
dānɡ rán jiě shì
  • natural interpretation
  1. 当然解释的推理过程为三段论式的演绎推理。

    Natural interpretation 's inference coursing is deductive inference of syllogism .

  2. 因为在体系解释、当然解释和部分扩张解释、限制解释中,司法人员都在自觉或不自觉的运用类推,这不仅是必要的,也是无法禁止的。

    Because in the systematic interpretation , natural interpretation and a part of extended interpretation and limited interpretation , judicial officer are consciously and unconsciously using analogy , which is not merely necessary , but also can not be prohibited .

  3. 这也当然解释了很多国家电力市场化改革初期为什么热衷于选择单一购买交易模式的原因。

    It also explains why many countries choose one-buyer pattern in the early stage of electricity market reform .

  4. 混合:在这一课里,我们在纹理的基础上加上了混合,它看起具有透明的效果,当然解释它不是那么容易,当希望你喜欢它。

    Hybrid : In this lesson , we add the texture based on a hybrid , it looks transparent effect , of course , it is not so easy to explain , as I hope you like it .

  5. 奥莉维亚:它当然也没解释你为什么问这么多问题的原因。

    Olivia : And it certainly doesn 't explain why you ask so many questions .

  6. Shubho:当然,这是解释

    Shubho : Sure , here is your explanation

  7. CNAS认可的刑事鉴定结论,并不当然的具备充分解释案件专业问题的法律效力。

    CNAS 's accreditation on criminal authentication is not necessarily of legal effect in interpreting professional issues concerning criminal cases .

  8. 当然可以有别的解释;我的解释就和你的解释完全两样。

    Yes , there can ; for mine is totally different .

  9. 当然,这就解释了为什么他们并不介意功能的缺乏。

    This , of course , explains why they didn 't mind the lack of features .

  10. 对于生产只不过是推迟了的说法,施瓦茨表示,这当然是一种解释……

    That 's certainly one explanation , said Mr Schwartz of the suggestion that production is merely delayed .

  11. 当然我跟她解释,你不能这么做,这行不通得。

    But of course I explained to her , you can 't do that ; it 's not allowed .

  12. 作为民商事国际条约,《公约》的解释当然要遵循条约解释的普遍规则。

    As a convention dealing with civil legal affairs , the interpretation of CISG surely should follow common rules on interpretation of treaties .

  13. 由于口译是交际活动的一种,用于解释普通交际的理论当然也可以用于解释口译现象。

    Since interpretation belongs to communication , this communication theory should also be applicable to it . In interpretation , the interpreter acts as a medium of communication .

  14. 戈德曼还说,当然可能性最大的解释是有一种被称为“上位性”的现象,在这种现象中基因可以发生大大增加某种效应的相互作用。

    Rather , he says , the most likely explanation is a phenomenon known as epistasis , where genes can interact so as to greatly multiply an effect .

  15. 经济学教授不能解释边币和法币⑵,当然学生也不能解释。

    Professors of economics cannot explain the relationship between the Border Region currency and the Kuomintang currency [ 2 ] , so naturally the students cannot explain it either .