
qiǎnɡ pò láo dònɡ zuì
  • crime of coercing another person into labor
  1. 第三部分,对强迫劳动罪的罪数形态进行区分界定。

    In section three the passage distinguishing the form of quantity of crime about the crime of forced labor .

  2. 第四部分,是对强迫劳动罪的司法认定,主要是对强迫劳动罪与其他相关罪名进行区分界定。

    In section four , it is about the judiciary verdict of the crime of forced labor , it mainly distinguishes the crime of forced labor and the other relative charges .

  3. 第二部分,通过对强迫劳动罪的法益界定、客观违法性要件、主观有责性要件三个方面进行论证,来分析本罪的犯罪构成。

    In section two the crime of forced labor is demonstrated in three respects & the Definition of interests , the objective conditions of illegality and the subjective responsibility to analysis the constitutive elements of the crime .

  4. 第三部分探讨的是此罪与彼罪问题,主要分析非法拘禁罪与绑架罪、侮辱罪、非法干涉婚姻自由罪、强迫劳动罪如何界定的问题。

    The third part explore this offence and there are problems , mainly analyzes the SINS of crime and illegal detention of kidnapping , insult sin , unlawfully interfere with freedom of marriage SINS , forced worker labor sin how to define the problem .

  5. 第一部分是强迫劳动罪的概述,从立法背景、立法价值以及强迫劳动罪修改前后的比较三个方面进行论述。

    Section one is an overview of the crime of forced labor , it is expounded from three aspects & the background of legislation , the legislative value and the comparison between the before revised crime of forced labor and the revised crime of forced labor .

  6. 试论刑法中的强迫职工劳动罪

    On Crimes of Forcing Workers to Labor in Criminal Law

  7. 强迫职工劳动罪初探

    On Crimes of Forcing Employees to Work

  8. 用人单位的刑法意义探讨&以强迫职工劳动罪为视角

    On Criminal Law status of Employer : From the Perspective of Crime of Forcing Employees to Work

  9. 胁迫类犯罪研究&兼析强迫交易罪及强迫职工劳动罪

    The Research into the Crimes of Forcing Kind & analyzing the crime of transaction by force and the crime of forcing workers to work

  10. 其实早在1994年,我国就在劳动法中明确规定了强迫劳动的各项法律责任,此后又在1997年修订的刑法中规定了强迫劳动罪。

    In fact we have stipulated legal liabilities to forced labor since 1994 in Labor Law , after that serious forced labor is deemed to be a criminal .