
  1. 加快推进广播影视的网络化&张海涛同志在全国广电网络发展工作座谈会上的讲话中广电广播电影电视设计研究院

    Speedup to Push Networking Construction of Radio , Film and Television

  2. 加强无线覆盖确保农村广播电视公共服务&张海涛同志在全国农村中央广播电视节目无线覆盖工作现场会上的讲话

    Strengthen Wireless Broadcasting Coverage and Ensure Rural Public Radio and TV Service

  3. 加快推进中国的音频广播数字化&张海涛副局长在2004年国际数字中短波技术研讨会上的讲话

    Accelerate Pressing Ahead with Digitalization of Audio Broadcasting in China

  4. 张海涛副总局长在2004年北京国际电视技术研讨会上作了主题报告。

    Deputy Director Zhang Haitao delivered a keynote speech at2004 BeijingInternational Symposium on TV Technology .

  5. 加大力度严格规范推动有线电视数字化健康有序发展&张海涛副局长在全国城市有线电视数字化试点工作现场会上的讲话

    Make Greater Efforts and Strictly Observe Standards to Promote Healthy and Orderly Development of Cable DTV

  6. 张海涛副局长在全国有线数字广播影视业务试点工作动员会上的讲话

    Speech of Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at National Mobilization Meeting on Pilot Programs for Digital Cable Radio , Film and TV Services

  7. 世博网6月13日消息:今天下午,国家广电总局副局长张海涛一行来到上海世博局,考察上海世博会筹办工作。

    A delegation headed by Zhang Haitao , deputy director of State Administration of Radio , Film , and Television , on Saturday received a briefing on the2010 World Expo .

  8. 在上海世博局副局长朱咏雷的陪同下,张海涛一行参观了世博规划展示厅,并登上世博大厦顶楼俯瞰了建设中的世博园区。

    Accompanied by Zhu Yonglei , deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination , the delegation toured the hall of exhibition at the Expo mansion and the Expo site .

  9. 张海涛副局长在这篇报告中详细地分析了我国农村广播电视的发展现状,明确了建立农村广播电视公共服务体系的具体指标和实施步骤。

    In his report Deputy Director Zhang Haitao analyses in detail the current development of rural radio and TV and makes clear concrete indices and steps to set up a rural radio and TV public service system .

  10. 2006年2月23日至24日,全国新一轮广播电视村村通工作会议在贵阳召开,本文是张海涛副局长在此次会议上发表的讲话。

    The national meeting on a new round of project of extending broadcasting coverage to every village was held in Guiyang on February 23-24 , 2006 . This is a speech delivered by Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at the meeting .

  11. 2006年5月17日,国家广电总局在深圳召开第五次全国有线电视数字化推进工作现场会,本文是张海涛副局长在这次会议上的讲话。

    The Fifth National On-The-Spot Meeting on Promoting CATV Digitization was held by the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television ( SARFT ) in Shenzhen on May 17 . 2006 . The article is a speech by Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at the meeting . In his speech .