
  • 网络app store;Android Market;Mac App Store;Mobile Market
  1. 还有些出版商,如《金融时报》(FinancialTimes),则干脆撤出了苹果的应用商店,推出了自己的网页应用。

    Some , like the financial times , pulled out of the app store and went with a web app instead .

  2. 我们需要为Windows或者WindowsPhone应用商店中的程序对很多资源进行打包。

    A lot of resources are needed for packaging an application for the Windows or Windows Phone app store .

  3. 谷歌似乎正在努力改善其移动应用商店GooglePlay。

    Google appears to be trying to improve its mobile store , play .

  4. 根据谷歌应用商店GooglePlay的数据,这两款游戏的下载次数均已超过1000万次。

    Each of them has been downloaded more than 10 million times , according to Google 's Play store .

  5. App应用商店,催生了一个新的内容创作产业。

    The App Store , which spawned a new content-creation industry .

  6. 然而,更多的开发商仍徘徊在Apple应用商店的门外,最后他们仅能选择删除他们应用中的那些电子商务链接。

    Many more are sticking around the App Store , but removing any kind of e-commerce link from their apps .

  7. 于是,他们改变策略,准备支持整个Android应用商店。

    So instead they are looking at supporting the whole Android app store .

  8. 在五年的时间里,谷歌应用商店GooglePlay已从新兴手机应用市场成长为大型媒体中心。

    In five years , Google Play has gone from being an upstart marketplace for mobile phone apps to a mammoth media hub .

  9. 由于中国屏蔽了GooglePlay应用商店,支持Android系统的几家独立应用软件商店涌现出来。

    Because the Google Play app store is blocked in China , several independent app stores have sprung up supporting Android .

  10. 自从2008年智能手机应用商店开始运营以来,达洛伊西奥就着手设计iPhone手机应用软件。

    D'ALOISIO BEGAN designing iPhone apps nearly the moment the app store opened in 2008 .

  11. 中国开发的App已经在印度应用商店中流行了一段时间。

    Apps from Chinese developers have been gaining popularity on Indian app stores for some time .

  12. 应用商店上极少应用程序能和ERP或CRM应用程序协同工作也是因为这个原因。

    Very few apps on the App Store work against big ERP or CRM apps because of this .

  13. 尽管苹果对在其应用商店(AppStore)上架的app进行审查,但是被感染的软件最初没有被探测到。

    Although Apple vets the apps sold through its app store , the infected programs were not initially detected .

  14. 最重要的是,随AppleTV发布的还有让人等待已久的应用商店,以及开发者用来普及该产品的软件开发工具箱。

    Crucially , the new Apple TV will debut alongside a long-awaited App Store and the software development kit developers need to populate it 。

  15. 这个软件还内置了一个应用商店,在Window8带来恢复开始菜单的需求之前,这是Pokki的主要业务。

    There 's also an app store , which was Pokki 's main business before Windows 8 came along and opened the Start Menu opportunity .

  16. 他还打算在iOS应用商店免费提供这款应用。

    He plans to offer it in the iOS App Store for free .

  17. o不要下载和运行来自第三方应用商店、下载站和其他不可信来源的Mac应用及游戏

    O Do not download and run Mac applications or games from any third-party app store , download site or other untrusted source

  18. 这些应用商店开启了一个后PC的移动新时代,人们在这个时代中日益希望获得能在各种应用和设备之间无缝连接、丰富而个人化的体验。

    These app stores have ushered in a mobile post-PC era in which people increasingly expect a rich and personalized experience that seamlessly spans any app and device .

  19. Chrome应用商店已经有从笔记软件到游戏的各种各样可以离线使用的第三方应用。

    The Chrome App Store now has an assortment of third-party apps from note-taking programs to games that work offline .

  20. 大量安卓终端是在中国销售,而GooglePlay在中国的普及程度不高,第三方应用商店更加流行,这部分导致了谷歌在智能手机与用户应用支出两方面的份额差异。

    Many Android handsets are sold in China , where Google Play is not widely available and third-party app stores are more popular , which accounts for some of the disparity .

  21. 而由于采用Android的分支版本,Fire无法运行苹果应用商店(AppStore)或谷歌(Google)Play平台上购买的应用。

    And because it uses a forked version of Android , it can 't run apps purchased on either Apple 's App Store or Google GOOG 0.28 % Play .

  22. 弗雷斯特研究公司的高级分析师王晓峰表示,谷歌Play的重返肯定会受到中国用户的欢迎,因为该应用商店在中国仍旧有着出色的声誉。

    Wang Xiaofeng , a senior analyst at Forrester Research Inc , says any relaunch of Google Play will be welcomed by Chinese users because the app store still has a strong reputation in the country .

  23. 通过观察应用商店里的受欢迎产品,苹果便能获悉应该在iPhone上添加什么功能。

    By watching what 's popular in its app store , Apple can get insight into what features to add to the iPhone .

  24. Alfred登录苹果(Apple)的应用商店短短两周就已经挤进了iPhone最受欢迎的生活类应用的前20名。

    After a couple of weeks in Apple 's app store , Alfred has ranked among the iPhone 's top20 free lifestyle apps .

  25. 苹果应用商店(AppStore)关于不允许应用程序内嵌脚本引擎/语言的限制去年开始放宽,改为不允许下载新的脚本。

    App Store restrictions on applications with embedded scripting engines / languages were relaxed last year , provided that they do not allow the download of new scripts .

  26. iPod和之后的iPhone手机,iPad平板电脑,MacBookAir笔记本电脑,iTunes以及苹果应用商店无一例外,都体现了这一点。

    He did that with the iPod and again with the iPhone , iPad , MacBook Air , iTunes and app store .

  27. 帕洛阿尔托网络公司第42单元的研究人员通过WireLurker追踪到了中国一家名为“麦芽地(Maiyadi)”的第三方Mac应用商店。

    Researchers at Palo Alto Network 's PANW 3.50 % Unit 42 traced WireLurker to a third-party Mac application store in China called Maiyadi App Store .

  28. 到目前为止,AppleWatch及苹果的iCloud和应用商店(AppStore)等服务都达不到这一点——尽管应用商店在财务上取得了巨大增长。

    So far , neither Apple Watch nor services such as iCloud and its App Store , despite the latter 's financial growth , amount to that .

  29. 随着3G牌照的发放,移动互联网在中国正渐渐成为现实,以苹果APPStore为代表的应用商店成为广受关注的商业模式。

    As 3G license payment , mobile Internet in China will be realistic , to the Apple App Store is represented by the application store become pervasive business model .

  30. 从一个移动Web开始,只把PhoneGap视为一个积极的增强技术,用于应用商店的分发和早期介入设备API。

    Start with a mobile web app and just view PhoneGap as a progressive enhancement technique for app store distribution and early access to Device APIs .