
yǐng xiàn
  • hatch
影线[yǐng xiàn]
  1. 一种用射影线束族生成曲线的方法

    Method for Generating New Curves by projective Families of Pencil of Lines

  2. 坐标变换影线填充法

    Coordinate transformation method of filling region with shade lines

  3. 三维交叉影线绘制算法研究

    An Algorithm for Plotting 3 Dimensional Cross-Hatching

  4. 一种基于灭影线的无人直升机位姿估计方法

    A Method for Estimating Position and Orientation of an Unmanned Helicopter Based on Vanishing Line Information

  5. 提出用重影线法求解两一般位置平面相交求交线判别可见性的新方法。

    Design of the courseware of the intersecting line of two plane surfaces in teaching of drawing ;

  6. 让我们看看下面这个轮廓图,它包含有几个我想要用影线来代替的部分。

    Let 's look at this contour plot which contains several sections that I want to replace with hatches .

  7. 尼尔的函数让你能够修补处理斑点,把它们(斑点)转化成自定义的影线。

    Neil 's function allows you to pass in patch handles and convert them into hatches that are customizable .

  8. 阴影作图的关键在于如何求出影线上的几个特殊点。

    It is the key that to draw the shadow is to find several particular points of the shadow outline .

  9. 从上周四至今,金价连拉较长下影线,多空争夺激烈。

    From last Thursday until now , gold price Lian Lajiao under the length the hachure , competes intensely spatially .

  10. 利用消影线原理设计了定位算法,可在机器人摄像机坐标系中快速且准确地定位人工地标。

    Then the localization algorithm using vanishing line principle is designed to locate the artificial landmark quickly and accurately in the camera coordinates of the robot .

  11. 对两条直线在某投影面上发生重影的现象进行分析,从空间角度认识其几何位置,由此得出重影线的定义。

    It is in a straight-line projection of the two surface analysis of the phenomenon occurred in the film , from its perspective in geometric space , which leads to the definition of affected lines .

  12. 每一种生活的元素都清晰地印刻在生活几何的舒适情调里,正如天空中渐行渐远的影线,不经意间装饰着大地的风景。

    Each kind of elements of life all print in the comfortable sentimental appeal of LIFE ? G , like the long lines in the air which is decorating the scene of the earth freely .

  13. 接着用公式法和图解法证明了作出理想正轴测投影所利用的几何机理,即投影线方向决定正轴测轴(正轴测投影)原理。

    Then , with the formula method and diagram , the geometric mechanism in drawing ideal normal axonometric projection is testified , i.e. , the direction of projection line decides the normal axonometric projection axes ( normal axonometric projection ) .

  14. 该方法的技术关键是如何精确测定灭影点和灭影线的像平面参数,算法最大的特点为计算结果与焦距变化的无关性。

    The key technique of this method is how to obtain the accurate parameters of the vanishing points and vanishing line on the image plane , and the main characteristic is that the estimated result is independent of focus changing .

  15. 考虑画出隐藏线的正轴测投影线图,根据线画图中隐含的约束条件,建立一个线性系统,通过求解该线性系统,得出平面立体的三维信息。

    On the basis of those coordinates relations hiding in the line drawing , some new constraints about lines have been proposed , and a linear system can be established , the three-dimensional information of a planar body can be obtained by solving the linear system .