
yì shòu
  • rare animals
  1. 四川生物种类繁多,生长着大量的奇珍异兽、古木名卉。

    In Sichuan there are great varieties of biological species , including many rare animals . ancient trees and well-known flowers .

  2. 于是我来到班杜,置身于奇珍异兽和苦涩的食物的包围中。

    So here I am in Bandu , surrounded by bizarre animals and bitter food .

  3. 其它货物如奇珍异兽、象牙,及黄金等也通过丝绸之路运输。

    Other goods such as exotic animals , ivory , and gold were also transported along the route .

  4. 罗马人在自己的领土上遍寻奇珍异兽,然后拿到首都炫耀。

    The Romans scoured their realm for strange beasts and other exotica , parading them through their capital .

  5. 火中走出两匹巨大的黑马,就像神话中的异兽,行动如一,墨玉般的黑甚至盖过了火焰的明亮。

    Out of the flames came two huge dark horses , like great , mythical beasts moving as one , jet black against the brightness of the flames .

  6. 其花纹奇美,千资百态,有的似沧海巨浪,有的如碧空流水,有的像奇花异兽。

    Its pattern Chi Mei , 1000 capital phenomena , and some like sea waves , and some , such as blue sky water , and some like exquisite animals .

  7. 公园环境多样:蜿蜒而上的小道、郁郁葱葱的森林、奇珍异兽层出不穷、奔腾咆哮的大海被数不清的小山丘环绕。

    The park encompasses a diverse environment consisting of winding paths up the craggy mount , dense patches of forest replete with curious critters , and plenty of sandy dunes flanking the churning sea .