- in early spring;beginning of spring;beginning of spring (usu.referring to the first month of the lunar year)

[beginning of spring (usu.referring to the first month of the lunar year)] 指农历正月或立春前后
The frozen earth begins to soften up at the beginning of spring every year .
After beginning of spring , some weights reach 40 tons of huge whale , the young whale who takes the new student of a group returns Alaska vastly .
Magpies are clever birds . At the beginning of every spring it can predict the weather for the whole year .
Accounting1 firms , for example , are busy in the winter and early spring , so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff .
Indeed , a broad swath of older workers once faced mandatory retirement age policies , and until this spring , Great Britain had a " Default Retirement Age "( DRA ) of65 .
Take these first , they 'll keep you snug !
The next year , they make the same New Year 's resolutions .
Getting ready to plant food for the spring .
When spring came , it brought two floods .
Once she was away , there would be no more coming back in the spring .
Now winter was approaching , and the voyage would not be made before the following spring .
Since spring she has applied for more than 100 jobs but has got only two interviews .
Li said that every year he will buy seeds of loofah and plant them in spring .
Little children look forward to the arrival of lunar New Year , adults to that of spring .
Although the real estate market become warmer in the Spring 2009 , but the future trend remains unclear .
In the overwintering experiment in open field , there was no adult survived in the soil collected in early spring .
The results showed that the cell membrane penetrability of winter wheat leaf was low before winter and higher in early spring .
So your plan is you 're gonna sweep the snow away till spring while the horse is trapped under this tarp ?
From this spring , two groups of apartment buyers from Beijng have visited and looked at the apartments of Vantone program in Tianjin .
Uniqlo alone is opening about one new outlet a week and will break into Germany and Australia next spring with stores in Berlin and Melbourne .
The economy has weakened since the start of this year as shoppers turned even more cautious given the severe housing slump and painful credit crunch .
It was springtime , and the smell and the sound of spring were everywhere , even in the Mole 's dark little house under the ground .
If you believe damage has been caused by freezing , wait to prune the tree until the spring to determine where and how much to cut .
Damaged wood caused by freezing is the exception , as what may look to be dead in the winter months , may actually renew itself in the spring .
These houses are warm , though in the spring they begin to get rather wet and damp , and the heat of the summer sun compels the Eskimos to abandon them .
She was sorry , and she knew he would probably not be able to understand , but might some day forgive her , and be grateful to her , and she expected , absolutely unexpectedly , to be married in the spring .