
zhēnɡ shōu lǜ
  • percentage charges
  1. 应继续调整和降低增值税小规模纳税人的征收率

    On the Necessity for Further Adjusting and Reducing the VAT Rate for Small-scale Taxpayers

  2. 如今如此高的征收率已是难以想象的了。然而,但贫富差距的走势如果恢复到大衰退时期之前,那就可能会改变这场政治辩论。

    Such confiscatory rates are hard to imagine now.But the resumption of the pre-recession trend may change the political debate .

  3. 利用弹性分析理论得到当偷税罚款系数一定时,税款滞纳金每日征收率应适当下调;

    Using analysis of elasticity , we derive that , when the penalty coefficient is fixed , the daily penalty rate for late tax payment should be lowered .

  4. 因此,应研究确定印花税的管理常量,尤其是税收流失率或征收率这一核心常量。

    Therefore , management of constants should be studied and identified , in particular the core constant , the rate of tax loss or the tax levy rate .

  5. 信息管税的目的就是要解决税收征管中的信息不对称问题,进而提高税法遵从度和税收征收率。

    The purpose of tax information imposure is to solve the problem of asymmetric information in tax imposture , and to improve tax compliance and tax levy rates .

  6. 而从事买进卖出,包括买进的是旧货,卖出的也是旧货的店家也要缴纳增值税,这些交易一律按4%的征收率减半征收增值税,且不得抵扣进项税额。

    And those online shops engaging in buying selling goods , includes buying selling used goods should pay4 % of VAT , and no input tax can be credited .

  7. 最后讨论根据挖掘得到的知识结果转化为实际应用价值,引导基金征缴管理模式的改变,提高社保基金的征收率。

    Finally , the method to transfer data results through data mining to practical application value and guide the change of social insurance funds collection management mode to improve the collection rate are discussed .

  8. 税额栏填写其本身应纳的税额,即按销售额依照6%征收率计算的增值税额。

    The payable tax amount of the enterprise shall be filled in the " tax amount " column , that is , the value-added tax amount is calculated in accordance with a 6 percent rate levied on the sale volume .

  9. 例如,某人想买25美分一包的纸烟,如果该州的销售税征收率是物价的百分之八,那么这包纸烟的实价就是27美分,这个数字里面就包括了销售税。

    For example , a person might want to buy a packet of cigarettes for twenty-five cents . If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state , then the cost of the cigarettes is twenty-seven cents . This figure includes the sales tax .

  10. 用税收的征收成本率和人均征税额这两个指标来衡量我国目前政府税收行政效率的现状,出现了两种不同的结果。

    Two different results appear when we measure the present government 's revenue administration efficiency by the cost ratio of collecting tax and the average amount of tax .