
  • 网络Image beauty;image value
  1. 电磁理论的结构对称美和实验设计的形象美

    The Frame Symmetric Beauty of Electromagnetics and the Image Beauty of Experiment Design

  2. 对塑造教师形象美的探索

    The exploration of creating teachers ′ figure beauty

  3. 化学科学中的形象美、感性美是生动的、直观的、显性的;

    Beauty in image and perceptivity from chemical disciplines is vivid , intuitional and explicit .

  4. 女人有三美:形象美,语言美,心灵美。

    Woman has three radiances : Beautiful image ; Speak kindly ; Beautiful caring heart .

  5. 模糊语言的审美特征集中体现于精确美、含蓄美、幽默美和形象美。

    Aesthetic features of vague language focus on its accuracy , connotation , humor and image .

  6. 目的更好地塑造护生护理职业形象美。

    Objective To explore the creation of the nursing professional beauty image for the nursing students .

  7. 浅论语文教师的形象美

    On Good Image of Chinese Teachers

  8. 从审美的角度来欣赏爱情文学作品,体味作品中的形象美与情感美;

    Try to experience the beauty in both images and emotion from the view of aesthetic judgment ;

  9. 其诗意表现为批评话语的形象美、情感美和音乐美。

    The poetic character of his literary criticism is manifested by the beauty of image , emotion and music .

  10. 叠词是语言的一种特殊词汇现象,体现了语言的音韵美、形象美、表达美,英语和汉语都有使用叠词的习惯。

    As a special lexical phenomenon , reduplicated words represent the beauty of the languages in rhythm , image and expression .

  11. 形象美是魏晋南北朝文论的一个显著特色。

    Aesthetic imagery was a prominent feature of the literary commentaries of the Wei , Jin and South and North dynasties .

  12. 强化高校思想政治工作的内容美、形式美和形象美,对于增强思想政治工作的吸引力,提高思想政治工作的成效具有积极意义。

    Strengthening contents and form and visualize of political work in colleges can enhance attraction and effect of political work in colleges .

  13. 作为一种装饰元素,分析了其理解距离、时间美、怀旧美、形象美以及形式美。

    As an adorning element , its comprehension distance , time feeling , old feeling , pattern composition and form beauty were analyzed .

  14. 在审美过程中,秘书人员应注重自身的人格美、语言美、行为美和形象美。

    During the aesthetic process , secretary personnel should pay attention to their beauty of personality , language , action and beauty of form .

  15. 它不仅具有形象美、形式美,还有寓意美,受到各阶层人们的喜爱。

    It takes fancy of all levels of people , not only for its beauty of image and form , but also for its profound moral .

  16. 尤为可贵的是这种理想的灌输是通过审美的方式,从自然生态美、形象美、情感美、人格美四个方面含蓄地表现出来的。

    Particularly the ideal infusion is veiled expressed from four aspects : aesthetic ways , natural ecological beauty , beautiful image , emotional beauty , personality beauty .

  17. 形象美在文本结构的巧妙安排、合理的想象和文学语言的运用等艺术感性形式中得以实现;

    Images aesthetics are realized in artistic perceptual form of ingenious arrangements of text structure , of reasonable imagination and of the use of literary language , etc ;

  18. 通过充分展示服务形象美、服务产品美、行为品质美和服务环境美,来实现馆员与读者心理相容和情感相悦的无障碍双向交流。

    Image display services through full service products , services acts and service environment , librarians and readers to realize the psychological compatibility and emotional accessibility two-way exchanges .

  19. 施教者的形象美不美直接影响着受教者对美的追求和学习兴趣,而形象美不美更直接影响着受教育者的道德生成以及学习质量。

    Educators ′ figure is beautiful or not makes direct influence on educatees ′ interest in study and seeking for beauty , also influences them generating their morality and study quality .

  20. 秘书人员以其外形特征和风度气质显示形象美;以其崇高理想和美好情操显示人格美;

    Secretarial personnel visualize their beauty with personal characteristics and mettle , personify their beauty with noble ideals and fine sentiments , and act out their beauty with diligent and harmonious work .

  21. 李渔戏曲的词采具有深刻的美学意义,它集中表现为意深词浅的通俗美和机趣尖新的形象美。

    Li Yu word mining opera has a profound aesthetic significance , it is the concentrated expression of the deep meaning of the word shallow popular beauty and sharp new image plane interesting beauty .

  22. 又能认识到其具体特征:音乐美、情感美、形象美,以及在新的课标要求下,其生成的新要求、新特点、新方式。

    But also understanding of its specific features : music beauty , emotional beauty , beauty , and the request of the new curriculum standards , the generated new requirements , new features , new ways .

  23. 从艺术体操的美学构成、审美规律、形象美等诸多方面,结合从事艺术体操的教学经验,对艺术体操的美学理论与实践进行了较为系统的分析。

    The author makes a systematic analysis on aesthetic theories and practice of artistic gymnastics on the basis of her teaching experiences from aspects of constitution of aesthetics , laws of aesthetics and beauty of images etc.

  24. 本文试图从翻译美的角度,谈谈英语不定冠词和量词的汉译所表现出的修辞功能及形象美。

    This paper is trying to approach , from angles of comparison of English articles a / an and unit nouns with Chinese unit nouns , the rhetorical functions and aesthetic perception of images of unit noun in literary translation .

  25. 事实上,这与奈费尔提蒂的标志性形象美几乎没有任何相似之处。埃及博客和推特用户很快就称之为“弗兰肯斯坦”,谴责这是“对奈费尔提蒂和每一个埃及人的侮辱”。

    In fact , it bore little resemblance to the iconic image of Nefertiti 's beauty.Egyptian bloggers and Twitter users soon called it " Frankenstein " and denounced it as " an insult to Nefertiti and to every Egyptian . "

  26. 通过学习和掌握网球的技术与审美方法相结合,按照美学的原理和美的规律,把网球教学纳入贯穿美的理念。(4)网球教师必须注重形象美。

    Through studying and mastering tennis technology and aesthetic method unifies , according to the principle of law of aesthetic beauty , tennis teaching into throughout the beautiful concept . ( 4 ) tennis teachers must pay attention to beautiful image .

  27. 虚荣在工作室展出金的服装娃娃精米和微妙的胭脂妆的生活形象的美。

    Vanity on display in the studio of Kim 's Costume dolls of fine rice and delicate rouge makeup is the living image of beauty .

  28. 科学美是在揭示自然界运动规律和内在结构的过程中用一定手段塑造的科学形象的美。

    The beauty of science is the beauty molded with certain means during the process of unveiling the order of movement and the inner structure of nature .

  29. 本文试从七个方面、两种形态入手,同时结合中、西方音乐美学思想来剖析该歌曲所蕴涵的艺术形象的美。

    This thesis , concerning 7 aspects and 2 forms and applying Chinese and Western musical aesthetic theories , deeply and detailedly analyses the beauty of artistic images in the song .

  30. 出色的演讲首先形象要美,这样才会给观众留下美好的第一印象,为演讲成功打下良好的基础。

    At first , the wonderful lecture needs people to make a good appearance , thus , he will give the audience a good impression , and it will help him to : succeed .