
wǎnɡ lái zhànɡ hù
  • current account;a/c;personal account
  1. 从20世纪年代开始,美国的往来账户逆差日益增长。

    Starting in the 1980s it has built up an ever increasing current account deficit .

  2. 往来账户这个术语就是活期账户的意思。实际上,就是支票账户。

    The term current account means a demand account . Actually , a checking account .

  3. AFC无法作为企业间往来账户(如果来源是IC账户,则对应部分的信息将被删除)。

    An AFC can not be an intercompany account ( if the source is an IC account , the counterpart information will be removed ) .

  4. 大多数往来账户开立在少数几个零售银行中。

    Most current accounts are held at a small number of retail banks .

  5. 2008年,中国顺差和往来账户占国内生产总值比例的9.9%。

    In2008 , China 's surplus and current accounts ratio in GDP stood at9.9 percent .

  6. 然而,对于活期账户或者往来账户,我们根本无权要求取款通知。

    In demand or current accounts , however , we cannot ask for withdrawal notice .

  7. 任何人,无论是企业还是个人,都可以开立往来账户。

    Anybody , either a firm or an individual , may open a current account .

  8. 往来账户(也叫支票账户)用于管理资金非常的方便,而且安全。

    A current account ( also called a cheque account ) is a convenient and safe method of handling money .

  9. 在人民银行开立准备金存款账户或在代理行开立同业往来账户,并存在足够资金保证清算;

    Open reserve account at PBC or interbank account at agency bank , in which sufficient funds are saved for settlement ;

  10. 客户如预知有一笔存入款项即将办理,也可短时期透支其往来账户。

    Customers may also be permitted to ~ their current accounts for a short period in anticipation of a credit item coming in .

  11. 对美国来说,为了收缩其庞大的往来账户赤字,它需要出口更多和进口更少,这意味着美国消费正者不得不在进口商品上花费更多的钱。

    For the U.S.to shrink its massive current-account deficit , it needs to export more and import less & which means U.S.customers would have to spend more of their income on imports .

  12. 上述账户在规定期限内未转为人民币同业往来账户的,不得再用于办理跨境人民币结算业务。

    The aforesaid accounts which fail to be changed into inter-bank current accounts of RMB within the prescribed time limit shall not be used to handle cross-border RMB settlement businesses any more .

  13. 有了往来账户,客户就可以享受到支票簿服务的便利,也就是说,客户用不着随身携带大量现金,避免了风险。

    With a current account you have the advantage of a cheque book service , which means that you don 't have the risk of carrying large amounts of cash with you .

  14. 为公司开破与董事之间的往来账户,按照董事会认为合适的条件及条款给公司垫款,该等垫款可收取利息或不收取利息。

    To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit .

  15. 美国检察官表示他们已查封涉案幌子公司在美国金融机构开设的往来银行账户上的680万美元。

    US prosecutors said they had seized $ 6.8m belonging to the alleged front companies held in correspondent bank accounts at US institutions .