
  • 网络kantian aesthetics
  1. 这种批评论的主要美学基础,是康德美学与实证主义美学。

    This criticism , aesthetically , is based upon Kantian Aesthetics and positivist aesthetics .

  2. 这种批评论的主要美学基础,是康德美学与实证主义美学。这也是康德美学先验人类学立场的集中体现。

    This criticism , aesthetically , is based upon Kantian aesthetics and positivist aesthetics . It 's also a centralized reflection of the anthropological stand of apriorism .

  3. 康德美学思想的关键词&想象力分析

    Analysis of the Role of Imagination in Kant 's Aesthetic View

  4. 论康德美学鉴赏判断的普遍性

    The Study on the Universality of Taste Judgement of Kant Esthetics

  5. 简析康德美学思想及其人类学意义

    An Analysis of Kant 's Aesthetical Ideas and Their Anthropological Meaning

  6. 康德美学中几个有关建筑的基本问题

    Several Basic Problems Relating to Architecture in Kant 's Aesthetics

  7. 当代中国康德美学研究简评

    Comments on Chinese Contemporary Researching on Kant 's Aesthetic

  8. 康德美学逻辑&心理二重结构论

    On the Dual " Psych - Logical " Structure of Kant 's Aesthetics

  9. 这也是康德美学先验人类学立场的集中体现。

    It 's also a centralized reflection of the anthropological stand of apriorism .

  10. 试论康德美学的先验转向&兼就目的性原理的形成与邓晓芒先生商榷

    On the Transcendental Turn of Kant 's Aesthetic Theory

  11. 论康德美学思想的调和性

    The Property of Consonance of Kant 's Aesthetic Thoughts

  12. 试论康德美学的判断在先原则

    On the principle of " judging before enjoying " in Kant 's aesthetics

  13. 中国传统美学与康德美学比照诠释

    Comparison of the Ancient Chinese Aesthetics and Kant 's

  14. 创造社与康德美学

    The Society of Creation and Kant 's Aesthetics

  15. 艺术天才理论是康德美学的重要组成部分。

    The theory of art talent is an important part of Kant ′ s aesthetics .

  16. 尘世之美与天国之美&论康德美学的两套思想体系

    The Worldly Beauty and the Heavenly Beauty

  17. 康德美学中的自由

    Freedom in the Kant 's Aesthetics

  18. 康德美学在现代中国

    Kant 's Esthetics In Modern China

  19. 康德美学并非形式主义

    Kant 's Aesthetics is not Formalistic

  20. 美是道德的象征&康德美学思想探析

    Beauty as the Symbol of Morality

  21. 阿多诺带着这样的疑问,在对康德美学的批判中,发展出自己的否定辩证法的美学理论。

    With this doubt , Adorno developed his negative dialectics theory of aesthetics by criticizing Kant 's aesthetics .

  22. 康德美学无疑是资本主义启蒙运动以来,唯心主义美学的最好标本。

    Without a doubt , Kant 's aesthetics is the best sample of idealism aesthetics since the capitalist age of Enightenment .

  23. 创造社主要成员的文学观念与文学理论与康德美学有较深的关系,但以往学界对此有所忽略,从而对一些关键性的命题产生误读的现象。

    The important members of the Society of Creation were greatly influenced by Kant 's aesthetics in their literary idea and theory .

  24. 从对康德美学的分析中,阿多诺向我们揭示了启蒙辩证法和资本主义市场经济原则在美学中的投影。

    By analyzing Kant 's aesthetics , Adormo revealed Aufklarung dialectics and the principles of the capitalist market economy reflecting on aesthetics .

  25. 康德美学是哲学化的美学,其哲学的批判理性肯定了人类的道德进步,关注人类的理性启蒙。

    Kant 's aesthetics is of philosophy . Its critical logos gives affirm to the moral progress of human and shows concern about the initiation of human logos .

  26. 对康德美学中自由概念的论述学术界论述的很多,到目前为止还主要停留在审美无利害的论述上。

    The concept of freedom has been expounded in academic circles , yet so far it has been concentrated mainly on the expounding of " aesthetic disinterestness " .

  27. 但长期以来,却鲜有专从自由概念出发深入研究和探讨康德美学思想的专著或论文。

    But for a long time , there have had few works or papers starting from the concept of " Freedom " to research Kant 's aesthetic thought .

  28. 主观合目的性是康德美学思想中的关键内容,对其进行深入探析是把握康德美学要义之肯綮。

    The principle is the key element of Kant aesthetic thinking , researching the principle in depth , it is beneficial to grasp the meaning of Kant aesthetic .

  29. 审美理念是康德美学中一个重要的概念,对它的准确把握是对康德美学进行深度理解的关键。

    Aesthetic idea is an important concept in Kant 's aesthetics . And an exact grasp of it is the key to a deep understanding of Kant 's aesthetics .

  30. 第二章,从社会工业化进程、启蒙现代性规划、康德美学、教育现代性四个方面探究席勒美育思想的现代性多重背景;

    The chapter II intend to explore complicated modernity background of Schiller 's aesthetic education thought from these four aspects : industrialization process of society ; programming of enlightenment modernity ;