  • go on a journey;travel;go on a punitive expedition;start a campaign
  • evidence;proof;sign;portent
  • 远行:长~。~途。~夫。~人。~衣。~帆(远行的船)。

  • 用武力制裁,讨伐:~服(用力制服)。~讨。~伐。~战(出征作战)。南~北战。

  • 召集:~兵。~募(招募兵士)。~集兵马。

  • 收集:~税。~粮。

  • 招请,寻求:~求。~稿。~婚。~聘(招聘)。~询(征求意见)。

  • 证明,证验:~引(引用,引证)。信而有~。

  • 表露出来的迹象:特~。~候。


(走远路) go on a journey; travel:

  • 踏上征途

    embark on the road;

  • 万里长征

    go on a journey of thousands of miles


(征讨) go on a punitive expedition; start a campaign:

  • 去远征

    go on an expedition;

  • 出征


  • 南征北战

    fighting north and south;campaigning up and down the country


(政府召集人民服务) recruit; levy; draft:

  • 应征入伍

    be drafted into the army


(征收) collect; impose; levy:

  • 征收烟酒税

    impose duties on tobaccos and wines


(征求) solicit; ask for:

  • 征订

    solicit for subscriptions


(证明; 证验) evidence; proof:

  • 明征

    clear evidence;

  • 无征之言

    an unfounded assertion;

  • 信而有征

    be supported by proof;

  • 有实物可征。

    There is solid evidence.


(表露出的迹象; 现象) sign; portent; symbol:

  • 特征

    characteristic; trait; feature;

  • 象征

    symbol; emblem; token

  1. 有实物可征。

    There is solid evidence .

  2. 以自己承认说谎的人带来的新征据不足以证明复审是有理由的。

    New evidence from a selfconfessed liar was not enough to justify a retrial .

  3. 许多妇女患月经前紧张/综合征,引起头疼和情绪低落。

    Many women suffer from premenstrual tension / syndrome , causing headaches and depression .

  4. 注意听我说:不会征新税。

    Read my lips : no new taxes .

  5. 这种综合征与经常咳嗽有关。

    This syndrome is associated with frequent coughing .

  6. AIDS是获得性免疫缺损综合征的缩写。

    AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

  7. 其他眼征包括眼球的无意识节奏运动。

    Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball .

  8. 大约70%的女性有经前综合征。

    About 70 % of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome .

  9. 女性比男性更易患肠易激综合征。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men

  10. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .

  11. 高楼林立中的静电干扰是引发大楼病综合征的原因之一。

    Built-up static contributes to sick building syndrome .

  12. 尸检最终认定孩子死于婴儿猝死综合征。

    An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby 's death to sudden infant death syndrome .

  13. 趴着睡的婴儿似乎患婴儿猝死综合征的几率更高。

    SIDS appears to be somewhat more common among babies who sleep on their stomachs .

  14. 这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。

    The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par .

  15. 所有这些都必须在未大幅度提高税收起征点的前提下完成。

    All this is to be done without big rises in the basic level of taxation .

  16. 他为提高个税起征点的决定拍手叫好。

    He applauded the decision to raise the income tax threshold .

  17. 现在已经开始稽征今年的养路费了。

    Collection of this year 's road toll has already been started .

  18. 部队已经征剿过几次山上的土匪了。

    The troops have wiped out the bandits in the hills several times .

  19. 左派反对征新税。

    The left opposes the new taxes .

  20. 这就确凿地证实了振荡的本质是次光球层的低频声波本征模式。

    This firmly establishes the nature of the oscillations as low acoustic eigenmodes of the subphotospheric layers .

  21. 据报道,6月1日爆发的中东呼吸综合征中,前两起死亡病例均在韩国。

    It 's reported that the first two deaths from an outbreak of MERS on June 1st were in South Korea .

  22. 创业家综合征(entrepreneur'ssyndrome)指创业家认为只有他自己有能力把企业经营好这样一种思维。公司创立者不愿意或者不能放权的思维并不是刚刚出现的。

    Entrepreneur 's syndrome refers to a condition in which an entrepreneur believes that only he or she is capable of running the business .

  23. 信息疲劳综合征(informationfatiguesyndrome,IFS)指因需要处理过多数量的信息而导致的倦怠和压力。信息疲劳综合征这种新现象由信息革命直接导致。

    Information fatigue ( IFS ) refers to the weariness and stress that result from having to deal with excessive amounts of information . A new phenomenon , information fatigue syndrome , had emerged as a direct result of the information revolution .

  24. 蜂王综合征(queenbeesyndrome)一词最初由斯泰恩斯、贾亚拉特纳和塔佛瑞斯在1973年定义,指处于领导地位的女性对女下属更为严苛。

    Queen bee syndrome was first defined by G.L. Staines , T.E. Jayaratne , and C. Tavris in 1973 . It describes a woman in a position of authority who views or treats subordinates more critically if they are female .

  25. 这种综合征的医学学名为prosopagnosia,长期以来一直被看作是罕见的神经科奇症,且由脑损伤引起。

    The syndrome , known medically as prosopagnosia , was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage .

  26. 这种现象也被称为“温室培育”和“超级宝贝综合征”。

    This is also called hothousing and the superbaby syndrome .

  27. 这位男性朋友表现出的就是“男性回答综合征”。

    The male friend is exhibiting behavior known as Male Answer Syndrome .

  28. 长期把笔记本电脑放在腿上工作会导致“烤肤综合征”。

    Doing it a lot can lead to " toasted skin syndrome " .

  29. “坐以待毙综合征”指的是由于极度缺乏体力活动和营养不良导致死亡。

    Sedentary Death Syndrome1 refers to death caused by extreme inactivity and poor nutrition .

  30. “远程工作狂综合征”指在家远程办公的人容易过度劳作的一种趋势。

    Teleworkaholic syndrome to be working from home .