
yǐn bào
  • detonate;ignite;set off;blow up;priming
引爆 [yǐn bào]
  • (1) [ignite]∶使燃料混合剂燃烧

  • (2) [detonate]∶引起瞬时起爆

  • 引爆原子弹

引爆[yǐn bào]
  1. 带安全气囊车辆的报废处理步骤为:拆下蓄电池搭铁线→安装SRS安全气囊处理工具→引爆安全气囊。

    The processes of scrapping and disposing the vehicle with safety air bags are : Dismount the ground wire of battery , mount the SRS safety air bag disposal tools and ignite the safety air bags .

  2. 不错,2014年完全是一场灾难,只等着引爆。

    Yes , 2014 is an absolute total disaster just waiting to ignite .

  3. 炸弹销毁专家在受控条件下引爆了这个装置。

    Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions .

  4. 炸弹处理小组官员在严密控制下引爆了这一装置。

    Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device .

  5. 炸弹已准备好,可随时引爆。

    The bomb was primed , ready to explode .

  6. 突然一声巨响,仿佛有人在外面引爆了火箭似的。

    There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside .

  7. 炸弹在受控条件下被引爆了。

    The bomb was exploded under controlled conditions .

  8. 另外两枚炸弹未引爆。

    Two other bombs failed to detonate .

  9. 校车被炮火击中,引爆了油箱。

    A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank .

  10. 科学家将物质转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹。

    Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb .

  11. 法国预计将在几天后引爆其首枚核装置。

    France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days

  12. 一名工程师试图引爆地雷。

    An engineer tried to detonate the mine .

  13. 先进的电池步出专业市场,潜入主流,标志着电动汽车和屋顶太阳能电池板等前瞻性技术达到了引爆点。

    Advanced batteries are moving out of specialized markets and creeping into the mainstream , signaling a tipping point for forward-looking technologies such as electric cars and rooftop solar panels .

  14. 不过,3D打印真的已经到了发展的引爆点吗?

    But has 3-D printing really reached its tipping point ?

  15. 脉冲YAG激光引爆点火药的干涉法实验研究

    Experimental Study of Pulsed YAG Laser for Igniting Detonating Powder by Interferometry

  16. Nd~(3+):YAG脉冲激光引爆斯蒂酚酸铅的化学反应过程

    Chemical Reaction Process of Initiated Lead Styphnate by Nd  ̄( 3 + ): YAG Pulse Laser

  17. 和所有SnailBait动作一样,按钮引爆也是一种行为。

    Like all of Snail Bait 's actions , button detonation is a behavior .

  18. 如果监测到十米以内有iPhone手机,我们的手机将自动引爆。康师�

    If our mobile phones detect an iPhone within 10 meters , they will automatically explode . Master Kong

  19. 巴尔干欧洲火药桶引爆的历史回顾&北约(NATO)武力解决科索沃问题的前前后后

    The Historical Recurrence Of ' Balkan The Europe Powder-Keg ' Talk About Issues On Kosovo Its Influence Again

  20. 一次引爆型固相FAE云雾爆轰半径的研究

    Study of Cloud Detonation Radius of Solid Single Event FAE

  21. 固、液相FAE一次引爆实验研究

    Experimental study on single ignition of solid and liquid FAE

  22. 看起来,这个引爆点很可能非Siri莫属。

    It looks like Siri , may very well be that tipping point .

  23. 聚能射流引爆屏蔽PBX的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Jet Initiation of Shield PBX

  24. 5例经3次治疗治愈,,治愈率达100%,每次治疗平均耗时15min。结论胃镜下Nd∶YAG激光引爆微爆破碎石术和钬激光碎石术两种方法治疗胃石症均安全有效。

    Conclusions Endoscopic lithotripsy with holmium : YAG laser and laser ignited mini-explosive technique are both effective and safe ways in treatment of gastric bezoars .

  25. 利用高速摄像技术,研究了小药量无约束空间纯铝粉、FAE固体燃料的一次引爆爆炸分散实验过程。

    The process of the explosion dispersion FAE charge and of aluminum powder is investigated through high speed video-photography .

  26. 用O2&C2H2爆轰波引爆C2H2,测量了管道内的爆轰压力,及在管道端面上的反射压力。

    The C_2H_2 detonation is initiated by an O_2 & C_2H_2 detonation wave . Detonation pressures in the pipes and pressures of reflection on end plates of the pipes are measured .

  27. 这一研究可为一次引爆FAE配方及战斗部设计与优化提供有益参考。

    The study can provide helpful references for designing and optimization of the single ignition FAE batch formula and warhead .

  28. CPB可导致早期中性粒细胞引爆及晚期中性粒细胞激活后功能失控,而使CPB术后病人早期发生由中性粒细胞介导的组织损伤,随后发生相应的炎症并发症。

    CPB may lead to leukocyte priming in early phase or late leukocyte dysfunction after activation , and leukocyte mediated tissue injury in early stage or late inflammatory complications correspondingly .

  29. 实验中采用红外技术、传感器技术、烟膜技术分别测量了正庚烷云雾引爆的延迟时间t(DDT),爆速D,爆压p和爆轰波阵面结构。

    In the experiments , the ultra-violet technique . gauge technique and smoke film technique are adopted for the measurements of the delayed time t_ ( DDT ), velocity , pressure and wave front structure of the detonation .

  30. PBX-9404和TATB的散心临界冲击引爆问题

    The critical shock initiation problem of PBX - 9404 and TATB in diverging geometry