
  • 网络development reserves;developed reserves
  1. 我国河流相与三角洲相储层的地质储量约占总开发储量的70%以上。

    The reserves in fluvial and delta facies reservoirs of oilfield in China are nearly over 70 % of total development reserves .

  2. 研究气田开发准备、开发储量及开发程序等有关有利于提高气田开发评价和开发建设、以及投资决策的科学性与可靠性。

    It is imperative to study the gas field development preparation , development reserves and development program , etc. , which is beneficial to raising the scientific property and reliability of the gas field development evaluation , development construction and investment decision .

  3. 理想点法在未开发储量优选评价中的应用

    Application of Ideal Points Methods to Optimization and Evaluation of Undeveloped Reserves

  4. 未开发储量价值量评价思路及方法

    Evaluation Thoughts and Methods of the Undeveloped Reserves Value

  5. 石油业现在开始开发储量充足且可开采的重油,只要油价在每桶60美元以上,其经济性就不成问题。

    The industry is starting to develop the plentiful , accessible supplies of heavy oil that are economic at any price above $ 60 a barrel .

  6. 目前,石油储量只有证实已开发储量的分类定义在各国和各上市油公司之间具有较好的一致性。

    So far there is only a consistency in the definitions of proved developed reserves for oil and gas over the worldwide government entities and petroleum industry .

  7. 本文针对扶余油田油层埋藏浅、地质储量大、难开发储量多的特点,开展了扶余油田浅层水平井钻井工艺技术研究。

    The study on drilling technology of shallow horizontal well in Fuyu Oilfield is developed in view of the character of shallow oil zone , large reserve , and developing difficultly .

  8. 辽河油田目前注水开发储量占全油区的50.4%,大部分油田已进入中高含水期。

    Now , the reserves recovered by waterflood development account for 50.4 % of the whole province in Liaohe Oilfield . Most of the oilfields are already at the medium-high water cut period .

  9. 针对辽河油区未开发储量存在的主要问题,逐步完善了集评价基础、评价单元、评价参数和评价方法四位一体的未开发储量评价模式,研制了理想点法。

    With the consideration of main problems existed for undeveloped reserves in Liaohe oil-bearing area , the undeveloped reserves evaluation mode , which combines basis evaluation , unit evaluation , parameter evaluation and evaluation methods , is further developed , and then the ideal points method is established .

  10. 本文针对建立矿山储量动态管理系统的重点和难点技术问题,论述了储量计算的理论和AutoCAD数据库的特点,采用面向对象的方法开发了储量动态管理信息系统,实现了储量动态管理的计算机处理。

    Aiming at emphasis and difficulty in building " The reserve dynamic management system " . It discusses the reserve theory and feature of AutoCAD in this paper , and has developed the reserve dynamic MIS with the oriented object , which has realized the computer process for reserve .

  11. 已探明未开发石油储量评价的模糊数学方法

    Fuzzy set theory used in the evaluation of undeveloped proved reserve

  12. 我给你开出院证明。探明的开发动用储量

    I 'll write the release order . proved developed producing reserves

  13. 低渗透复杂砂岩气藏开发与储量复算

    Development and reserve - recalculation of complicated sand gas reservoirs with low permeability

  14. 未开发石油储量评价及经济分类方法

    Evaluation of undeveloped oil reserve and economic classification

  15. 但要想开发这些储量,国际石油公司仍然具有资源所有国政府无法匹敌的能力。

    But to develop these reserves , IOCS still present resource-owner governments with unmatched capabilities .

  16. 为该区油气勘探开发,储量计算提供可靠依据。

    For this area oil gas exploration development , The calculation of reserves provides the reliable basis .

  17. 探明的开发动用储量

    Proved developed producing reserves

  18. 孔隙度是描述储层品质的一个重要参数,对生产开发和储量估计具有重要的意义。

    Porosity is one of the important parameters for describing reservoir quality and is of great significance to production , development and reserves estimation .

  19. 不过,中国也把拥有巨大未开发石油储量的委内瑞拉视为有吸引力的长期合作伙伴,有助于增强自己的能源安全。

    However , China also sees Venezuela , which has substantial undeveloped oil reserves , as an attractive long-term partner to boost its energy security .

  20. 研究表明这是一套行之有效的碳酸盐岩溶洞体积计算方法,可以为高效开发和储量计算提供参考依据。

    The study shows that this method is an effective way to calculate cavity volume of carbo ˉ nates and can provide help for efficient development and reserve estimation .

  21. 没有开发的煤炭储量;我们大脑中没有开发的宝藏&G·R·哈里森。

    Untapped reserves of coal ; the untapped stockrooms of our minds - G.R.Harrison .

  22. 确定原有已开发区块的储量资产价值;

    The determination of reserve asset value of the developed blocks ;

  23. 开发难动用储量保障国家石油安全陕北石油秩序

    Promote the Exploitation of the Marginal Oil Reserves so as to ensure National Oil Safety

  24. 目前,大庆油田开发逐渐转向储量丰度低、开发难度大的外围油区。

    Daqing oil field development is gradually turning to the periphery area with low reserves and difficult exploitation at present .

  25. 随着这些自然资源的长期开发,其储量迅速下降,由于开发造成的环境问题也越来越受到中国的关注。

    With the long-term exploitations , the reserves of natural resources decline rapidly and the environmental problems become more and more serious .

  26. 大庆外围油田经历了不断勘探与开发,探明储量与原油产量不断的增长,形成了年产400×10~4t以上的产量规模,在大庆油田发展过程中起到了重要作用。

    The exploration and development has never been ceased on the peripheral oil fields of Daqing . With the proved reserves rising continuously , the annual crude oil production has reached 400 × 10 ~ 4t , playing an important part in development of Daqing Oilfield .

  27. 加强开发低品位石油储量的探索

    Developing poor quality oil reserves for enhancing china 's oil security

  28. 油气勘探开发投资比例与储量接替率关系探讨

    Relation between investment proportion and reserve replacement ratio during oil-gas exploration

  29. 水驱曲线是计算水驱开发油田可采储量的重要方法。

    The water-flooding curve is one of the important methods to calculate recoverable reserve .

  30. 第三章矿产资源的勘查油气勘探开发投资比例与储量接替率关系探讨

    Chapter III exploration of mineral resources relation between investment proportion and reserve replacement ratio during oil-gas exploration