

    Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant .

  10. 她先前当律师时我曾在她那里上班。

    I worked for her in her earlier incarnation as a lawyer .

  11. 她去找了一位律师寻求独立意见。

    She went to a lawyer for some independent advice .

  12. 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract .

  13. 我们的律师认为我们论据不足,无法赢得官司。

    Our lawyer didn 't think we had a case .

  14. 律师费将耗去我们一部分资金。

    The lawyer 's fees will make a dent in our finances .

  15. 英格兰和威尔士共有5万多名律师执业。

    There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales .

  16. 法庭接着听取了女死者的父亲所请律师的陈述。

    The court then heard counsel for the dead woman 's father .

  17. 他是个没有什么名堂却总想出人头地的律师。

    He was a small-time lawyer keen to be someone .

  18. 原告律师詹姆斯∙斯潘塞指称证人在撒谎。

    James Spencer , prosecuting , claimed that the witness was lying .

  19. 他们聘请了一位最好的律师帮他们陈述案情。

    They hired a top lawyer to plead their case .

  20. 高明的律师也许能找到绕过那个条款的办法。

    A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause .

  21. 一位律师被指定为这个孩子的代表律师。

    A lawyer was appointed to represent the child .

  22. 你需要律师来解释这些合同在法律上的各项细节。

    You need a lawyer to explain all the legalities of the contracts .

  23. 控方律师一直力图使陪审团对她形成偏见。

    The prosecution lawyers have been trying to prejudice the jury against her .

  24. 他选定她在他最近的一部影片里扮演一名雄心勃勃的律师。

    He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie .

  25. 你的遗嘱应该交律师保管。

    Your will should be lodged with your lawyer .

  26. 你需要找一位好律师来帮助你。

    You need the services of a good lawyer .

  27. 她的律师在法庭外面发表了一份声明。

    Her lawyer made a statement outside the court .

  28. 律师和会计师都觉得他们要一争高下。

    Lawyers and accountants felt that they were being pitted against each other .

  29. 他们的律师花了好几天时间辩论诉讼程序细则。

    Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details .

  30. 她从事出庭律师工作多年。

    She practised as a barrister for many years .