
  • 网络open-ended question;Open-end Questions;open question
  1. 后果是更好还是更糟,这是一个开放式问题。

    It is an open question whether the consequences would be for the better or the worse .

  2. 综合初步的价值观条目和开放式问题结果,编制了第一稿大学生价值观量表。

    Third is to integrate the preliminary value items and the result of open question to compile the first version of value scale .

  3. 基于Web的中文开放式问题回答系统

    A Web-based Chinese Open-domain Question Answering System

  4. Xiu(2001)解决了此开放式问题。

    Xiu ( 2001 ) solve the open problem .

  5. 我们有多套检视价值的方法:数量分析(Feldman)、准则数量分析(Feldman与Zaller)和开放式问题(Chong)。

    Here we have a number of different methodological cuts into the question of values : Quant Analysis ( Feldman ), Quant Analysis of Codes ( Feldman and Zaller ), Open-ended questions ( Chong ) .

  6. 我们通常问的问题可以分为两种&开放式问题和封闭式问题。

    There are basically two types of questions-open and closed questions .

  7. 问开放式问题,让他们说话,表达自己的想法没有中断。

    Ask open-ended questions and let them speak and express their thoughts without interruption .

  8. 学习询问开放式问题。

    Learn to ask mostly open-ended questions .

  9. 结合开放式问题,分析发现近自然园林拥有大量潜在支持者。

    Following the responses obtained from open questions , we found many potential supporter for NALA .

  10. 下面这些问题是开放式问题

    Following are examples of open questions

  11. 在一个对话交谈中,如果你想把注意力从自己身上转移开,就要熟悉一些开放式问题。

    If you want the attention off you in a conversation , get familiar with open-ended questions .

  12. 第一,不要用单音节词回答问题,因为面试官希望你面对开放式问题时能够拓展答案。

    First , avoid one-word answers because the interviewer expects you to proceed further on an open-end question .

  13. 这些开放式问题比想象地要难回复,所以要在面试前筹备好回复。

    These open-ended questions are harder to answer than they sound , so think about your responses before the interview .

  14. 当前,这一领域的研究还存在许多尚未解决的开放式问题。

    Currently , the study in this field is still an open issue and many problems are still waiting for solution .

  15. 以一场面试的过程为例,封闭式问题和开放式问题可以联合使用。

    Take the course of an interview for example , closed and open questions may both be used , in any combination .

  16. 流动老年人的社会认同威胁及其回应策略的测量通过询问被访者6个开放式问题等深入访谈的形式进行。

    The author measures social identity threat and its response strategy in the form of asking elderly six open-ended questions in depth interviews .

  17. 再强调一遍,假定你需要学习新东西。比尔·奈伊说:“每一个你将要见到的人都有你不知道的东西。”第三点:使用开放式问题。

    Bill Nye : " Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don 't. " Number three : Use open-ended questions .

  18. 运用开放式问题对90名中专学生的成就归因倾向进行了调查。

    There is no other way . The attributional deviations of school achievement of 90 polytechnic school students were investigated by the open questionnaire .

  19. 在调查即将结束时,你问了一个开放式问题,期待有意外收获。

    Now , when we are at the end of the inquiry , you ask me an open ended question in search of something magical .

  20. 开放式问题所要求的回答远不止是或否,它鼓励对方详细谈起某个话题。

    Open-ended questions require more than just a yes-or-no answer . Ask open-ended questions that encourage the other person to start discussing a topic in detail .

  21. 发表演讲就像在完成托福计算机考试中写作和口语部分的开放式问题。

    Giving a speech is kind of similar to the " independent " questions in the Writing and Speaking portions of the TOEFL iBT ( Internet-based Test ) .

  22. 本文设计了冲突成因量表和开放式问题,通过均值分析和皮尔逊相关分析,得到了产生企业内部冲突的主要原因;通过差异性分析,发现了影响冲突成因的差异因素。

    The author designed the reason of conflict scale and open question , the main reason of the inner-enterprise conflict is gained by means analysis and Pearson s correlation analysis .

  23. 2003年,新加坡国立大学医学教育研究室对该地区实施院校定制的开放式问题的问卷调查。

    In 2003 , the Medical Education Unit of the National University of Singapore undertook a survey by customized open questionnaires to compile the educational processes taking place in the medical schools .

  24. 开放式问题在本质上要比封闭式问题更加广泛和不受限制,也给参加面试者更多回答的选择自由。

    Open questions are broader in nature than closed questions and less restricting or structured ; hence , they offer the interviewee more freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer .

  25. 本文的问卷调研结果支持了以上结论。(2)通过对冲突成因量表各题目的均值分析及开放式问题分析可以看出:利益因素仍是引发企业内部冲突的最主要原因。

    The results of questionnaire survey supported the conclusions . ( 2 ) By the means analysis of the conflict cause scale and open question , benefit factor is still the main reason of conflict .

  26. 依据问卷的填答和开放式问题的分布情形,可知影响幼儿教师工作不满意的主要因素是社会重视程度、工作的稳定性和合理回报以及超强的工作量和精神压力等。

    Based on the analysis of the questionnaires and open-ended questionnaires , we learnt that the most unsatisfied factor of teachers was the degree of social respect 、 safe of the working 、 reasonable rewards and the pressure of the working-load on mind .

  27. 这些开放式的问题通常以what,how,why,could开头,例如:“Couldyoutellmewhatbringyouheretoday(您有何贵干)?”

    Typically , open questions begin with what , how , why , or could , for example ," Could you tell me what bring you here today ?"

  28. 多代理技术(multi-agenttechnology)综合了计算机、网络和分布式人工智能等技术,在解决复杂的分布式及开放式系统问题方面有很多优点。

    Multi-agent technology is a new multi-discipline research field regarding computer technologies , network technologies and distributed artificial intelligence . It is good at solving problems about large-scale distributed and open systems .

  29. 我们遇到了一些开放式的问题,表明Web应用程序没有正常运行,但实际上它们正常运行了;只需删除通用日志,就像需为Tomcat和JBoss等删除日志一样。

    We had a few open issues saying Web apps didn 't work , but they did ; they just needed to remove commons logging , like needed to be done for Tomcat and JBoss , etcetera .

  30. 玛丽亚:为什么不直接给我们开放式的问题或者问答题?

    Maria : Why can 't they give us open-ended or essay questions ?