
  1. 这个理论曾被(张颖清等人)应用到了针灸、农业和克隆等领域。

    The theory was applied in fields including acupuncture , agriculture and cloning .

  2. 宋正海说,在科学警察们指责张颖清之后,山大停止了他的课程和科研经费。

    Song says that after the science police criticised Zhang , Shangdong University stopped the courses he taught and withdrew funding .

  3. 其中之一就是山东大学教授张颖清在20世纪80年代提出的“全息生物学”。

    One of these is a'holographic biology'theory invented by Zhang Yingqing , during his time at Shandong University from the late1980s to the1990s .