
  • 网络innovation-oriented country;to construct an innovative country
  1. 当代中国具备了建设创新型国家的基本条件。

    Contemporary China has the basic conditions of building innovation-oriented country .

  2. 本文认为,建设创新型国家是一项重要的任务,也是一项艰巨的任务。

    The author points out that building an innovation-oriented country is a very important and arduous task .

  3. 研究与开发(researchanddevelopment,R&D)日益成为建设创新型国家众多因素中较为关键和具有决定性的因素,足够的科技投入是提高国家创新能力、促进经济社会发展的必要条件。

    Research and development is becoming more crucial and decisive than other factors affecting the contribution of creative country day by day , and enough scientific input is a necessary requisite to improving the innovative capability of the country and prompting the development of economics and society .

  4. 加快建设创新型国家的重要途径

    Some Important Ways to Quicken the Construction of Innovative Nation

  5. 基础科学研究对建设创新型国家具有重要意义

    Basic Research is Essential for Constructing an Innovation Oriented Country

  6. 企业孵化器已成为我国建设创新型国家无法替代的重要载体和不可或缺的组成部分。

    Business Incubator already becomes irreplaceable carrier during the innovation-oriented developing process .

  7. 建设创新型国家视野中的现代远程教育

    Modern Distance Education in the Construction of an Innovative Nation

  8. 这对目前建设创新型国家更有其重大的现实意义。

    This is practically significant to currently build a more innovative country .

  9. 建设创新型国家&新时期国家战略的选择

    Building innovative country : The choice of national strategy in new time

  10. 建设创新型国家的战略决策与宗教工作的创新

    Strategy Decision of Constructing Innovative Nation and the Innovation of Religion Work

  11. 为建设创新型国家培育高素质创新人才

    Training Innovative Talent with Good Timber for the Building of Innovative-oriented Country

  12. 创意产业作为契合知识经济时代的产业形式,在增强自主创新力,建设创新型国家的过程中起着重要的作用。

    Creative industry is a suitable industry form in the knowledge economy era .

  13. 如何对企业技术创新能力进行准确、科学的评价,对于提高企业技术创新能力、建设创新型国家具有重要的现实意义。

    Evaluating enterprise technological innovation capacity accurately and scientifically has great practical significance .

  14. 建设创新型国家已被提升为国家发展战略。

    Constructing creative country has been promoted as our country strategy for development .

  15. 知识产权保护与建设创新型国家

    Intellectual Property Protection & Construction of an Innovative Country

  16. 所以说,在建设创新型国家的重大战略中具有不可替代的作用。

    So it has irreplaceable effect in the important strategy of constructing innovational country .

  17. 建设创新型国家,走自主创新之路是我国经济社会发展的必然要求。

    Independence and Innovation are prerequisite to the development of our society and economy .

  18. 知识产权战略是建设创新型国家的制度支撑。

    Intellectual property strategy is an institutional support to the forging an innovative nation .

  19. 技术创新主体是建设创新型国家的载体。

    The subject of tech-innovation is the carrier in the construction of innovating countries .

  20. 当今世界,技术创新已成为企业竞争的主导内容,我国政府更是把建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系作为加强自主创新、建设创新型国家的突破口和重大举措。

    Nowadays , technological innovation has become a dominant part in the competition among enterprises .

  21. 建设创新型国家,核心就是增强自主创新能力。

    Building an innovative country , the core is to enhance capability of independent innovation .

  22. 论建设创新型国家

    On Building the Innovation - Originated Nation

  23. 建设创新型国家,核心是创新人才的培养。

    To construct an innovative country , a key target is to train innovative talent .

  24. 建设创新型国家是我国新世纪的发展目标。

    Building an innovative country is the development goals of our country in the new century .

  25. 我国政府适时地提出了建设创新型国家的重要决策。

    China 's government makes the policy decisions timely that we should build a innovational country .

  26. 这是建设创新型国家的一项任重道远的艰巨任务。

    This is a heavy-burden and long-way arduous task in the construction of an innovative country .

  27. 2006年,我国政府提出了建设创新型国家的宏伟目标。

    In 2006 our government put forward the magnificent target of constructing an innovation type country .

  28. 建设创新型国家是我们中华民族的历史责任。

    To construct and create a new country is the historical responsibility of the Chinese nation .

  29. 产学研合作的技术创新体系已经成为建设创新型国家的突破口。

    Technological innovation system of Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration has become a breakthrough in building an innovative country .

  30. 建设创新型国家是中央做出的国家未来发展的重大战略决定。

    To set up an innovative country is one of the important stratagems made by our government .