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lù shì
  • Employment;an office clerk;copyist
录事 [lù shì]
  • [copyist;an office clerk] 旧时政府机关中管记录、缮写的小吏

  • 郡录事骇之。--明. 高启《书博鸡者事》

录事[lù shì]
  1. 诗人摇了摇头;录事也摇了摇头;

    The poet shook his head , the copying-clerk did the same .

  2. 5.一位录事的变化

    V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk

  3. 其主要标志是都市警巡院和城市录事司的兴起。

    The main sign was the establishment of Jingxunyuan ( municipal council ) and Lushisi ( municipality ) .

  4. 当录事想到这一点,以及他的思想中所起的整个变化的时候,他就微笑了。

    While he thought of this and of the whole metamorphosis he had undergone , he smiled and said ,

  5. 因此这位录事就被带回到哥本哈根,住进哥得街上的一个人家里去。

    So the copying-clerk came to Copenhagen as guest , or rather as prisoner in a family living in Gother Street .

  6. 第二天大清早,当录事还躺在床上的时候,有人在他的门上轻轻地敲了几下。

    The following day , early in the morning , while the Clerk was still in bed , someone knocked at his door .

  7. 一只手伸进帽子里来了,把录事的背和翅膀抓住,弄得他不得不唧唧喳喳地叫起来。

    a coarse hand sought its way carefully in under the broad rim , and seized the clerk over the back and wings .

  8. 录事就这样办了,他马上飞出笼子。在这同时,隔壁房间半掩着的门嘎吱地响了一下,一只家猫目光闪闪地偷偷走了进来,在他后面追赶。

    but at the same moment the door , which was only ajar , and which led to the next room , began to creak , and supple and creeping came the large tomcat into the room , and began to pursue him .

  9. 金丝鸟在笼里激动地跳着,鹦鹉拍着翅膀,同时叫着:“让我们像一个人吧。”录事吓得要死,赶快从窗子飞出去,飞过一些屋子和许多街道。

    The frightened Canary fluttered about in his cage ; the Parrot flapped his wings , and cried , " Come , let us be men ! " The Clerk felt a mortal fright , and flew through the window , far away over the houses and streets .