
  • 网络stylist;Image Designer
  1. 本文介绍了形象设计的起源、发展、市场需求,形象设计师的职业概念、市场现状和未来发展趋势。

    The article introduces the origin , development and market demand of image design , and discusses the career concept , current situation of market and developing trend of image designer .

  2. 据专家说,布什总统从容貌到性格,几乎每个方面都令其形象设计师大伤脑筋。

    According to experts , almost everything about President Bush 's looks and character are an image-maker 's nightmare .

  3. 女儿们则在一旁上演时装秀,有红毯,还有泰勒·斯威夫特式的尖叫,店内的形象设计师给她们做评委。

    The girls put on a fashion show , complete with red carpet and Taylor Swift blaring , which is judged by the stylists .

  4. 的形象设计师了广泛的就业机会,很高的社会地位,高收入,越来越多的要求后,大多数从业人员。

    The image of the designer a wide range of employment , high social status , high income , more and more sought after the majority of practitioners .

  5. 借助角色理论帮助普通消费者或专业的形象设计师创造了两种新的设计思路&关系型形象设计和符号型形象设计。

    The role theory assisted ordinary consumers or the specialized vivid designers to create two kind of new design mentality that is relations image design and the mark image design .

  6. 由于政要的形象工程、设计师的作品主义、企业者的经济利益的驱动,作为建筑环境主体人的地位,却被工程、主义和利益中的灯、光、亮取代。

    Because of official image project , works doctrine , drive of economic benefits , the human position as the main body of building environment is replaced by lighting , light and shining of project , doctrine and benefits .