
lù yīn dài
  • magnetic tape;audio tape;tape
  1. 所有的曲子都已经从原始录音带转录到了数码母带上。

    All the tracks have been digitally remastered from the original tapes .

  2. 这个按钮可使录音带转到下一个节目的开始。

    This button advances the tape to the beginning of the next track .

  3. 我听到了其中一盘录音带的回放。

    I heard a playback of one of the tapes .

  4. 沃丁顿把录音带倒回去,把留言又放了一遍。

    Waddington rewound the tape and played the message again

  5. 尼克松先生认为这些录音带是保密的。

    Mr Nixon argued the tapes were privileged .

  6. 那盘录音带太长,你得把它剪辑一下。

    You 'll have to edit that tape & it 's too long .

  7. 我没有多余的录音带。

    I don 't have cassettes to spare .

  8. 所有涉及这件丑闻的内容都从录音带中删去了。

    All references to the scandal were edited out of the tape .

  9. 一套盒装原声录音带

    a boxed set of original recordings

  10. 苏:录音带吗?CD吗?哪种音乐?

    Sue : Tapes ? CDs ? What kind of music ?

  11. 我把cd转录到录音带上。

    I dubbed a CD onto a tape .

  12. 我只是如实发表了自己对于这些录音带和CD的拙见。

    I am speaking the plain truth of my reaction to the records and CD you sent .

  13. 这些《脱口而出》的录音带和CD对你掌握英语口语有很大帮助。

    These Blurt Out tapes and CDs are a great way for you to master spoken English .

  14. 通过CD和录音带,脑电波科技会调制你的脑电波。

    Through CDs and audiotapes , brainwave technology will make use of tools that will help condition your brainwaves .

  15. 每个单位的支持,音频素材,在一系列的口音,可在音频CD或录音带。

    Each unit is supported by audio material in range of accents , available on audio CD or cassette .

  16. 这本书也录音带和CD格式,由威尔和阿里尔杜兰特阅读。

    This book is also available on audio tape and CD format , read by Will and Ariel Durant .

  17. ICP-AES法测定录音带磁粉中七种痕量元素

    Determination of seven trace elements in tape making magnetic powder by ICP-AES

  18. MD系统兼有模拟盒式录音带和光盘介质的主要优点。

    MD system has the advantages of both the analog cassette tape and the optical disk medium .

  19. 一盘杰基·肯尼迪的录音带日前首次被公开,这是在她丈夫约翰·F·肯尼迪总统被刺杀数月之后录制的。

    Audio tapes of Jackie Kennedy , made just months after the assassination of her husband President John F Kennedy , have been released for the first time .

  20. 童谣对孩子语言的发展有很大的帮助,父母可多买些录音带或CD,让孩子从歌声中学习。

    Children 's nursery rhymes do wonders for a child 's language development . Therefore , parents can use tapes or CD 's to let children learn through song .

  21. ErikaIrisSimmons我想我们大家都一样,录音带,思想包裹在尴尬的包装了。

    I imagine we are all , like cassettes , thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging .

  22. 这些学习资料可能包含印刷课文、一些CD-ROM、视频材料、录音带以及在线讯息等。

    The course material might be a combination of printed texts , CD-ROMs , videos , audio-cassettes , and online information .

  23. 你的一些朋友是不是不承认他们曾经从商店里偷过东西?难道你的朋友没有人曾经把激光唱碟CD上的内容替另外一个人转录到录音带上?

    Won 't some of your friends admit that they have stolen an item from a store ? Have any of your friends ever copied a CD onto a tape for someone else ?

  24. TCL集团的前身是华南一家以生产电话机和录音带为主的电讯器材小厂。

    TCL 's predecessor was a small factory in south China , manufacturing primarily equipment of telecommunication like telephone sets and magnetic tapes .

  25. 录音带上是那些过来人苍老的声音,回忆为人盛传的比尔街(BealeStreet)的鼎盛时期,这条街曾是中南部黑人文化的重镇。

    The voices on the tapes were those of old parties recalling the heyday of the fabled Beale Street , once the main street of black culture in the Mid-South .

  26. 本规定所称音像制品是指录有内容的录音带(AT)、录像带(VT)、激光唱盘(CD)、数码激光视盘(VCD)及高密度光盘(DVD)等。

    The term " audio and video products " as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the AT , VT , CD , VCD and DVD on which contents were recorded .

  27. 所有病人经异丙酚或异丙酚联合咪达唑仑镇静15min后,让病人听录音带即内隐记忆刺激。

    15 min after induction of sedation the patients were subjected to listening to an audiotape ( implicit memory priming ) .

  28. 1999年,我创建了Listen.com网站,期望音乐行业在不久之后能够将迅速发展的互联网作为一种载体,就像之前的CD、盒式录音带、八轨道磁带和黑胶唱片等载体一样。

    In 1999 , I founded Listen . com , hopeful that the music industry would soon adopt the burgeoning Internet as a format , much as it had previously adopted CDs , cassettes , eight-track tapes and three different speeds of vinyl .

  29. Barker卓有远见,早在二十世纪七十年代末,他就开始用录音带录下那些老居民的故事,现在那些故事占据了他书中最有趣的章节。

    With great foresight , in the late 1970s Mr Barker began to tape-record the old inhabitants , whose stories now fill the most interesting pages of his book .

  30. 我所在的是一个盒式录音带让位给CD,传真机让位给电邮,长途电话让位给大哥大的时代——然而好景不长,他们后来又被MP3,聊天平台以及智能手机取代了。

    I grew up in an era when cassette tapes , fax machines , and long-distance telephone calls gave way to CDs , emails , and cellphones - only to be supplanted by MP3s , chat platforms , and smartphones .