
  1. 可以说,形而上学思维方式存在的逻辑结果便是虚无主义的必然产生。

    Can say , metaphysical thinking mode existing logical result is nihilistic will bring .

  2. 形而上学思维方式的理论根源

    Theoretical Origin of the Mode of Metaphysical Thinking

  3. 形而上学思维方式的产生是近代自然科学发展的结果,在科学、哲学和人类社会的发展中发挥过积极的作用。

    The development of natural science in modern times result in metaphysical mode of thinking .

  4. 用形而上学思维方式研究马克思主义哲学本体论问题导致了一些问题,走向了误区。

    Researching ontological problem of Marxist philosophy by metaphysical thinking mode caused some matters and lead to error area .

  5. 在西方哲学史上,过程思想作为一种克服和超越传统形而上学思维方式而出现。

    In the history of Western philosophy , Marxism process thinking appeared as way of thinking , which overcome and transcend the traditional metaphysical .

  6. 但是,由于这两种理论脱离了实践的基础,因此,又不可避免地具有理论上的局限性,陷入各执一端的形而上学思维方式。

    However , due to their detachment from practice , they have the inevitable theoretical limitations and thus fall into the ex-treme metaphysical mode of thinking .

  7. 发掘和继承马克思经济学中的中介分析方法,有助于克服非此即彼的形而上学思维方式,科学地分析中国转型经济的制度特征。

    Exploring and inheriting the method of medium analysis of Marxian economics will help overcome absoluteness of metaphysics in order to scientifically analyze the institutional characteristics of the transitional economy in China .

  8. 然而,中国社会学尚未对此作出反应,仍然在传统形而上学思维方式中展开自身。

    But the situation in China has not been the same for Chinese sociology has not responded to the change happened abroad yet . It has still been restricted in the traditional metaphysical mode of thinking .

  9. 观念演进与社会变迁:近代西欧转型时期的人文主义价值观形而上学思维方式的产生是近代自然科学发展的结果,在科学、哲学和人类社会的发展中发挥过积极的作用。

    Value Evolution and Social Changes : A Study of the Values of Humanism during the Transformation Period in Modern Western European Society The development of natural science in modern times result in metaphysical mode of thinking .

  10. 马克思虽没有明确地论述过虚无主义问题,但他对商品拜物教的批判、对传统形而上学思维方式的批判及其所确立的终极价值理想,为扬弃虚无主义提供了理论可能性和现实操作性。

    Marx is not specifically discussed nihilism problems , but his criticism of commodity fetishism of traditional metaphysics , critical thinking mode and the establishment of the ultimate value ideal for discard nihilism , provides a theoretical possibility and practical operability .

  11. 由此引发的哲学革命性意义在于:彻底终结了传统形而上学思维方式,从抽象的思辨转向重视人的物质性生存,转向实践思维方式;

    The significance of philosophy revolution caused from this consists in : thoroughly ending the thinking method of traditional metaphysics , turning the direction to lay stress on the man 's physical existence and the thinking method of practice from abstract thought ;

  12. 本文借助现代西方哲学批判虚无主义的相关理论成果和致思努力,对现代工业社会中的虚无主义进行了一次追根溯源式的探究,论述了形而上学思维方式与虚无主义产生的本质关联。

    Based on the modern western philosophy critique nihilism related theory results and the thought of modern industrial society efforts , the nihilism conducted an traced back type of exploration , this paper discusses metaphysical thinking mode and nihilism produce essence relevance .

  13. 指出分析哲学由于没有建立在对现代性的科学-形而上学思维方式和生活方式的足够反思基础上,所以它对形而上学的批判兴趣最终仍然导致了一种非批判的形而上学。

    As a conclusion , this study points out that the critical interest of analytic philosophy toward metaphysics has led to a non - critical metaphysics , because it has no enough critical reflection on modernistic scientific - metaphysical ways of thinking and life .

  14. 在二者关系上存在辩证思维方式和形而上学思维方式,由此得出两种不同的矛盾普遍性&具体普遍性和抽象普遍性。

    In the relations between the universality of contradiction and particularity of contradiction , there are dialectical mode of thinking and metaphysical mode of thinking , and the two different universalities of contradiction reach therefrom , that is , concrete universality and abstract universality .

  15. 造成这一局面的是人们长期以来的形而上学的思维方式。

    It just is the long-lasting think-style of metaphysics which formed this situation .

  16. 抽象的人产生的根源是形而上学的思维方式,在现实中有巨大危害。

    Abstract human originates from metaphysical thinking method and is greatly harmful in the reality .

  17. 传统的形而上学的思维方式是一种单向的实体性思维,它无法正确处理人与世界的关系。

    The traditional way of metaphysic thinking is a kind of one-side substantial thinking . It cannot cope with the relationship between human and world .

  18. 德里达对传统哲学的批判不仅是一种语言的批判,而且这种批判也怀疑全部形而上学的思维方式及结构,并提出了哲学终结的问题。

    His criticism of the traditional philosophy is not only to linguistic structure , but also a totally criticism to the thinking pattern and structure of metaphysics .

  19. 马克思生存论诉诸于感性对象性活动,通过国民经济学批判,扭转了传统形而上学的思维方式,真正贯穿了内在性,实现了哲学范式的变革。

    Marx 's existentialism transcends the mode of thinking of traditional metaphysics , changes the philosophical pattern and runs though inherence by appealing to practice and criticism of political economy .

  20. 实际上,作为宇宙观的形而上学与作为思维方式的形而上学是不同的,作为思维方式的形而上学是辩证思维不可或缺的基础。

    The metaphysics as a world outlook is different from the metaphysics as a way of thinking , the latter being the foundation in dialectical thinking .

  21. 从世界历史思维发展的逻辑来看,人类经历了朴素辩证的哲学思维方式、形而上学的哲学思维方式和思辨的哲学思维方式。

    From the logic of thinking development in the world history , people have gone through mode of simple and dialectical philosophy thinking , mode of metaphysical philosophy thinking and mode of ideological philosophy thinking .

  22. 在通常的解释中,却往往把辩证法变成脱离思想内容的刻板公式,把形而上学变成不可理喻的思维方式,以致人们把坚持辩证法和反对形而上学当成了一种套话。

    Normally , dialectics is known as a carved formula divorced from ideological content while metaphysics is understood as an elusive mode of thinking .

  23. 作为本体论的形而上学孕育了形而上学思维方式的形成,近代哲学的反形而上学思潮又从不同的方面完善了这一思维方式。

    This paper explored the formation of the mode of metaphysical thinking : the metaphysics as ontology gestated the mode of metaphysical thinking , and the thoughts of anti-metaphysics of the modern philosophy completed this mode .

  24. 同时论证了马克思主义哲学实质上也是一种形而上学,只是他改变了旧形而上学的思维方式而创立了实践批判的思维方式,实现了哲学形而上学的一次革命性变革。

    The paper also illustrates that Marxist philosophy is basically a kind of metaphysics which established a thinking mode of practice and criticism by changing the old thinking mode of metaphysics , thus resulting in a revolution in metaphysics .

  25. 针对马克思主义哲学界对形而上学的片面理解,从形而上学的历史嬗变入手,分析了形而上学是哲学的核心,指出形而上学的发展过程只是形而上学思维方式的不断演进过程。

    Directed against the one-sided understanding of metaphysics in Marxist ' philosophy world , and based on the historical transmutation of metaphysics , this paper demonstrates that metaphysics is the core of philosophy and that the development of metaphysics is no more than the evolution of its mode of thinking .

  26. 对于形而上学概念人们通常在两种意义上使用,即在近似于哲学的同义语或代名词的意义上和在与辩证法的思维方式相对立的形而上学思维方式的意义上使用。

    Generally , metaphysical conception is used in two senses which are sense closed to synonym or pronoun of philosophy and sense of metaphysical way of thinking opposed to that of dialectics .