
  • 网络building scale;Area of construction
  1. 本文试图通过定量与定性的分析,阐述了高速公路服务区单体建筑规模的设计中应注意的问题

    The paper expounded some notice problems in the definition and design of single building scale in servicing area of Expressway through quantitative and qualitative analysis

  2. 建筑排水系统内流量变化幅度大,具有不确定性,建筑规模、建筑高度和使用功能的不同导致建筑排水系统水力工况更加复杂。

    Flow rate in building drainage system changes great , and with uncertainty , the difference of building scale , building height and the function cause the water conditions in building drainage system more complex .

  3. 对VRV空调在不同建筑规模条件下使用的经济性进行了分析,论证了在较大规模建筑中VRV空调系统投资经济性降低,一般不宜选用,比较全面地指出了VRV空调系统的局限性。

    The economy is analyzed in different size building . The economy is low when using VRV air conditioning system in large size building .

  4. 定位前再次对项目所在区域市场按住宅、商业的不同产品类型进行市场细分,在此基础上定位62地块项目为SOHO中房型社区,建筑规模12万方,主力户型建筑面积在80-130平方米。

    On the base of all above analysis , it orients the 62nd # plot as SOHO dwelling unit community , whose construction dimension reaches 120,000 square meter and area of main type of house ranges from 80 to 130 square meter .

  5. 关于高速公路房建功能布局和建筑规模控制的探讨

    Discussion on Functional Arrangement of Building and Construction Dimensions Control of Freeway

  6. 科学发展观与市政办公建筑规模确定的定量标准;

    Scientific development concept and the scale control standard ;

  7. 风景区旅游接待建筑规模探讨

    Studies on the Scale of the Tourist Reception Buildings in the Scenic Spot

  8. 全球建筑规模最大天文馆即将开放,就在上海!

    Largest astronomy museum to open in Shanghai

  9. 位置选择适宜,建筑规模合理,则可以节省工程投资,达到预期效果;

    Suitably selected position and reasonable structure mode can save project invest and reach the anticipated result .

  10. 建筑规模仅次于美国国会图书馆,居世界第二位。

    It is the second largest library in the world , net to the USA Congress library .

  11. 而剧院建筑规模大,已经成为城市的标志性建筑,承载着城市文化。

    The theatre building large scale , has become the landmark of the city , carrying the city culture .

  12. 随着国家桥梁工程和水工建筑规模的不断扩大,混凝土搅拌船取得了较大的发展。

    With the development of bridge engineering and water architectures engineering , the concrete mixing ship is developed greatly .

  13. 如:建筑规模大小,体现了该时期该地区人们对体育的热情参与程度高低。

    For instance , the size of the building reflects the level of people 's degree of enthusiasm and involvement toward sports .

  14. 分析了医院由于受建筑规模及功能等因素的制约发展中面临的一些问题;

    Has analyzed the hospital because is constructed factor the and so on scale and function restriction develops some questions which the central plane is near ;

  15. 设计者根据建筑规模和用途,将奥运村基地一侧的城市河岸开敞,由于景观加上视野开阔,使这里成为纽约极具吸引力的地方。

    The urban beach , due to its size and use , opens the site as a New York City attraction : views plus unimpeded space .

  16. 由于受建设时期历史条件的限制,在建筑规模、材料、质量、设施等方面都不能满足现在国家博物馆发展的需要和安全使用要求。

    Due to restrictions in that period , the volume , material , quality and equipments of the National Museum of China could not meet its development and safety requirements .

  17. 随着建筑规模的增大,兰州市广泛分布的第三系砂岩已成为高层、超高层建筑物地基或修建地下建(构)物的惟一地层。

    The N-sandstone distributed widely in Lanzhou area provides the only foundation stratum for tall and super-tall buildings or underground buildings , with the ever increasing scale of urban construction .

  18. 尽管礼拜堂亦可训练牧师,但其平凡建筑规模以及高耸城墙阴影下的布局,都极大影响天主荣光的播洒威力。

    Though the humble chapel still allows the training of a priest , its relatively tiny size , and position behind castle walls limits its influence of the faith of the locals .

  19. 到2035年,首都功能核心区常住人口规模控制在170万人左右,地上建筑规模控制在1.19亿平方米左右。

    By 2035 , the permanent population in Beijing 's core area will be around 1.7 million , and the floor area of above-ground buildings will be around 119 million square meters .

  20. 无论是30层的酒店还是220层的摩天大楼,所用预制组件都是完全一样的,差别仅表现为建筑规模不同,预制组件堆叠的高度会有相应变化。

    Whether it is a 30-storey hotel or a 220-storey skyscraper , the component pieces are all identical ; they are simply stacked higher or lower depending on the size of the building .

  21. 大型商场能够满足消费者的多项需求,但是,由于其建筑规模大、功能复杂,在内部空间导向上存在诸多问题。

    The large-scale market can meet consumer 's many needs , but , because its construction scale is big , the function is complex , has many problems in the inner space guidance .

  22. 由于售后配件种类多、体积差异大、包装标准化低等特性,配件的存储空间需求巨大,配送中心建筑规模也较大,投资也较高。

    Because many kinds of the service parts , different size , and low standardized packaging , so it will have a huge demand for storage space , large scale and big investment .

  23. 建筑规模是风景区游客数量的体现,其规模大小要与建筑的使用者数量相适应,合理的建筑规模能有效的避免建筑空间超负荷使用或空置的不利情况。

    Construction of scenic areas a number of embodiments , their size and the number of users adapt to construction , reasonable construction scale can effectively avoid building space overload or vacant adverse circumstance .

  24. 以天津市几个大型商场为代表,按照商场的经营性质、建筑规模将大型商场分为三类,分别选取节假日、双休日、正常工作日为调查时间,得到各类大型商场疏散人数的原始数据。

    Some typical shopping malls in Tianjin city are selected as the samples , according to the characteristics and the sizes of construction of the shopping malls , they are divided into three categories .

  25. 该项目位于耒阳市核心商圈,选址好,所处环境优越,建筑规模大,对营销调研和市场定位提出了极高的要求。

    The project is located in central business district Leiyang , site selection is good , superior to their environment , building a large scale , for marketing research and market positioning made extremely high demands .

  26. 两位研究者已经剔除了几乎所有其它能解释这两类分支机构之间差异的变量,包括市场人口结构、建筑规模和楼龄等。

    The results are particularly striking when you consider that the researchers controlled for virtually every other variable including market demographics and the size and age of the buildings that could explain the disparity between the two types of branches .

  27. 但是,由于缺乏科学的、系统的理论指导,在规划和建设过程中一些项目的决策者目光短浅,盲目扩大建筑规模,随意选址,不合理配置资源,这些问题直接导致了医疗效率低下。

    However , because of the lack of scientific , systematic theoretical guidance , much of the construction project scale blind expansion , site selection arbitrary , unreasonable allocation of resources , these questions lead directly to health care inefficiencies .

  28. 新办公楼建筑规模大概是上世纪50年代兴建的人民大会堂的一半,没有改变的是承袭其庄严肃穆的风格。

    The edifice is about half the size of the Great Hall of the People , to its north , a1950s building which houses China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress ( NPC ) . It shares its dour mien .

  29. 本文参考有关史料,综合论述了苏伊士运河的历史概况、建筑规模和航运价值,并对埃及人民在兴筑、收复和重开运河中的贡献作出高度评价。

    Citing the relevant historical data , this article gives a brief account of the history of Suez Canal , its construction scope and shipping suitability , and sets a high value on the contributions made by the Egyptian people in cutting , restoring and reopening the canal .

  30. 这座建筑的规模和设计气势宏伟。

    The building was awe-inspiring in size and design .