
  1. 广式香肠,口味独特,质量上乘。

    Sausages in Canton style are of high quality and with special taste .

  2. 广式香肠烘烤过程中游离脂肪酸的变化研究

    Studies on Free Fatty Acids Changes of Guangdong-style Sausages during the Oven Drying

  3. 本文用色&质联机测定了广式香肠风味成分,并分析了其风味成分的主要来源。

    We determined the components of taste of wide-fashion sausage and analysised the main source taste .

  4. 主要来之汾酒、酱油、熟肉的香气成骨以及特有的广式香肠加工过程中的美拉德反应。

    These components mainly come from the aroma of spirit , soy sauce , cooked meat and special reaction , Marade , among the sausage processing .