
  • 网络Formal products;Actual Product;tangible product;basic product
  1. 第三,研究了DT花园在核心产品、形式产品和外延产品三个层次上的有关定位,并且在形式产品定位中提出了空中花园的方案,解决了客观不利因素对DT花园的影响。

    The third point is that the positioning of core product , actual product and augment product of DT garden has been studied . And we put forward the project of air garden to solve the disadvantage of DT garden .

  2. 电力产品更是一种特殊的产品,没有形式产品,其主要的附加产品是服务。

    Power is a special and invisible product and its most additional product is service .

  3. 最终,利用包装这个形式产品来推销整体产品,拓宽市场,以实现企业的营销目的。

    Finally , packaging was used to promote products , and to realize the sale aim of corporation .

  4. 一个完整的产品概念是立体的,它包括三个方面:一是核心产品,即客户购买产品的真正需要;二是形式产品&产品的外观、包装等;

    The conception of an integrated product is three-dimensional , and it includes core , formal and additional products .

  5. 三是附加产品&服务、品牌等。在核心产品和形式产品差别逐步缩小的情况下,服务往往成为营销取胜的关键。

    If the difference between core and formal products is little , the service becomes the key to win .

  6. 明确了产品是由核心产品、形式产品、附加产品、形象产品构成的整体产品。

    Defines the product is the " Holistic Product " made up of Core Product , Formal Product Accessional Product and Visual Product .

  7. 因为中国对于数码形式产品的合法性还存在争议,所以对于是否应该从法律上保护网上专利产品和如何保护意见不一。

    Because of disagreements in China on the legitimacy of the digital format , opinions have been mixed about whether and how to give legal protection to online patents .

  8. 电力行业作为国民经济发展的基础产业,具有浓厚的公益属性,电力产品更是一种特殊的产品,没有形式产品,其主要的附加产品是服务。

    The electric power industry is a foundation industry of national economy which is tied with features of public utilities . Power is a special and invisible product and its most additional product is service .

  9. STEP中以文件交换形式实现产品信息交换的研究

    On Product Information Exchange via File Exchange in the Standard STEP

  10. MDMServer管理两种形式的产品标识符。

    MDM Server manages two forms of product identifiers .

  11. 在该系统集成模型中,采用STEP中性文件形式描述产品信息,各系统之间通过中性文件实现信息的交换和共享。

    STEP files were used to represent product data in form of neutral file , by which data exchange and sharing can be realized in the integrated system .

  12. 针对网络化CAPP的需求,将识别、补充的特征信息以XML文件的形式存入产品设计数据库。

    All the information is saved in the products design database in the form of XMLfile according to the requirement of Web CAPP system .

  13. 要在ProductDomain中创建产品,首先需要以产品层次结构的形式定义产品的类型,并为每一种类型定义它们的元素。

    In order to create products in the Product Domain you have to first identify the types of products in the form of a product hierarchy and for each type define their elements .

  14. 介绍了AY系列钻塔的结构形式、产品特点及应用实例。

    The structure pattern , characteristics and use cases of the derrick were introduced .

  15. 该系统以软件模拟形式进行产品开发,基于Intranet或Internet企业管理模式,使得整个制造活动具有高度的并行性。

    The system exploit product by the form of software simulating and based on Intranet or Internet enterprise management mode , which made the entire manufacturing activities with a high degree of parallelism .

  16. 例如,要搜索在评论的“message”元素中有“disappointing”词根形式的产品的名称,可以编写下面的查询

    For example , searching for the name of a product with the stemmed form of the term " disappointing " in the " message " element of its comment can be expressed as follows

  17. STEP-NC以面向对象的形式将产品的设计信息与制造信息联系起来,消除CAX与CNC之间的信息流瓶颈。

    STEP-NC relates design information and manufacturing information of the products in the form of oriented object , dispels the information flow bottleneck between CAX and CNC .

  18. 与单纯融入知识语言的KBE方法不同,它充分利用CAD的交互式设计环境,将知识以知识项和设计对象的形式融入产品模型之中。

    Different from the method which merely fuse the complicated knowledge representation language into product model , it taken full advantages of the interactive environment of CAD systems , and fused the knowledge in form of knowledge item and design object .

  19. 过磷酸钙中水存在形式与产品物理性能的关系

    Relationship of Water Form in Calcium Superphosphate and Physical Properties

  20. 也禁止任何形式的产品展示。

    Any forms of product displays are also prohibited .

  21. 新形式下产品竞争策略的转移,使产品保证成为企业关注的重点。

    Nowadays , corporation 's competitive strategy is being diverted to product warranty .

  22. 回答:它是个附属于现代居住形式的产品。

    Answer : well , it is a by-product affiliated to modern living pattern .

  23. 另一个转变就是云,以及人们开始以购买服务的形式购买产品。

    The other transition is the cloud and people buying things as a service .

  24. 通过共同努力,最后形成口头、书面或其它形式的产品。

    A final product , oral or written or whatever , is formed by common endeavor .

  25. 我感谢您以委托代理形式为产品促销所作的努力。

    I 'll appreciate your efforts to promote the sales in your market on a commission basis .

  26. 解决办法是以粉末形式储存产品,在使用前进行稀释。

    A solution would be to store the product in powder form and dilute it just before use .

  27. 您可以为存档或备份的目的以目标代码的形式制作产品的一份复制品。

    You may make a single copy of the products in object code form for archival or backup purposes .

  28. 这可以采取多种形式:产品评论、论坛或公司主导的博客,消费者可以在上面发表评论。

    This can take many forms : product reviews , discussion boards or company-led blogs to which customers can respond .

  29. 标准化形式作为产品结构的基础组成,影响了企业国际竞争战略。

    As the basic component of product architecture , the form of standardization can influence the enterprises international competitive strategy .

  30. 我们的产品属于工业品范畴,因此我们主要采用直接销售的形式销售产品。

    Our products are categories of the industrial products , so we adopt the form of direct marketing to sell the products mainly .